labring / FastGPT

FastGPT is a knowledge-based platform built on the LLMs, offers a comprehensive suite of out-of-the-box capabilities such as data processing, RAG retrieval, and visual AI workflow orchestration, letting you easily develop and deploy complex question-answering systems without the need for extensive setup or configuration.
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由于内核问题,导致PG启动失败(error: program "postgres" is needed by initdb but was not found in the same directory as "/usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin/initdb") #1061

Closed ZDF64 closed 7 months ago

ZDF64 commented 7 months ago



问题描述 按照docker-compose部署方法启动后,打印日志发现后台报错 pg | popen failure: Cannot allocate memory pg | initdb: error: program "postgres" is needed by initdb but was not found in the same directory as "/usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin/initdb"

这个问题导致ankane/pgvector:v0.5.0反复重启,无法正常运作 image

但同样,我在windows环境中部署则没有发生问题 FastGPT功能正常,log中也没有报错信息 复现步骤 环境:CentOS 7.9 image


相关截图 image

c121914yu commented 7 months ago


ZDF64 commented 7 months ago



ZDF64 commented 7 months ago

折腾了一晚上,查阅到了相关一个资料 需要特殊的postgres版本,也就是postgres:15-bullseye 于是我下载了 更改了Dockerfile ------------Dockerfile--------------

ARG PG_MAJOR=15-bullseye FROM postgres:$PG_MAJOR ARG PG_MAJOR COPY . /tmp/pgvector RUN apt-get update && \ apt-mark hold locales && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential postgresql-server-dev-$PG_MAJOR && \ cd /tmp/pgvector && \ make clean && \ make OPTFLAGS="" && \ make install && \ mkdir /usr/share/doc/pgvector && \ cp LICENSE /usr/share/doc/pgvector && \ rm -r /tmp/pgvector && \ apt-get remove -y build-essential postgresql-server-dev-$PG_MAJOR && \ apt-get autoremove -y && \ apt-mark unhold locales && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ------------Dockerfile-------------- 重新制作镜像放到本地库 image image 然后在修改docker-compose.yml引入刚才做好的image image 之后再启动就不报错了,FastGPT也能正常登陆了 image

c121914yu commented 7 months ago

折腾了一晚上,查阅到了相关一个资料 需要特殊的postgres版本,也就是postgres:15-bullseye 于是我下载了 更改了Dockerfile ------------Dockerfile--------------

ARG PG_MAJOR=15-bullseye FROM postgres:$PG_MAJOR ARG PG_MAJOR COPY . /tmp/pgvector RUN apt-get update && \ apt-mark hold locales && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential postgresql-server-dev-$PG_MAJOR && \ cd /tmp/pgvector && \ make clean && \ make OPTFLAGS="" && \ make install && \ mkdir /usr/share/doc/pgvector && \ cp LICENSE /usr/share/doc/pgvector && \ rm -r /tmp/pgvector && \ apt-get remove -y build-essential postgresql-server-dev-$PG_MAJOR && \ apt-get autoremove -y && \ apt-mark unhold locales && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ------------Dockerfile-------------- 重新制作镜像放到本地库 image image 然后在修改docker-compose.yml引入刚才做好的image image 之后再启动就不报错了,FastGPT也能正常登陆了 image

大佬牛逼。 这个确实挺坑的,我之前 centos7 也初始化不了。 后面是找了个 unbuntu 运行后,直接把 data 目录拷贝回去,这样就不用初始化了。

c121914yu commented 5 months ago

引用之前 issue

据说增加 privileged=true 也可以解决