labscript-suite-temp-2 / lyse

lyse is an analysis framework. It coordinates the running of python analysis scripts on experiment data as it becomes availiable, updating plots in real time.
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Add ability to run multi-shot analysis before all single-shot routines are complete #4

Open philipstarkey opened 10 years ago

philipstarkey commented 10 years ago

Original report (archived issue) by Shaun Johnstone (Bitbucket: shjohnst, GitHub: shjohnst).

Sometimes, when running very short experiments (e.g. optimising pre-evaporation stages of the experiment), the time taken to run single-shot analysis routines is comparable to the experiment duration. This, combined with the bug issue #2, means that often the multi-shot analysis won't ever run, unless you pause the experiment to let the analysis catch up.

There should be an option to allow multi-shot analysis run after each file's single shot analysis is finished, running in parallel to the single-shot routines for any subsequent experiments that are in the queue or arrive during the multi-shot. The multi-shot routine simply needs to be given a copy of the relevant shots in the dataframe, not giving it the ones which haven't had their single-shot analysis run yet. The implementation of enhancement #3 would aid this, as the groundwork to pass only subsets of the dataframe to multi-shot would be in place.

philipstarkey commented 10 years ago

Original comment by Chris Billington (Bitbucket: cbillington, GitHub: chrisjbillington).

OK, sure this is easy. I'll make a checkbox or something.