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Dictation: Midlife crisis needs a rebrand #29

Open hyunsik-yoon opened 1 year ago

hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago



dawn on somebody

live to (some age)

I am halfway there


come to

leave ~ for ~


put a finger on ~


hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


i am a brand strategist and a designer. i am also a white guy in his forties with receding salt-and-pepper hair who drives a fast car.

the very first time that i have felt painfuil grip of mid-life crisis was in 1984 i was 13 sitting in my record, listening to Door's record and it dawned on me that Jim Morrison, one of my heros had died at age 27.

in fact, a lot of artist hero dies at 27. this was not good because i was 13 and a half i realized that if i would only live to 27 i was already halfway there

for a couple of weeks, this put me into a real slump.

my next mid-life crisis came when i was couple years at a college i guess i was halfway to fifty at this point, which by the way is the age at which a lot of heroes had died young.

but 50 is not what bothered me at this time.


dawn on somebody

live to (some age)

I am halfway there


hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


it was 35 because that was only 10 years away and i knew once i hit 35 i was over the hill. that put me into funk again for short time.

my next midlife crisis though came at 40 and a half. i had successfully crossed the threshold of 40 with very little drama or chaos i was proud of this

but then one beautiful December morning, my dad died. suddenly and unexpectedly. there's my dad. 66 and in great health and he was just gone.

and that was so tough because now one of my greatest hero if not greatest hero was gone but also i was for the first time really looking death in the face and seeing it stare right back at me.

ok. if you're thinking yourself this guy sounds a little confused about what a mid-life crisis is you're right but so are you because mid-life crisis doesn't mean what you think it means

by definition, mid-life crisis is a dip in a person satisfaction with their life and in their self-confidence.

this dip happens about halfway through our life expectancy.


hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


that is not what the term mid-life crisis has come to mean in our contemporary culture

most of the time, that term is used we're talking about someone, a person who is engaged and irresponsible and immature and sometime even destructive behavior.


i can't believe that your husband is leaving you for a 25 year old yoga instructor. how does that happen? well, clearly he's going through mid-life crisis. right?

now, to a brand strategist like me,
when there is such a disconnect between what something is and what something is perceived as that is branding problem. and it's a problem worth trying to be solve

now most of people i've worked with branding identity they actually don't really know what their problem is they might know that something's a little bit off with their business. and they can't quite put a finger on it.

come to

leave ~ for ~


put a finger on ~


hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


i have two theories about business and identity about crisis.

the first is that when they realize or not, they are probably going through it right now. second is that even if they are, it can be the best thing ever happen to them.

so what do we do when we rebrand? well we start, by having the comany ask themselves serious questions.

questions like who are we and what do we stand for what is it that makes us unique? who do we need to be talking to? and what do we need to say?

companies who rebrand and go about it the right way come out stronger and more successful on the other side. think about target when they have impressive rebirth if you will. they asked themselves the same kind of question. right? and they would into exactly who they wanted to be and they just focus everything on communicating that clearly and effectively

might be problem the term mid life crisis is that it's communicating the wrong thing.

the right way


hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


and as a result it is conversation ender (-------> as a result) like every time it's used which sucks. it should be a onversation starter

so how do we get here well the term was coined in 1965 by a psychoanalyst who is obsessed with creative geniuses like these guys. and he was specifically obsessed with why so many of them seen to flame out creatively really young sometime before they're even thirty, which is crazy because that's not what mid-life crisis means at all now (--------> at all)

you know it's very possible that this term is just misnomer which is an inaccurate or inappropriate name (-----------> is anisn't 로 들리는 마법)

but hey. lot's of things are misnomer. chinese checkers are not checkers. they are also not from china. koala bears are not bears coconuts are not nuts. french fries are from Belguim. French horn are from Germany. but these terms... they stick.


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