Open supergrilo-cw opened 2 years ago
Hi guys! Is possible to have a client request path metrics? Something like top10, or configurable
I use this query to get that information:
query GetZoneTopNs { viewer { zones(filter: {zoneTag: $zoneTag}) { total: httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups(filter: $filter, limit: 1) { count sum { edgeResponseBytes visits __typename } __typename } topPaths: httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups(filter: $filter, limit: 15, orderBy: [$order]) { count avg { sampleInterval __typename } sum { edgeResponseBytes visits __typename } dimensions { metric: clientRequestPath __typename } __typename } __typename } __typename } }
{ "zoneTag": "ZONEID", "filter": { "AND": [ { "datetime_geq": "2022-10-06T19:41:43Z", "datetime_leq": "2022-10-06T20:11:43Z" }, { "requestSource": "eyeball" }, { "clientRequestPath": "/api/" } ] }, "order": "count_DESC" }
Hi guys! Is possible to have a client request path metrics? Something like top10, or configurable
I use this query to get that information: