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Maria: Workflows, 2 weeks #87

Open MMikhailova opened 2 years ago

MMikhailova commented 2 years ago

Learning Objectives

Priorities: πŸ₯š, 🐣, πŸ₯, πŸ” (click to learn more)
There is a lot to learn in this repository. If you can't master all the material at once, that's expected! Anything you don't master now will always be waiting for you to review when you need it. These 4 emoji's will help you prioritize your study time and to measure your progress: - πŸ₯š: Understanding this material is required, it covers the base skills you'll need for this module and the next. You do not need to finish all of them but should feel comfortable that you could with enough time. - 🐣: You have started all of these exercises and feel you could complete them all if you just had more time. It may not be easy for you but with effort you can make it through. - πŸ₯: You have studied the examples and started some exercises if you had time. You should have a big-picture understanding of these concepts/skills, but may not be confident completing the exercises. - πŸ”: These concepts or skills are not necessary but are related to this module. If you are finished with πŸ₯š, 🐣 and πŸ₯ you can use the πŸ” exercises to push yourself without getting distracted from the module's main objectives. ---

πŸ₯š 0. Local Development Without Git

Practice the foundational workflows of software development by learning to write Markdown locally on your own computer using Visual Studio Code (VSCode), the Command Line Interface (CLI), and NPM scripts to automate your code's quality (formatting, linting and spell checking).

πŸ₯š 1. Local Development With Git

Practice using Git to save and organize your development process. You will learn how you can use Git to go back to previous versions of your project, and to work on different changes in parallel.

Learn how you can connect your local Git repositories with a GitHub repository to add more structure to your development process and to share your projects.

🐣 3. Remote Collaboration

Learn how to collaborate with a group on a single project hosted in a GitHub repository. Practice using GitHub's project management features to organize your group's tasks and to double-check your project's code quality.

πŸ₯ 4. Open Source Development

Explore the wider world of Open Source software by learning how communities of independent developers write and maintain the code we all rely on.

MMikhailova commented 2 years ago

Week 1

I Need Help With:

What went well?

What went less well?

-I understand NPM very theoretically

Sunday Prep Work

I am still in process of preparation to Sunday

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

@MMikhailova you have done so much and nice to see that you have figured out a lot on your own and that you can help other classmates!

MMikhailova commented 2 years ago

Thank you @danielhalasz!

MMikhailova commented 2 years ago

Week 2

I Need Help With:

What went well?

Sunday Prep Work

I am still in process of preparation to Sunday

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

@MMikhailova being able to solve merge conflicts is a great skill to have! glad to hear that you have practiced it, there will be plenty more to come πŸ™‚ you do not need to know more about package.json for now other than to check the scripts that are already existing for some repos. sometimes you might see that a dependency was updated, in that case you can keep the newer version when solving the merge conflict. Yaml and json files are both used to store data in a slightly different way, so you can read about their benefits and drawbacks here, but this is optional, you do not need to know this now:

MMikhailova commented 2 years ago

@danielhalasz Thank you! Even if I don't need some info right now I really appreciate when you and other coaches find a time to explain what this info is about. It makes the bunch of unanswered questions in our heads a little less:smiley:

MMikhailova commented 2 years ago


What was not clear, where did you get stuck?

I don't really have much difficulties related to assignments and learning materials.
However, sometimes I get stuck with general understanding of WHAT we are doing and WHY we are doing this.
For example, why should we use npm, solve conflicts, what are dependencies and etc.
After a while I understood the meaning of course, but at first I was stuck with HOW we can do it more than WHY.

What was clear, what did you master?

I love how the course is organised. Many thanks to the coaches for their contribution:clap:
I have mastered Git, Visual Studio Code (VSCode), the Command Line Interface (CLI) and NPM scripts to automate my code's quality (formatting, linting and spell checking).
I am now able to do local/remote development.
I've managed the group project by using GitHub Project management features.

Where can you still use some help?

General understanding of how to apply my new knowledge.

Where can you help others moving forwards?

I learn new things relatively fast, so I always try to help those who are stuck at some point.

The Course

What can there be more of?

What can there be less of?

Explanation of small and easy to find things that everyone can google on their own.

What material were most helpful (from HYF or elsewhere)?

What HYF material was least helpful?

Some materials are stored in HYF repo and some in lab-brussels-1 which can sometimes be confusing.
Not a big deal though:smile:

Any suggestions for future classes?

Please keep doing what you do, it's great!:sparkles:

colevandersWands commented 2 years ago

Some materials are stored in HYF repo and some in lab-brussels-1 which can sometimes be confusing.

The idea behind this was to have general info that you'll need for the whole course in the class repo, information about how to succeed at HYF. The module repositories contain the specific information you're expected to learn in that module.

If this isn't a helpful way to split the info, or if you have a better idea, let us know!

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

@MMikhailova indeed, you are right, this can be a bit confusing at the start, however, as there are changes made to the core modules, if they are managed in one place (rather then in every different class repo) it is more consistent and easier to update.

as for past class final projects, you can check some of them here:

MMikhailova commented 2 years ago

Hello @danielhalasz and @colevandersWands!

Thank you for dedicating time to respond and explain everything.

I totally understood the organization logic of HYF modules and I am used to navigating.

The examples of past projects are also very helpfulπŸ™

Hope to do my best in learning at HYF☺️