I want to run robot_localization with LOAM integrated_to_init odometry and IMU data.
I have transformation info between LIDAR and IMU devices.
Results of LOAM publish with
_laserOdometry2.header.frame_id = "camera_init";
_laserOdometry2.child_frame_id = "camera"
So, should I add new transformation node between LIDAR and "camera" (or "camera init"). Which? Or i need replace "camera" (or "camera_init") to "lidar" duting publish in TransformMaintenance.cpp ?
And also, should i add others new tranformations?
Hello. I want to run robot_localization with LOAM integrated_to_init odometry and IMU data. I have transformation info between LIDAR and IMU devices. Results of LOAM publish with _laserOdometry2.header.frame_id = "camera_init"; _laserOdometry2.child_frame_id = "camera"
So, should I add new transformation node between LIDAR and "camera" (or "camera init"). Which? Or i need replace "camera" (or "camera_init") to "lidar" duting publish in TransformMaintenance.cpp ? And also, should i add others new tranformations?
And how it should looks as result?
loam_velodyne_with_EKF_GIT.launch.txt ekf_LOAM.yaml.txt