labelmeai / labelme

Image Polygonal Annotation with Python (polygon, rectangle, circle, line, point and image-level flag annotation).
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Cannnot delete polygon label #1015

Open wosiu opened 2 years ago

wosiu commented 2 years ago

I chosen a polygon on the list and git "Delete" button and I got this: image

The label is still there after clicking "Yes".

weiyixing commented 2 years ago

yes .I have the same problem. I also open 'Save Automatically' in File ,but when I delete a polygon label ,then I turn to next image . when I return the image I deleted the polygon ,the polygon still exist . my labelme version is 4.6.0 @wkentaro

wosiu commented 2 years ago

I also noticed, that it sometimes eventually gets deleted. But there is a huge lag in UI. The delayed action happens after I do some other action in UI.

weiyixing commented 2 years ago

I know how to deal with my question. my error is that ,when I make my json label , I fill in the json['imagePath'] the absolute path .but the right is the name of image . error example : "imagePath": "F:\wyx\stoneData\test_data\\u6d4b\u8bd5\u96c6\5-10\4_280001.jpg" right example :'4_280001.jpg' so may be your json format error ?

wkentaro commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the report. I'll look at this.

NiklasDHahn commented 1 year ago

@wkentaro are there any news on this bug? Apart from that, really love the program!

wkentaro commented 1 year ago

I tried to reproduce and couldn't, so please let me know a way to reproduce.

NiklasDHahn commented 1 year ago

Hey @wkentaro I think in this case it is user error, at least from my side. I did not see the "Edit Polygons" button which has to be clicked in order to delete the polygon. When in any other mode you cannot delete the polygon, altough it is possible to click on the button "Delete Polygons". This then gives the message from the original post and also after clicking on that button the "Delete Polygon" option for each label is not grayed-out anymore. For me that caused confusion and I thought it was a bug.

wkentaro commented 1 year ago

@NiklasDHahn Thanks. I could reproduce what you said. "Delete Polygons" button sometimes gets enabled even in "Create" mode. This is not right behavior, so will work fixing it.

hellowqc commented 7 months ago



Hello, I tried to delete point annotations in the interface, but I couldn't delete them. Now, I can only delete them by selecting the corresponding point annotation in the Polygon Labels column. However, if there are many point annotations in an image, it will be difficult to select the point you want to delete

NiklasDHahn commented 7 months ago

@hellowqc which version are you using? I have installed '5.0.5'. In the version that I have you can use the 'Edit Polygon' function to delete any point. You need to activate it and then move you mouse over the point that you want to delete. The point will be highlighted and then you can right-click on it and choose 'Remove Selected Point'.

sralvins commented 4 months ago

still can not delete polygon label in ver.5.4.1