labgrid-project / labgrid

Embedded systems control library for development, testing and installation
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grpc error #1420

Closed sjg20 closed 2 months ago

sjg20 commented 2 months ago

This is what I got trying the new grpc branch:

 HDCTOOLS=/vid/software/devel/ubtest/standalone-hdctools LG_CROSSBAR=ws://kea:20408/ws labgrid-exporter ../cfg/export_kea.yaml
exporter name: kea
exporter hostname: kea
resource config file: ../cfg/export_kea.yaml
 "  location: 'lab'\n"
 '  USBSerialPort:\n'
 '    match:\n'
 "      '@ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:03:00.2-usb-0:5.2.4:1.0'\n"
 '  USBSDWireDevice:\n'
 '    match:\n'
 "      'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': 'sdwire-18'\n"
 '  YKUSHPowerPort:\n'
 "    serial: 'YK17698'\n"
 '    index: 1\n'


add resource rock2/YKUSHPowerPort: YKUSHPowerPort/OrderedDict([('serial', 'YK17698'), ('index', 3)])
YKUSHPowerPortExport(data={'avail': False, 'cls': 'NetworkYKUSHPowerPort', 'params': OrderedDict(), 'acquired': None}, host='kea', proxy='kea', proxy_required=False, local=YKUSHPowerPort(target=None, name=None, state=<BindingState.idle: 0>, avail=True, serial='YK17698', index=3), local_params=OrderedDict([('serial', 'YK17698'), ('index', 3)]), start_params=None)
{'cls': 'NetworkYKUSHPowerPort', 'params': OrderedDict(), 'acquired': None, 'avail': False}
encoded resource {
  path {
    group_name: "rock2"
    resource_name: "YKUSHPowerPort"
  cls: "NetworkYKUSHPowerPort"

add resource pcduino3/USBSerialPort: USBSerialPort/OrderedDict([('match', OrderedDict([('@ID_PATH', 'pci-0000:03:00.2-usb-0:5.3.1:1.0')]))])
SerialPortExport(data={'avail': False, 'cls': 'NetworkSerialPort', 'params': OrderedDict(), 'acquired': None}, host='kea', proxy='kea', proxy_required=False, local=USBSerialPort(target=None, name=None, state=<BindingState.idle: 0>, avail=True, timeout=5.0, match=OrderedDict([('@ID_PATH', 'pci-0000:03:00.2-usb-0:5.3.1:1.0'), ('SUBSYSTEM', 'tty'), ('@SUBSYSTEM', 'usb')]), device=Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.2/usb1/1-5/1-5.3/1-5.3.1/1-5.3.1:1.0/ttyUSB14/tty/ttyUSB14'), port='/dev/ttyUSB14', speed=115200), local_params=OrderedDict([('match', OrderedDict([('@ID_PATH', 'pci-0000:03:00.2-usb-0:5.3.1:1.0'), ('SUBSYSTEM', 'tty'), ('@SUBSYSTEM', 'usb')]))]), start_params=None)
{'cls': 'NetworkSerialPort', 'params': OrderedDict(), 'acquired': None, 'avail': False}
encoded resource {
  path {
    group_name: "pcduino3"
    resource_name: "USBSerialPort"
  cls: "NetworkSerialPort"

add resource pcduino3/USBSDWireDevice: USBSDWireDevice/OrderedDict([('match', OrderedDict([('ID_SERIAL_SHORT', 'sdwire-7')]))])
USBSDWireExport(data={'avail': False, 'cls': 'NetworkUSBSDWireDevice', 'params': OrderedDict(), 'acquired': None}, host='kea', proxy='kea', proxy_required=False, local=USBSDWireDevice(target=None, name=None, state=<BindingState.idle: 0>, avail=False, timeout=5.0, match=OrderedDict([('ID_SERIAL_SHORT', 'sdwire-7'), ('ID_VENDOR_ID', '04e8'), ('ID_MODEL_ID', '6001'), ('@ID_VENDOR_ID', '0424'), ('@ID_MODEL_ID', '2640'), ('SUBSYSTEM', 'usb')]), device=Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.2/usb1/1-5/1-5.4/1-5.4.2/1-'), control_path=None, disk_path=None), local_params=OrderedDict([('match', OrderedDict([('ID_SERIAL_SHORT', 'sdwire-7'), ('ID_VENDOR_ID', '04e8'), ('ID_MODEL_ID', '6001'), ('@ID_VENDOR_ID', '0424'), ('@ID_MODEL_ID', '2640'), ('SUBSYSTEM', 'usb')]))]), start_params=None)
{'cls': 'NetworkUSBSDWireDevice', 'params': OrderedDict(), 'acquired': None, 'avail': False}
encoded resource {
  path {
    group_name: "pcduino3"
    resource_name: "USBSDWireDevice"
  cls: "NetworkUSBSDWireDevice"

add resource pcduino3/YKUSHPowerPort: YKUSHPowerPort/OrderedDict([('serial', 'YK17698'), ('index', 2)])
YKUSHPowerPortExport(data={'avail': False, 'cls': 'NetworkYKUSHPowerPort', 'params': OrderedDict(), 'acquired': None}, host='kea', proxy='kea', proxy_required=False, local=YKUSHPowerPort(target=None, name=None, state=<BindingState.idle: 0>, avail=True, serial='YK17698', index=2), local_params=OrderedDict([('serial', 'YK17698'), ('index', 2)]), start_params=None)
{'cls': 'NetworkYKUSHPowerPort', 'params': OrderedDict(), 'acquired': None, 'avail': False}
encoded resource {
  path {
    group_name: "pcduino3"
    resource_name: "YKUSHPowerPort"
  cls: "NetworkYKUSHPowerPort"

add resource pcduino3/SunxiUSBLoader: SunxiUSBLoader/OrderedDict([('match', OrderedDict([('ID_PATH', 'pci-0000:03:00.2-usb-0:')]))])
ResourceEntry(data={'avail': True, 'cls': 'SunxiUSBLoader', 'params': OrderedDict([('match', OrderedDict([('ID_PATH', 'pci-0000:03:00.2-usb-0:')])), ('extra', {'proxy': 'kea', 'proxy_required': False})]), 'acquired': None})
{'cls': 'SunxiUSBLoader', 'params': OrderedDict([('match', OrderedDict([('ID_PATH', 'pci-0000:03:00.2-usb-0:')])), ('extra', {'proxy': 'kea', 'proxy_required': False})]), 'acquired': None, 'avail': True}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/sglass/.local/bin/labgrid-exporter", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/sglass/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/labgrid/remote/", line 1014, in main, debug=bool(args.debug))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 44, in run
    return loop.run_until_complete(main)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 649, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "/home/sglass/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/labgrid/remote/", line 944, in amain
  File "/home/sglass/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/labgrid/remote/", line 777, in run
    await self.add_resource(
  File "/home/sglass/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/labgrid/remote/", line 926, in add_resource
    await self.update_resource(group_name, resource_name)
  File "/home/sglass/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/labgrid/remote/", line 935, in update_resource
  File "/home/sglass/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/labgrid/remote/", line 121, in as_pb2
    set_map_from_dict(msg.params, params)
  File "/home/sglass/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/labgrid/remote/", line 45, in set_map_from_dict
    raise ValueError(f"cannot translate {repr(v)} to MapValue")
ValueError: cannot translate OrderedDict([('ID_PATH', 'pci-0000:03:00.2-usb-0:')]) to MapValue
sjg20 commented 2 months ago


jluebbe commented 2 months ago

It looks like the SunxiUSBLoader isn't handled by your exporter correctly. It shouldn't pass the match: properties to the coordinator, as the are only useful locally. Instead it should probably send the properties for a class derived from RemoteUSBResource. This is handled by USBGenericExport in the exporter.

We could improve the error message though. :)

sjg20 commented 2 months ago

OK thank you. Actually I am not even using my new code. Presumably I would need to rebase on top of the grpc branch?

jluebbe commented 2 months ago

OK thank you. Actually I am not even using my new code. Presumably I would need to rebase on top of the grpc branch?

Yes, or reduce your exporter config to only the resources supported in master. Note that we'll likely rebase the grpc branch again.

sjg20 commented 2 months ago

OK thanks.

I did a rebase, but I'm actually not sure how to run the exporter. Is there a docs update? I tried:

$ labgrid-coordinator -l kea:20408 INFO:root:loaded 34 place(s)


$ LG_COORDINATOR=kea:20408 labgrid-exporter ../cfg/export_kea.yaml exporter name: kea exporter hostname: kea resource config file: ../cfg/export_kea.yaml INFO:root:creating poll task Exporting completed (129 resources) ERROR:root:coordinator is unavailable: DNS resolution failed for kea:20408: C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=kea is_balancer=0: Misformatted domain name

What is the format for LG_COORDINATOR?

sjg20 commented 2 months ago

Oh, nvm, it was a machine-configuration problem

sjg20 commented 2 months ago

So now I get:

aliases: []
tags: {}
matches: [{'exporter': 'kea', 'group': 'samus', 'cls': '*', 'name': None, 'rename': ''}]
acquired: ellesmere/sglass
acquired_resources: []
allowed: []
created: 1714407553.7462535
changed: 1718206688.5672858
reservation: None
labgrid-client: error: binding NetworkPowerDriver failed: no NetworkPowerPort resource found in Target(name='samus', env=Environment(config_file='/vid/software/devel/ubtest/lab/env_rpi_try.cfg'), var_dict=None)
This may be caused by disconnected exporter or wrong match entries.
You can use the 'show' command to review all matching resources.
aliases: []
tags: {}
matches: [{'exporter': 'kea', 'group': 'samus', 'cls': '*', 'name': None, 'rename': ''}]
acquired: None
acquired_resources: []
allowed: []
created: 1714407553.7462535
changed: 1718206688.8642414
reservation: None

I have:

  location: lab

    servo_name: samus
    serial: 686203-00047
    port: 9900
    board: samus

    servo_name: samus

    servo_name: samus

    ## dli_second_port3
    model: digitalloggers_http
    host: http://admin:1234@
    index: 3

    serial: DP025143
    chip: W25Q64CV


        name: samus

      - flash
      - build
      - variants  ## chromebook_samus_tpl

      NetworkPowerDriver: {}
      SerialDriver: {}
      ServoDriver: {}
      ServoResetDriver: {}
      SFEmulatorDriver: {}
        prompt: '=>'
        login_timeout: 25
        prompt: 'root@\w+:[^ ]+ '
        login_prompt: ' login: '
        username: 'root'
      UBootStrategy: {}
        board: chromebook_samus
        binman_indir: /vid/software/devel/samus/bin
        method: em100
jluebbe commented 2 months ago

There's still something broken with acquiring the resources on the exporter when locking places, which I'm looking at now. I'll keep you updated on IRC/Matrix.

sjg20 commented 2 months ago

I just tried the latest grpc branch and it works! So I am closing this.