labs4capella / python4capella

Python for Capella
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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[New Feature]Improve EMF API #200

Open jib63 opened 7 months ago

jib63 commented 7 months ago

I would like to export Classes created with Capella into an ecore model and import an ecore model into capella. I'm seeing the lack of important features to be able to do that :

Do you think it can be added ? Or this can be achieved in another way with python4capella ?

I can provide an intial pull request as I have a big expertise in ecore but this is the first time I'm working with Python4capella

ylussaud commented 7 months ago

I think we should add this at some point yes. You can already create instances of your EClasses:

e_class = get_e_classifier("" + capella_version(), "PropertyValueGroup")
instance = create_e_object_from_e_classifier(e_class)

instance will be a Java Object (not wrapped in a Python object).

For the resource part, you can use the Java API as a workaround:

uri = org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI.createURI('...')
rs = org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl()
r = rs.createResource(uri)
jib63 commented 6 months ago

Hello Yvan, Thanks for your answer,

for your first solution, it does not fit my need as it’s not an instance of a class, but the definition of a class itself using EClass, EStructuralFeature… , and not an instance of a class.

For the second proposal it does not work either as ResourceSet belong to ecore.xmi jar which is probably not included to the Python4Capella platform definition. I will clone the python4Capella to add these features. If I can be added as contributor I can make a pull request, or I will fork the project.

Thanks, Best wishes for the year to come, /JB