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Sweep: I need your help to move the static front end to dynamic backend #5

Closed labi1240 closed 3 months ago

labi1240 commented 3 months ago

This is the nextjs 14 app router template and there i have created the API routes src/app/api/users/login/route.ts these are different from traditional pages /api routes because i am using app directory and here page.tsx acts as index.tsx as you can see in template. everything is working good but i want to use my mongodb database data in this template i already made the db connections and all but i need your help to write the code for change the static code values with these routes src/app/api/users/ You can find various routes like for login, signup, me, verifyemail, and logout there is middleware code also.

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server' import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server'

export function middleware(request: NextRequest) { const path = request.nextUrl.pathname

const isPublicPath = path === '/login' || path === '/signup' || path === '/verifyemail'

const token = request.cookies.get('token')?.value || ''

if(isPublicPath && token) { return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/', request.nextUrl)) }

if (!isPublicPath && !token) { return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/login', request.nextUrl)) }


// See "Matching Paths" below to learn more export const config = { matcher: [ '/', '/profile', '/login', '/signup', '/verifyemail' ] }

So please can you help me

Checklist - [X] Modify `src/app/api/users/login/route.ts` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `src/app/api/users/login/route.ts` ✓ [Edit]( - [X] Modify `src/app/api/users/signup/route.ts` ! No changes made [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `src/app/api/users/signup/route.ts` ✗ [Edit]( - [X] Modify `src/app/api/users/me/route.ts` ! No changes made [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `src/app/api/users/me/route.ts` ✗ [Edit]( - [X] Modify `src/app/api/users/verifyemail/route.ts` ! No changes made [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `src/app/api/users/verifyemail/route.ts` ✗ [Edit]( - [X] Modify `src/app/api/users/logout/route.ts` ! No changes made [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `src/app/api/users/logout/route.ts` ✗ [Edit]( - [X] Create `src/app/api/middleware.ts` ✗ [Edit]( - [X] Running GitHub Actions for `src/app/api/middleware.ts` ✗ [Edit](
sweep-ai[bot] commented 3 months ago

🚀 Here's the PR! #7

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Step 1: 🔎 Searching

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I think are relevant in decreasing order of relevance (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
     try {

         const reqBody = await request.json()
-        const {email, password} = reqBody;
+        const {username, password} = reqBody;

         //check if user exists
-        const user = await User.findOne({email})
+        const user = await User.findOne({username})
             return NextResponse.json({error: "User does not exist"}, {status: 400})

Ran GitHub Actions for 6e8d6f589b6c489cff3c1d37a167c797d6adb440:

Step 3: 🔁 Code Review

I have finished reviewing the code for completeness. I did not find errors for sweep/i_need_your_help_to_move_the_static_fron_306f7.

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  • New dashboard launched for real-time tracking of Sweep issues, covering all stages from search to coding.
  • Integration of OpenAI's latest Assistant API for more efficient and reliable code planning and editing, improving speed by 3x.
  • Use the GitHub issues extension for creating Sweep issues directly from your editor.

💡 To recreate the pull request edit the issue title or description. Something wrong? Let us know.

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labi1240 commented 3 months ago

🚀 Here's the PR! #6

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💎 Sweep Pro: I'm using GPT-4. You have unlimited GPT-4 tickets. (tracking ID: None)
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I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I think are relevant in decreasing order of relevance (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

@@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
 import { connect } from "@/database/dbConfig/dbConfig"; // Adjusted if dbConfig is indeed in the database folder
-import User from "@/database/models/userModel"; // Adjusted to use the absolute path alias
 import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
 import bcryptjs from "bcryptjs";
-import { sendEmail } from "@/database/helpers/mailer";
+import jwt from "jsonwebtoken";


 export async function POST(request: NextRequest) {
               try {
-                            const reqBody = await request.json()
-                            const { username, email, password } = reqBody

-                            console.log(reqBody);
+        const reqBody = await request.json()
+        const {email, password} = reqBody;
+        console.log(reqBody);

-                            //check if user already exists
-                            const user = await User.findOne({ email })
+        //check if user exists
+        const user = await User.findOne({email})
+        if(!user){
+            return NextResponse.json({error: "User does not exist"}, {status: 400})
+        }
+        console.log("user exists");

-                            if (user) {
-                                          return NextResponse.json({ error: "User already exists" }, { status: 400 })
-                            }
-                            //hash password
-                            const salt = await bcryptjs.genSalt(10)
-                            const hashedPassword = await bcryptjs.hash(password, salt)
+        //check if password is correct
+        const validPassword = await, user.password)
+        if(!validPassword){
+            return NextResponse.json({error: "Invalid password"}, {status: 400})
+        }
+        console.log(user);
+        //create token data

                             const newUser = new User({
@@ -33,24 +34,25 @@
                                           password: hashedPassword

-                            const savedUser = await
-                            console.log(savedUser);
+        //create token data
+        const tokenData = {
+            id: user._id,
+            username: user.username,
+            email:
+        }
+        //create token
+        const token = await jwt.sign(tokenData, process.env.TOKEN_SECRET!, {expiresIn: "1d"})

-                            //send verification email
+        const response = NextResponse.json({
+            message: "Login successful",
+            success: true,
+        })
+        response.cookies.set("token", token, {
+            httpOnly: true,
+        })
+        return response;

-                            await sendEmail({ email, emailType: "VERIFY", userId: savedUser._id })
-                            return NextResponse.json({
-                                          message: "User created successfully",
-                                          success: true,
-                                          savedUser
-                            })
-              } catch (error: any) {
-                            return NextResponse.json({ error: error.message }, { status: 500 })
-              }
+    } catch (error: any) {
+        return NextResponse.json({error: error.message}, {status: 500})
+    }

Ran GitHub Actions for 6c60fe6aab55c1554cb424115983e8d80ee16748:

Step 3: 🔁 Code Review

I have finished reviewing the code for completeness. I did not find errors for sweep/i_need_your_help_to_move_the_static_fron.

🎉 Latest improvements to Sweep:
  • New dashboard launched for real-time tracking of Sweep issues, covering all stages from search to coding.
  • Integration of OpenAI's latest Assistant API for more efficient and reliable code planning and editing, improving speed by 3x.
  • Use the GitHub issues extension for creating Sweep issues directly from your editor.

💡 To recreate the pull request edit the issue title or description. Something wrong? Let us know.

This is an automated message generated by Sweep AI.

labi1240 commented 3 months ago

"I'm developing a Next.js application and have implemented Route Handlers for various functionalities such as signup, login, logout, email verification, and retrieving the user profile. Each functionality is encapsulated in its respective route.ts file within the app/api directory. I'd like guidance on how to connect these backend functionalities with my frontend components.

Specifically, for my signup feature, I've created a Route Handler that handles user registration. Now, I want to create a signup form in my frontend that interacts with this Route Handler. Could you provide an example or a detailed explanation of how to build a signup/page.tsx file that includes:

A form with email and password fields that users can fill out to register. Form validation to ensure user input meets certain criteria before submission. An onSubmit event that sends the form data to my signup Route Handler and handles the response appropriately, such as showing a success message or error messages returned from the backend. Proper error handling on the frontend to display any errors returned from the backend to the user. Additionally, I'm interested in how to manage state and loading indicators while the request is being processed, and how to redirect users upon successful signup.

It would be helpful if you could also touch on best practices for structuring these frontend pages in a Next.js project, ensuring that they are SEO-friendly and performant."

How to Structure Your signup/page.tsx This request is focused on connecting your backend Route Handlers with the frontend components in a Next.js application. For the signup/page.tsx, you will likely create a React component that includes a form for user inputs, client-side validation logic, and fetch API calls to communicate with your backend. Handling the response properly, managing component state for loading and errors, and redirecting users upon successful signup are also crucial parts of this integration.

NEXTJS docs guide

Route Handlers Route Handlers allow you to create custom request handlers for a given route using the Web Request and Response APIs.

Route.js Special File Good to know: Route Handlers are only available inside the app directory. They are the equivalent of API Routes inside the pages directory meaning you do not need to use API Routes and Route Handlers together.

Convention Route Handlers are defined in a route.js|ts file inside the app directory:



export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic' // defaults to auto export async function GET(request: Request) {} Route Handlers can be nested inside the app directory, similar to page.js and layout.js. But there cannot be a route.js file at the same route segment level as page.js.

Supported HTTP Methods The following HTTP methods are supported: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, and OPTIONS. If an unsupported method is called, Next.js will return a 405 Method Not Allowed response.

Extended NextRequest and NextResponse APIs In addition to supporting native Request and Response. Next.js extends them with NextRequest and NextResponse to provide convenient helpers for advanced use cases.

Behavior Caching Route Handlers are cached by default when using the GET method with the Response object.



export async function GET() { const res = await fetch('', { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'API-Key': process.env.DATA_API_KEY, }, }) const data = await res.json()

return Response.json({ data }) } TypeScript Warning: Response.json() is only valid from TypeScript 5.2. If you use a lower TypeScript version, you can use NextResponse.json() for typed responses instead.

Opting out of caching You can opt out of caching by:

Using the Request object with the GET method. Using any of the other HTTP methods. Using Dynamic Functions like cookies and headers. The Segment Config Options manually specifies dynamic mode. For example:



export async function GET(request: Request) { const { searchParams } = new URL(request.url) const id = searchParams.get('id') const res = await fetch(${id}, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'API-Key': process.env.DATA_API_KEY!, }, }) const product = await res.json()

return Response.json({ product }) } Similarly, the POST method will cause the Route Handler to be evaluated dynamically.



export async function POST() { const res = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'API-Key': process.env.DATA_API_KEY!, }, body: JSON.stringify({ time: new Date().toISOString() }), })

const data = await res.json()

return Response.json(data) } Good to know: Like API Routes, Route Handlers can be used for cases like handling form submissions. A new abstraction for handling forms and mutations that integrates deeply with React is being worked on.

Route Resolution You can consider a route the lowest level routing primitive.

They do not participate in layouts or client-side navigations like page. There cannot be a route.js file at the same route as page.js. Page Route Result app/page.js app/route.js Conflict app/page.js app/api/route.js Valid app/[user]/page.js app/api/route.js Valid Each route.js or page.js file takes over all HTTP verbs for that route.


export default function Page() { return

Hello, Next.js!


// ❌ Conflict // app/route.js export async function POST(request) {} Examples The following examples show how to combine Route Handlers with other Next.js APIs and features.

Revalidating Cached Data You can revalidate cached data using the next.revalidate option:



export async function GET() { const res = await fetch('', { next: { revalidate: 60 }, // Revalidate every 60 seconds }) const data = await res.json()

return Response.json(data) } Alternatively, you can use the revalidate segment config option:

export const revalidate = 60 Dynamic Functions Route Handlers can be used with dynamic functions from Next.js, like cookies and headers.

Cookies You can read or set cookies with cookies from next/headers. This server function can be called directly in a Route Handler, or nested inside of another function.

Alternatively, you can return a new Response using the Set-Cookie header.



import { cookies } from 'next/headers'

export async function GET(request: Request) { const cookieStore = cookies() const token = cookieStore.get('token')

return new Response('Hello, Next.js!', { status: 200, headers: { 'Set-Cookie': token=${token.value} }, }) } You can also use the underlying Web APIs to read cookies from the request (NextRequest):



import { type NextRequest } from 'next/server'

export async function GET(request: NextRequest) { const token = request.cookies.get('token') } Headers You can read headers with headers from next/headers. This server function can be called directly in a Route Handler, or nested inside of another function.

This headers instance is read-only. To set headers, you need to return a new Response with new headers.



import { headers } from 'next/headers'

export async function GET(request: Request) { const headersList = headers() const referer = headersList.get('referer')

return new Response('Hello, Next.js!', { status: 200, headers: { referer: referer }, }) } You can also use the underlying Web APIs to read headers from the request (NextRequest):



import { type NextRequest } from 'next/server'

export async function GET(request: NextRequest) { const requestHeaders = new Headers(request.headers) } Redirects app/api/route.ts


import { redirect } from 'next/navigation'

export async function GET(request: Request) { redirect('') } Dynamic Route Segments We recommend reading the Defining Routes page before continuing.

Route Handlers can use Dynamic Segments to create request handlers from dynamic data.



export async function GET( request: Request, { params }: { params: { slug: string } } ) { const slug = params.slug // 'a', 'b', or 'c' } Route Example URL params app/items/[slug]/route.js /items/a { slug: 'a' } app/items/[slug]/route.js /items/b { slug: 'b' } app/items/[slug]/route.js /items/c { slug: 'c' } URL Query Parameters The request object passed to the Route Handler is a NextRequest instance, which has some additional convenience methods, including for more easily handling query parameters.



import { type NextRequest } from 'next/server'

export function GET(request: NextRequest) { const searchParams = request.nextUrl.searchParams const query = searchParams.get('query') // query is "hello" for /api/search?query=hello } Streaming Streaming is commonly used in combination with Large Language Models (LLMs), such as OpenAI, for AI-generated content. Learn more about the AI SDK.



import OpenAI from 'openai' import { OpenAIStream, StreamingTextResponse } from 'ai'

const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY, })

export const runtime = 'edge'

export async function POST(req: Request) { const { messages } = await req.json() const response = await{ model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', stream: true, messages, })

const stream = OpenAIStream(response)

return new StreamingTextResponse(stream) } These abstractions use the Web APIs to create a stream. You can also use the underlying Web APIs directly.



// function iteratorToStream(iterator: any) { return new ReadableStream({ async pull(controller) { const { value, done } = await

  if (done) {
  } else {

}) }

function sleep(time: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, time) }) }

const encoder = new TextEncoder()

async function* makeIterator() { yield encoder.encode('


') await sleep(200) yield encoder.encode('


') await sleep(200) yield encoder.encode('


') }

export async function GET() { const iterator = makeIterator() const stream = iteratorToStream(iterator)

return new Response(stream) } Request Body You can read the Request body using the standard Web API methods:



export async function POST(request: Request) { const res = await request.json() return Response.json({ res }) } Request Body FormData You can read the FormData using the request.formData() function:



export async function POST(request: Request) { const formData = await request.formData() const name = formData.get('name') const email = formData.get('email') return Response.json({ name, email }) } Since formData data are all strings, you may want to use zod-form-data to validate the request and retrieve data in the format you prefer (e.g. number).

CORS You can set CORS headers for a specific Route Handler using the standard Web API methods:



export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic' // defaults to auto

export async function GET(request: Request) { return new Response('Hello, Next.js!', { status: 200, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type, Authorization', }, }) } Good to know:

To add CORS headers to multiple Route Handlers, you can use Middleware or the next.config.js file. Alternatively, see our CORS example package. Webhooks You can use a Route Handler to receive webhooks from third-party services:



export async function POST(request: Request) { try { const text = await request.text() // Process the webhook payload } catch (error) { return new Response(Webhook error: ${error.message}, { status: 400, }) }

return new Response('Success!', { status: 200, }) } Notably, unlike API Routes with the Pages Router, you do not need to use bodyParser to use any additional configuration.

Edge and Node.js Runtimes Route Handlers have an isomorphic Web API to support both Edge and Node.js runtimes seamlessly, including support for streaming. Since Route Handlers use the same route segment configuration as Pages and Layouts, they support long-awaited features like general-purpose statically regenerated Route Handlers.

You can use the runtime segment config option to specify the runtime:

export const runtime = 'edge' // 'nodejs' is the default Non-UI Responses You can use Route Handlers to return non-UI content. Note that sitemap.xml, robots.txt, app icons, and open graph images all have built-in support.



export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic' // defaults to auto

export async function GET() { return new Response( `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Next.js Documentation The React Framework for the Web `, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml', }, } ) } Segment Config Options Route Handlers use the same route segment configuration as pages and layouts. app/items/route.ts TypeScript export const dynamic = 'auto' export const dynamicParams = true export const revalidate = false export const fetchCache = 'auto' export const runtime = 'nodejs' export const preferredRegion = 'auto' See the API reference for more details. API Reference Learn more about the route.js file. App Router ... File Conventions route.js API reference for the route.js special file.