labelmeai / labelme

Image Polygonal Annotation with Python (polygon, rectangle, circle, line, point and image-level flag annotation).
13.12k stars 3.37k forks source link

labelme gui doesn't show on windows11 #1278

Closed whansk50 closed 1 year ago

whansk50 commented 1 year ago

Provide environment information

python 3.7.16 on Anaconda with following Anaconda install manual of this repository

Package           Version
----------------- -----------
certifi           2022.12.7
colorama          0.4.6
cycler            0.11.0
fonttools         4.38.0
imgviz            1.7.2
kiwisolver        1.4.4
labelme           5.2.0.post4
matplotlib        3.5.3
natsort           8.3.1
numpy             1.21.6
packaging         23.1
Pillow            9.5.0
pip               22.3.1
pyparsing         3.0.9
PyQt5             5.15.9
PyQt5-Qt5         5.15.2
PyQt5-sip         12.12.1
python-dateutil   2.8.2
PyYAML            6.0
QtPy              2.3.1
setuptools        65.6.3
six               1.16.0
termcolor         2.3.0
typing_extensions 4.5.0
wheel             0.38.4
wincertstore      0.2

What OS are you using?

windows 11

Describe the Bug

same as #1233 It appears only on taskbar, but window doesn't pop-up


Expected Behavior

No response

To Reproduce

No response

guptar11 commented 1 year ago

I am currently having the same issue on Windows. I downloaded the .exe and I'm not able to see anything besides see LabelMe in the taskbar.

karthikziffer commented 1 year ago

I had the same issue in Windows 10. I am using conda environment with python 3.9.

I reset the qt config by executing labelme --reset-config and it started to work.

label --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version, -V         show version
  --reset-config        reset qt config
  --logger-level {debug,info,warning,fatal,error}
                        logger level
  --output OUTPUT, -O OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        output file or directory (if it ends with .json it is recognized as file, else as directory)
  --config CONFIG       config file or yaml-format string (default: C:\Users\rajendrank\.labelmerc)
  --nodata              stop storing image data to JSON file
  --autosave            auto save
  --nosortlabels        stop sorting labels
  --flags FLAGS         comma separated list of flags OR file containing flags
  --labelflags LABEL_FLAGS
                        yaml string of label specific flags OR file containing json string of label specific flags
                        (ex. {person-\d+: [male, tall], dog-\d+: [black, brown, white], .*: [occluded]})
  --labels LABELS       comma separated list of labels OR file containing labels
  --validatelabel {exact}
                        label validation types
  --keep-prev           keep annotation of previous frame
  --epsilon EPSILON     epsilon to find nearest vertex on canvas
whansk50 commented 1 year ago

@karthikziffer Thanks, it works well

OutAway commented 9 months ago

@karthikziffer Thanks, it works well

same issue on windows 10.

worked fine