labstreaminglayer / App-EGIAmpServer

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Technical Support Request: Streaming EEG Data via NetAmps 400 to NeuroPype through lab streaming layer. #10

Open gs789-lab opened 6 months ago

gs789-lab commented 6 months ago

We are attempting to stream our EEG data via NetAmps 400 (AmpServer Pro SDK enabled), to NeuroPype software (windows OS) for near real-time EEG analysis. Our approach involves establishing a connection with the amplifier through a Lab Streaming Layer application designed for NetAmps. However, during the process of plotting the time series data, the channels plot appears as empty flat lines, devoid of any meaningful data.

Even after recording the streaming data and attempting to visualize the recorded dataset through EEGLAB's time series plot feature, we encounter the same issue—empty channel plots. To facilitate a clearer understanding of the problem, I have attached all relevant screenshots for review. We have tried applying a high pass filter also, but the issue persists.

We appreciate any guidance in resolving this issue.