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Fenny: Headless CMS, 3 weeks #402

Open FennyWilriani opened 1 year ago

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago

Learning goals

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago

Week 1

I Need Help With:

Not really at the moment

What went well?

Understanding Content Management System, as I had a brief experience managing website content using several platforms as squarespace, sharepoint, and wordpress, yet most of them are using the traditional cms approach and with this module, I gain more insight and knowledge from the technical standpoint in implemented headless cms and how the content is pulled via a RESTful API.

What went less well?

I haven't got a time to finished the whole exercise yet 😞

Lessons Learned

Seems like we were having a good time last Sunday in discussing CMS, and lesson learned that we can take at the last minute of class discussing exercise case for a client, Communicate strategically is important when making the business case.

danielhalasz commented 1 year ago

@FennyWilriani your comment seems empty

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago

@FennyWilriani your comment seems empty

Sorry @danielhalasz I was creating a template before filling it with comment 😅

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago

Week 2

I Need Help With:

Hope you're not bored with me apologizing for the late check-in @danielhalasz 😅

What went well?

What went less well?

As I was skipping class on the last week of Asynchronous programming, I feel like I missed a lot of information that hinder me from creating the chat app. I read a lot of articles and watch some Youtube tutorials on what is needed to create a basic real-time chat app using strapi. Some of them are using systems and libraries that I haven't heard about yet such as PostgreSQL, Socket io, MongoDB, etc. which prompted me to briefly get to know the system first before starting my project. Now I'll just do trial and error creating a real-time chat app using systems that I already know of.

Lessons Learned

Do not overthink things, and get too ambitious in finishing the project. Just do the work and the rest will follow.

Sunday Prep Work

I Will try to make my chat-app project work this week.

danielhalasz commented 1 year ago
  • Create a file manager API

oh, sounds interesting, can I have a look?

I read a lot of articles and watch some Youtube tutorials on what is needed to create a basic real-time chat app using strapi. Some of them are using systems and libraries that I haven't heard about yet such as PostgreSQL, Socket io, MongoDB, etc. which prompted me to briefly get to know the system first before starting my project. Now I'll just do trial and error creating a real-time chat app using systems that I already know of.

yes, Youtube tutorials can be dangerous in this sense. it is always a good idea to ask other team mates and coaches, especially if you missed a class. we did not talk about the various database systems (SQL vs NoSQL) as it is not important for this phase of the course and for the chat project. all that is necessary for now is to understand data modeling and to be able to create the appropriate relationships between content types in Strapi. Strapi takes care of the rest and uses either SQL or another database language in the background, behind the scenes. as a second step, you need to write the HTML & JS code to fetch (GET, POST, DELETE) data from the database, using the API endpoints created by Strapi

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago
  • Create a file manager API By this, I mean creating a new folder file containing the project files by running npx/yarn command on a terminal as we practice the last Sunday 😅

Yes indeed, it can be quite confusing for me as in previous classes we didn't touch any subject regarding the variation of databases system.

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago

Week 3

I Need Help With:

There's nothing for the moment as I can always play back the videos and resources that are presented by coaches, and it is I found really helpful.

What went well?

What went less well?

Lessons Learned

I feel like I can do better in working on a pizza web project instead of a chat-app, yet I keep kickin' my bum to finishing this project, once I think it's proper enough I'll post it on my repositories.

Sunday Prep Work

Getting myself ready, reading materials for this week's ReactJS.

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago



What was not clear, where did you get stuck?

For me most of the time I have difficulties with how to start the project, and which sequence I need to do first, that's why watching the recorded video after class helps me again to remember things that were done, also with the check-in where @danielhalasz help reminding which necessary step or tech that should be used.

What was clear, what did you master?

Mastering is a big word 😅 yet with this module, I understand more about headless CMS, how to create and manage content using strapi, and also collaborate with postman to create or modify the API. I found this module really exciting as I wish to make my own personal blogging website. Thanks to the coaches @yoshimalaise & @danielhalasz for the lesson 🙏

Where can you still use some help?

Since I'm still not fluent yet, from time to time I need to think harder and always look for guidance in writing functions.

The Course

What can there be more of?

Nothing that I can think of 🤔

What can there be less of?

What material were most helpful (from HYF or elsewhere)?

I could say all the resources and technology used in this module are quite helpful

What HYF material was least helpful?

Any suggestions for future classes?

I really like how @yoshimalaise breakdown the sample cases in this module, the explanation is clear and he pushes us to explain our thought process in front of classmates which is quite confronting yet necessary 😄

danielhalasz commented 1 year ago
  • Also with Authorization & Authentication.

can you show where you got stuck with it? or with the concept in general?