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Backend.AI Web UI for web / desktop app (Windows/Linux/macOS). Backend.AI Web UI provides a convenient environment for users, while allowing various commands to be executed without CLI. It also provides some visual features that are not provided by the CLI, such as dashboards and statistics.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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fix: include cancel handler in ServiceLauncherModal #2379

Closed agatha197 closed 1 month ago

agatha197 commented 1 month ago


This pull request introduces a change to the onCancel handling in the ServiceLauncherModal to resolve the issue of the modify service modal popping up when clicking the start service button.

What changed?

In the ServiceListPage, the onRequestClose method is called to set the editingModelService to null and remove the onCancel prop.

In the ServiceLauncherModal, the onCancel behavior has been changed to call onRequestClose when triggered.

How to test?

  1. Navigate to the serving page.
  2. Click the gear icon in the Control column and close the modal with the close button at the bottom (not the x button).
  3. Click Create new service button.
  4. The create modal should appear.


Checklist: (if applicable)

agatha197 commented 1 month ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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Category Percentage Covered / Total
πŸ”΄ Statements
2.99% (+0% πŸ”Ό)
πŸ”΄ Branches 3.25% 87/2674
πŸ”΄ Functions
1.45% (+0% πŸ”Ό)
πŸ”΄ Lines
2.95% (+0% πŸ”Ό)

Test suite run success

32 tests passing in 4 suites.

Report generated by πŸ§ͺjest coverage report action from f808159b73b28ee7ad8375cc80f4fe04711d3c05