laberning / openrowingmonitor

A free and open source performance monitor for rowing machines
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ORM keeps breaking #119

Closed moleonacid closed 1 year ago

moleonacid commented 1 year ago

I've had some success in installing / running / tweaking ORM on a 3B with the 64 bit lite OS over recent days. After a few days I stopped being able to connect to the webserver, although I could still SSH in, see the samba shares etc.

I tried a fresh install of the 32bit version of the OS, just in case, but this one has keeled over after just a couple of reboots. By running "sudo systemctl status openrowingmonitor" I can see that the webserver and some other bits are not running that normally are right after install. I tried a "sudo npm audit fix --force" from the root dir of ORM in the blind hope I might fix something, but no joy.

I'm afraid my linux-fu is tapering off here. I wonder if someone more capable could shed some light, please? Screenshots of service status before and after breaking attached as an opening gambit.

Thank you! Capture Capture2

Abasz commented 1 year ago

Please set log level to debug in config.js.

Please post the output of the following command: sudo journalctl -u openrowingmonitor

Also, are you using v1beta or the main branch?

moleonacid commented 1 year ago

Hi and thank you Abasz,

I've set the log level to debug, but I confess I don't know where the log file resides in order to post it.

I am running main branch.

The output of journalctl is pretty lengthy, so I have attached it instead.


Abasz commented 1 year ago

The issue is the Incorrect config file. You ar missing the most important property on the settings object numOfImpulsesPerRevolution.

moleonacid commented 1 year ago

Yay! Thank you Abasz. Of course, the problem was config file butchery on my part. My config file was looking at a rower profile that no longer existed. Thanks for working out my mistake!