lab313ru / tim2view

TIM, TM2 formats viewer, converter, searcher, editor, scanner, ripper
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Win32r90 Sendto shortcut error #4

Open gpoteau opened 8 years ago

gpoteau commented 8 years ago

Hello, there a error when using sendto shorcut with r90 but work fine with r86


lab313ru commented 8 years ago

It is strange. Because SendTo menu does not use some focusing code. Does this error happens every time?

gpoteau commented 8 years ago

Yes every time, I use windows XP, I will do some test on Win 7 and 8.

aybe commented 6 years ago

That happens too on Windows 10 and it's pretty annoying to be honest.

Whenever you double click a TIM in Explorer to open in the software, you get the error, have to press ok and have to drag and drop the file again for it to open.

I somehow tried the instructions you've provided on how to build the project but there are 100s of errors ... that's probably something very simple to fix but since I don't do Pascal dev I couldn't figure it out.

fix it up please 😃

aybe commented 6 years ago

Here is the log of actual errors:

Hint: (11030) Start of reading config file C:\lazarus\fpc\3.0.4\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg
Hint: (11031) End of reading config file C:\lazarus\fpc\3.0.4\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.4 [2018/02/25] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others
(1002) Target OS: Win64 for x64
(3104) Compiling tim2view.lpr
(3104) Compiling umain.pas
(3104) Compiling uscanresult.pas
Hint: (3123) "inherited" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Hint: (3124) Inlining disabled
Hint: (3123) "inherited" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Hint: (3124) Inlining disabled
Hint: (3123) "inherited" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Hint: (3124) Inlining disabled
Hint: (3123) "inherited" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Hint: (3124) Inlining disabled
Hint: (3123) "inherited" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Hint: (3124) Inlining disabled
Hint: (3123) "inherited" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Hint: (3124) Inlining disabled
Hint: (3123) "inherited" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Hint: (3124) Inlining disabled
Hint: (3123) "inherited" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Hint: (3124) Inlining disabled
Hint: (3123) "inherited" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Hint: (3124) Inlining disabled
(3104) Compiling uscanthread.pas
(3104) Compiling ucommon.pas
(3104) Compiling utim.pas
(3104) Compiling ucdimage.pas
(3104) Compiling ecc.pas
(3104) Compiling edc.pas
C:\Dev\tim2view\ucdimage.pas(122,20) Hint: (5057) Local variable "Sector" does not seem to be initialized
C:\Dev\tim2view\ucdimage.pas(127,31) Hint: (5057) Local variable "SecAddrAndMode" does not seem to be initialized
C:\Dev\tim2view\utim.pas(452,27) Hint: (5057) Local variable "Sector" does not seem to be initialized
(3104) Compiling umain.pas
(3104) Compiling usettings.pas
C:\Dev\tim2view\usettings.pas(88,62) Warning: (4104) Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "WideString"
(3104) Compiling udrawtim.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmap.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrawinbitmap.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgralclbitmap.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmaptypes.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgragraphics.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrautf8.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrawritepng.pas
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrawritepng.pas(86,38) Hint: (5024) Parameter "Current" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrawritepng.pas(86,52) Hint: (5024) Parameter "Previous" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrawritepng.pas(86,78) Hint: (5024) Parameter "linelength" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrawritepng.pas(69,37) Hint: (5024) Parameter "Str" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrawritepng.pas(69,55) Hint: (5024) Parameter "Img" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmaptypes.pas(305,35) Hint: (5024) Parameter "ADest" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmaptypes.pas(305,58) Hint: (5024) Parameter "x" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmaptypes.pas(305,66) Hint: (5024) Parameter "y" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmaptypes.pas(305,82) Hint: (5024) Parameter "s" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmaptypes.pas(305,98) Hint: (5024) Parameter "align" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmaptypes.pas(706,48) Hint: (5057) Local variable "targaPixelFormat" does not seem to be initialized
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmaptypes.pas(762,24) Hint: (5057) Local variable "magic" does not seem to be initialized
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgradefaultbitmap.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapen.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapath.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgratransform.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrablend.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgraresample.pas
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapen.pas(53,38) Hint: (5026) Value parameter "dest" is assigned but never used
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrafillinfo.pas
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrafillinfo.pas(155,118) Hint: (5024) Parameter "dy" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrafillinfo.pas(155,135) Hint: (5024) Parameter "AData" not used
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgragradientscanner.pas
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgragradientscanner.pas(141,33) Hint: (5024) Parameter "X" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgragradientscanner.pas(141,41) Hint: (5024) Parameter "Y" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgragradientscanner.pas(143,26) Hint: (5024) Parameter "X" not used
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgragradientscanner.pas(143,34) Hint: (5024) Parameter "Y" not used
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygonaliased.pas
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrasse.pas
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrasse.pas(328,19) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrasse.pas(366,16) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrasse.pas(396,16) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrasse.pas(429,22) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 64 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrasse.pas(440,22) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 64 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,22) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,22) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,21) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,26) Warning: (7121) Check size of memory operand "movss: memory-operand-size is 32 bits, but expected [128 bits]"
(3104) Compiling .\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(370,21) Error: (3284) Operator is not overloaded: "TPointF" + "TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(371,21) Error: (3284) Operator is not overloaded: "TPointF" + "TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(386,34) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 3: Got "TYPES.TPointF", expected "BGRABITMAPTYPES.TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgratransform.pas(872,38) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: Fit(TPointF;TPointF;TPointF);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(446,71) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 4: Got "TYPES.TPointF", expected "BGRABITMAPTYPES.TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgragradientscanner.pas(1077,34) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: constructor Create(TBGRACustomGradient;TGradientType;TPointF;TPointF;Boolean="FALSE";Boolean="FALSE");
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgragradientscanner.pas(1045,34) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: constructor Create(TBGRAPixel;TBGRAPixel;TGradientType;TPointF;TPointF;Boolean="TRUE";Boolean="FALSE");
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(451,9) Error: (4001) Incompatible types: got "BGRABITMAPTYPES.TPointF" expected "TYPES.TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(452,9) Error: (4001) Incompatible types: got "BGRABITMAPTYPES.TPointF" expected "TYPES.TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(665,24) Error: (3048) function header doesn't match any method of this class "GetShadowOffset:<record type>;"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(109,14) Error: (5088) Found declaration: GetShadowOffset:<record type>;
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(667,13) Error: (4001) Incompatible types: got "BGRABITMAPTYPES.TPointF" expected "TYPES.TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(900,25) Error: (3048) function header doesn't match any method of this class "FillPoly(const {Open} Array Of TPointF);"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(125,15) Error: (5088) Found declaration: FillPoly(const {Open} Array Of TPointF);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(905,38) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(141,15) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: DrawShadow(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;const {Open} Array Of TPointF);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(913,63) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(498,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner;Boolean;Boolean="FALSE");
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(915,61) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(472,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner;Boolean;TDrawMode);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(925,67) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(498,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner;Boolean;Boolean="FALSE");
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(927,65) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(472,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner;Boolean;TDrawMode);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(932,67) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(498,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner;Boolean;Boolean="FALSE");
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(934,65) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(472,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner;Boolean;TDrawMode);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(940,54) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(485,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAntialias(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel;Boolean;Boolean;Boolean="FALSE");
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(942,52) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(459,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAliased(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel;Boolean;Boolean;TDrawMode);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(947,25) Error: (3048) function header doesn't match any method of this class "FillStrokePoly(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;Boolean);"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(126,15) Error: (5088) Found declaration: FillStrokePoly(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;Boolean);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(966,28) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(638,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(631,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(974,32) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(638,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(631,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(976,32) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(638,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(631,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(979,72) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "TBGRAPixel", expected "IBGRAScanner"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(638,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(631,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(984,48) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapen.pas(761,10) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: ComputeWidePolylinePoints(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;Single;TBGRAPixel;TFPPenEndCap;TFPPenJoinStyle;const TBGRAPenStyle;TBGRAPolyLineOptions;Single="2";TComputeArrowHeadProc="nil";Single="0";TComputeArrowHeadProc="nil";Single="0"):{Dynamic} Array Of TP
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(993,31) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "{Dynamic} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(638,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(631,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1000,76) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "TBGRAPixel", expected "IBGRAScanner"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(638,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(631,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1002,33) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "{Dynamic} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(638,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(631,33) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: AddPolygon(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1004,48) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Dynamic} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(141,15) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: DrawShadow(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;const {Open} Array Of TPointF);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1006,40) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(141,15) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: DrawShadow(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;const {Open} Array Of TPointF);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1091,25) Error: (3048) function header doesn't match any method of this class "SetShadowOffset(const TPointF);"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(134,15) Error: (5088) Found declaration: SetShadowOffset(const TPointF);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1128,25) Error: (3048) function header doesn't match any method of this class "StrokePoly(const {Open} Array Of TPointF);"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(140,15) Error: (5088) Found declaration: StrokePoly(const {Open} Array Of TPointF);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1135,46) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "{Open} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapen.pas(761,10) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: ComputeWidePolylinePoints(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;Single;TBGRAPixel;TFPPenEndCap;TFPPenJoinStyle;const TBGRAPenStyle;TBGRAPolyLineOptions;Single="2";TComputeArrowHeadProc="nil";Single="0";TComputeArrowHeadProc="nil";Single="0"):{Dynamic} Array Of TP
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1138,39) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "{Dynamic} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(141,15) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: DrawShadow(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;const {Open} Array Of TPointF);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1146,63) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Dynamic} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(498,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner;Boolean;Boolean="FALSE");
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1148,61) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Dynamic} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(472,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner;Boolean;TDrawMode);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1158,54) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Dynamic} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(485,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAntialias(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel;Boolean;Boolean;Boolean="FALSE");
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1160,52) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Dynamic} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(459,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAliased(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;TBGRAPixel;Boolean;Boolean;TDrawMode);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1165,65) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Dynamic} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(498,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner;Boolean;Boolean="FALSE");
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1167,63) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "{Dynamic} Array Of TPointF", expected "{Open} Array Of TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgrapolygon.pas(472,11) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(TBGRACustomBitmap;{Open} Array Of TPointF;IBGRAScanner;Boolean;TDrawMode);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1172,25) Error: (3048) function header doesn't match any method of this class "DrawShadow(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;const {Open} Array Of TPointF);"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(141,15) Error: (5088) Found declaration: DrawShadow(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;const {Open} Array Of TPointF);
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1185,29) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "TYPES.TPointF", expected "BGRABITMAPTYPES.TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\,10) Hint: (5039) Found declaration: isEmptyPointF(const TPointF):Boolean;
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1203,13) Error: (4001) Incompatible types: got "BGRABITMAPTYPES.TPointF" expected "TYPES.TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1224,15) Error: (4001) Incompatible types: got "BGRABITMAPTYPES.TPointF" expected "TYPES.TPointF"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1233,51) Error: (4025) Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "TBGRAPixel", expected "IBGRAScanner"
C:\Dev\tim2view\.\lazpaint\bgrabitmap\bgracanvas2d.pas(1233,51) Fatal: (10026) There were 50 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
Error: C:\lazarus\fpc\3.0.4\bin\x86_64-win64\ppcx64.exe returned an error exitcode
lab313ru commented 6 years ago

I'll try to fix that during this weekend.

aybe commented 3 years ago

ping ! 😅

any chance we get an update for this ?

thanks 🎯

lab313ru commented 3 years ago

I think, answer is no. The project is on hold.

aybe 23 ноября 2020 г. 22:40:58 написал:

ping ! 😅 any chance we get an update for this ? thanks 🎯 — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

aybe commented 3 years ago

Alright, thanks anyway :)