lablup /

Backend.AI Web UI for web / desktop app (Windows/Linux/macOS). Backend.AI Web UI provides a convenient environment for users, while allowing various commands to be executed without CLI. It also provides some visual features that are not provided by the CLI, such as dashboards and statistics.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
93 stars 66 forks source link

Let's show some guidance for when a user doesn't have a project to which they belong. #2394

Open ironAiken2 opened 1 month ago

ironAiken2 commented 1 month ago

Main idea

If a user logs into the webui with a user account that doesn't currently belong to any project, they will only see that error with no other guidance. To improve the UX, let's modify it to show a specific phrase in that case.


Alternative ideas

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Anything else?

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