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Dictation: 아 자존감은 이렇게 키우는 거구나 #24

Open hyunsik-yoon opened 1 year ago

hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago

hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


i have several questions i really wanted to talk with you when i was reading your book edge at home maybe she would have the answer for those questions so i kinda wrote down those questions and we can visit that

but before doing that i just wanna make sure we are on a same page what this concept of edge so can you briefly introduce what edge is

and actually you use this dictionary definition at enrich, delight, guide and effort those are like four tools to actually sharpen our edge but you actually didn't use dictionary definition of edge

so how would you describe edge and how is it different from simple charisma and charm?

year. i mean edge has lots of different definition. right? we can think about it as an advantage we have we can also think about it in terms of sharpening something so i think those definition together really in combination was the origin of what it actually means. which is that we all have unique strength and value that we provide and we're able to take those unique strength and turn them into our personal advantages.

that's what we're really going to achieve the types of success that is fulfilling and is a longer type of success it's not sort of a short term type of fulfilling it's really something that sustains us for much longer time make this feel like we're valued and empowered.

hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


in the book i talked about the framework i develop around edge and how you gain edge

so even though the title is edge it spells out the components of the framework enrich, delight, guide, and effort

and i talked about how each of those component how we enrich how we delight guiding the perception of others and effort and hard work we put in how these pieces together allow us to find that personal way that we can gain an edge

we've been trained all our lives to think about the notion of hard work i've talk so much abount work hard put your head down and just work hard

and what we find is that when we work hard it doesn't bring us a certain level of success but there's something that is missing at some point we found that there's something that is missing

and that's that unique piece of us that makes the hard work worth it. so when i talked about the framework around enrich, delight, guide and effort what's interesting about this framework is that effort and hard work piece comes last

i could've put it first and made it first, effort first but in fact what i found through interviews with super successful individual when we know how we enrich, delight and guid that's where effort and hard work work hard for us.

start from

hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


that's when we ultimately gain the edge. so hard work is critical. i would never say that it's not important to work hard but when we know how to enrich, delight and guide that's when we get those tailwinds

it is really kinda refreshing framework to me somehow because i thought that i always thinking that being execellent at something could be ultimate edge because for example i work with some people and some of them, not all of them are very nice people

there were some people really hard to work with but some of them are very execellent at what they're doing they had amazing publication records they have amazing grants

and essentially people like them if they are good at something they are very good at something

i still remember the ?? written by Dr. karnucort so good they can't ignore you basucally if you are so good at your job you're gonna ignore you you're gonna be recognized

and always my work ethic is i am gonna be so good

what edge talks about is that we still wanna work hard we still wanna put in the effort we wannt try and be good at the things we are working on we wannt trying to make sure that we are taking things as far as we can we wannt try to aim for excellence

but we need to remember that there are different ways to achieve that excellence. so when we look at somebody else, we say, that person is leader of the company or amazing professor a lot of time what we do ok how do we get there? from a to b? what steps did they take along the way?
