Closed NiklasTR closed 2 years ago
Agreed - just moving the spec from the README so I can push the code I've been working on:
A basic CLI that encompasses the following functions:
apps = service
openlab service list service name, service id, provider name, provider id, price, rating
openlab app name --example - JSON template openlab app name - specs for the app with links to documentation
openlab job submit job.json openlab job status - job id, application id, timestamp etc. , IPFS CID for finished jobs and log data
states include: posted accepted / rejected queued running completed / failed transferred (NFT was sent)
openlab job log "job id" - reach feature that gives log
openlab token mint jobid, metadataCID, logCID, fileCID
the jobID is an IPFS CID that is generated after uploading an input job description and automatic addition of UUID open token mint is basically linking to a directoryCID - 4 files (as described above)
openlab token transfer
openlab transaction claim openlab transaction pay
more functions to rate provider etc.
openlab provider blame :D
reputation system for useful job requests
Closing for posterity
I think having a lightweight CLI is an important building block for release openlab v0