labstreaminglayer / LSL4Unity

A integration approach of the LabStreamingLayer Framework for Unity3D
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Update liblsl64.dll and delete Plugins/*.meta files. #19

Closed cboulay closed 6 years ago

cboulay commented 6 years ago

I was able to reproduce the error in #15 on my system, and this was fixed by replacing the DLL with a newer DLL. Maybe. I'm starting to think the issue might be due in part to the shipped .meta files. I don't have time to test this thoroughly, but as the .meta files are autogenerated when the project is run, they probably shouldn't be shipped in a plugin anyway.

I also made @Tinuxx 's change to drop .bundle from the MacOS lib loader. I haven't tested this myself but if it works for him then there's no good reason it won't work for others. It'll be easy to revert if it becomes a problem.