labring / FastGPT

FastGPT is a knowledge-based platform built on the LLMs, offers a comprehensive suite of out-of-the-box capabilities such as data processing, RAG retrieval, and visual AI workflow orchestration, letting you easily develop and deploy complex question-answering systems without the need for extensive setup or configuration.
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whisper本地安装启动后,如何设置CPU或GPU模式 #2039

Closed SDAIer closed 3 months ago

SDAIer commented 3 months ago

问题1: whisper本地安装对接oneapi和fastgpt,运行正常。 根据docker安装的文档,在docke启动运行时可以指定是CPU还是GPU模式运行,请问非docker模式下,如何设置设置CPU或GPU模式。

问题2: 本地安装的whisper,怎么更改ACCESS_TOKEN

问题3: docker环境下,whisper的ACCESS_TOKEN怎么更改,我在docker环境下使用以下命令更改成12341234不生效,仍然是默认的ACCESS_TOKEN docker run -itd --name whisper-api -p 3003:3003 -e ACCESS_TOKEN=12341234 --gpus all --restart=always whisper

c121914yu commented 3 months ago

非docker模式,代码里写的~ 怎么改token,,看你代码怎么配置的呀。 这种问题度娘好了,,你问别人也不懂~

xiaoToby commented 1 week ago

image image 新增一个verify_token function, 然后跑模型时配置好ACCESS_TOKEN这个环境变量 @SDAIer