labd / terraform-provider-amplience

Terraform provider for Amplience
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Add Webhooks resource #1

Closed qdegraaf closed 3 years ago

qdegraaf commented 3 years ago

A webhook is a way for Dynamic Content to automatically send messages or data to a third party system. For example, an e-commerce system might need to know when an edition is scheduled to allow it to retrieve the slots and content that the edition contains. Similarly it would also need to be notified when that edition is unscheduled.

This provider allows full CRUD functionality for Amplience webhooks

For more information see the Amplience user documentation and/or the API documentation


The response from the API when creating or updating webhooks contains secrets (the email field in notifications and the value field in header) which are returned as null.

As this can lead to state issues for Terraform the provider has been configured so that a new Webhook is created when these fields are changed. If only other fields are changed the existing Webhook will be altered.

Example Usage

    resource "amplience_webhook" "standard" {
  label = "webhook_example_label"

  events = [
  handlers = [

  notifications {
    email = ""

  header {
    key = "X-Additional-Header"
    value = "abc123"
    secret = false

  header {
    key = "X-second-Header"
    value = "321cba"
    secret = true

  filter {
    type = "equal"
    arguments {
      json_path = "$"
      value = ["abc"]

  filter {
    type = "in"
    arguments {
      json_path = "$"
      value = ["abc", "123"]

  active   = false
  secret = "a-test-secret"

  method = "POST"

  custom_payload = {
    type = "text/x-handlebars-template"
    value = "OPEN_INVERSE"
davidweterings commented 3 years ago
