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Dictation: People Tell A Pastor Why They Don't Believe In God #30

Open hyunsik-yoon opened 1 year ago

hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago




have [a/strong/no] bearing on

in little ways


hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


Hey there, i am Erica Camble i am a singer and song writer, i am a mom, wife, all around cool chick.

so today i am sitting down with people from different ends of faith spectrum and let's just gonna have healthy conversation can't wait to get into it i am really excited

my name is josh and i am a former chiristian. hi. I am Emily, I identify as an atheist.

my name is Nina. I identify as an agonistic.

I was raised in a very strict Mormon household. I was the very one in my family to leaved the church. i have been happy non-belieiver ever since.

i guess technically i was raised in the Catholic faith, kind of like default. we went church sometime on christmas, usually like weddings or funeral something like that.

I grew up lightly hindu we're like culturally hindu but i kinda came to the conclusion whether or not there is god isn't god that has no bearing on my how i live my life.




have [a/strong/no] bearing on


hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


i don't think she'll be able to in any way convert me suddenly back i'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous i hope i don't say anything to offend her

how would you identify? atheist Non-believer

so do you believe there's no God or there's something out there and you don't know what it is nothing i identify as an atheist if agnosticism and atheism is a spectrum I'm somewhere in it

i think when we die it's lights out and that's the blissful end to all of it is that bliss though with lights out? it is so let me ask you a question what do you believe exists beyond the universe like the area where our minds kind of exist not the human not the tangible

i don't think that that exists either you don't? I don't i think that everything that exists is what exists right here right now in this moment in your body

i was raised in the Catholic community i just remember the first thing we talked about was Adam and Eve and I just remember being like that's just like a little story

culturally we're Hindu personally for me it felt like a lot of the stories of it they're just like stories there's a lot of people with multiple arms and angels are blue which is like not real



hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


so, i was raised mormon. my mom help me aronud belief society my dad was bishop for a long time grandpa was a bishop i was the very first member of my family who walk away from it all not well at first

i grow up similar to you but mine was pentecostal church called church of god and christ my father was preacher and my mom was over the choir

but there was a lot of things that didn't always make sense to me.
why are we so poor? everything is supposed to be right but the same way, i wouldn't doubt love because people got in love that's kinda how i feel about god i think it's very reassuring to me that after this is over there's something greater

so most people who don't believe, there was traumedic church experience long line of this doesn't make sense, this doesn't make sense, this doesn't make sense, ok y'all donlt make sense, maybe he doesn't make sense i do find falut wit in general

we're not really practicing so we're like praying, stiudying so i just like feel away from that as a relegion.



hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


I got kicked out of sunday school because i was arguing with teacher about the age of earth. six days and six thousand years i am like but.. dinosaurs

i grew up in a church where secular music was a sin everybody's devil you can't interact and it's gonna infiltrate you

my mom, her favorite saying growing up was the devil gets to you in little ways like the first time i wanted Mohawk at 9 years old she was like devil gets to you through your hair.

i got really lucky i have great parents you know they;re kind, they're good persons, help each other, blah blah blah so i feel like my moral compass is good i hope so i am working on it

the core of mormon beliefe is the holy bible, king james version, specifically. everytime i read something what i saw was twisted human gain. i know all the same stories i have a very same question and what i feel like what i know the bible is all an example of how crazy and chaotic our world is.

in little ways



hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


if you believe in god, what would that look like that to you? i feel like if there was a god, it think that it would be something that unimaginable that i couldn't process as a human begin.

do you believe in life after death? i don't. before, i was like, i don't know, maybe, low energe, what happens, nobody know. that's the crazy thing, right?

but very recently, actually my twin brother has passed away this summer. sorry. thank you. but i've been, you know, searching for him. i've been trying to be kinda open, if it is like a thing, like, please freaking talk to me. you know what i mean?

i just, i haven't felt it. i haven't seen him. that kinda for me, kinda he's just, he's dead. that's something that i am just kinda OK I am just, never gonna see him again.

he's still with me everyday i think about him every single day. but it's like, i just, i just open for it. i still am. if there's something happen or whatever, but you know, me thinking about him everyday, remembering him and everything that i do, it's like, i feel like that for me is enough.


hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


everytime whn i look at any form of organized religion, the only thing i see is division.

when i look at a world with no religion, you suddenly everyone has own up to just what they are, who they are they can no longer hide behind and say well i don't bake a cake for this gay couple because my religion says that i don't have to. you can't hide behind that.

there's always gonna be conflict in religion because religion is man-made. you know how sick is this movie, i was a devil on one shoulder i really think that's real there's always a battle for the best of us and the worst of us.

if ther's one question you can ask to god, if you believed in god. what would you ask?

really hard is? relax? probably a lot of general just like whys? but he cares about you and that what i for sure. does he? yes. you, what makes you happy, what makes you sad,

i feel so small. and the concept of god feels so big. i feel so small, and seems impossible anything that oversees our whole world and whole universe would have time for me. absolutely.

i think... there's still a lot of questions there, even from what you said, still a lot of questions, i thnk that's the best way to be liek ask why could i believe again? what could cause me to believe again cause clearly there's something that cause me not to believe. if i told you that i would pray for you, what would you ask me to pray for you?

that's a great question. probably not for me but for my family. just for them to be well and good and happy.

hyunsik-yoon commented 1 year ago


  1. do you go to church or temple? why? if you don't go, why?
  2. do you believe in god?
  3. what's your opinion about other religions? do you think that their beliefs are correct?
  4. what's your opinion about life after death?
  5. In your case, what's pros and cons of having or not having a religion?