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Backend.AI Web UI for web / desktop app (Windows/Linux/macOS). Backend.AI Web UI provides a convenient environment for users, while allowing various commands to be executed without CLI. It also provides some visual features that are not provided by the CLI, such as dashboards and statistics.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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feat: auto mounted vFolder in Neo session launcher #2381

Closed yomybaby closed 1 month ago

yomybaby commented 1 month ago


This PR adds functionality to show auto-mounted folders in the VFolderTable and resolve #2371

What changed?

How to test?

  1. Run the application
  2. Navigate to the VFolderTable component
  3. Verify the auto-mounted folders section is displayed

Why make this change?

The change was made to enhance the user experience by providing visibility into auto-mounted folders in the VFolderTable.

Checklist: (if applicable)

yomybaby commented 1 month ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Coverage report for ./react

Category Percentage Covered / Total
πŸ”΄ Statements
2.99% (-0.01% πŸ”»)
πŸ”΄ Branches
3.25% (-0.01% πŸ”»)
πŸ”΄ Functions
1.45% (-0.01% πŸ”»)
πŸ”΄ Lines
2.95% (-0.01% πŸ”»)

Test suite run success

32 tests passing in 4 suites.

Report generated by πŸ§ͺjest coverage report action from 5813e0e1b8220a828139713a5e0eab9fa5785d51