lachesis / scallion

GPU-based Onion Hash generator
1.24k stars 166 forks source link

Inaccurate Device Listing, Hash Rate and Time Prediction #11

Closed intelselk closed 10 years ago

intelselk commented 11 years ago

Program runs as expected, had success at finding 4 character prefix. However it takes much longer than expected. No success at finding 5 character address after 2+ hours on a HD6850 running at 590MH/s. Windows 8.


Inaccurate Device Listing, Hash Rate and Time Prediction

System: Windows 8, Intel E7400 @ 2.8GHz, HD6858 ASUS.

PS C:\Users\-\scallion-v1.0> .\scallion.exe -l 


Id:0 Name:Barts
    PreferredGroupSizeMultiple:64 ComputeUnits:12 ClockFrequency:790
    MaxConstantBufferSize:65536 MaxConstantArgs:8 MaxMemAllocSize:536870912

Id:1 Name:Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E7400  @ 2.80GHz
  PreferredGroupSizeMultiple:1 ComputeUnits:2 ClockFrequency:2793
  MaxConstantBufferSize:65536 MaxConstantArgs:8 MaxMemAllocSize:1073741824

From This point, I assume device 0 is the GPU and 1 is my CPU. If I run:

PS C:\Users\-\scallion-v1.0> .\scallion.exe -d 0 4444


Cooking up some delicions scallions...
Putting 1 patterns into 1 buckets.
Using kernel optimized from file (Optimized4_9)
Using work group size 64
Compiling kernel... done.
............................  Runtime:00:05:14  Predicted:00:00:00
No delicions scallions for you!!
Stopping the GPU and shutting down...
init: 660ms / 1 (660ms, 1.52/s)
generate key: 3665ms / 2728 (1.34ms, 744.34/s)
cpu precompute: 13ms / 44 (0.3ms, 3384.62/s)
total without init: 314883ms / 1 (314883ms, 0/s)
set buffers: 33ms / 2419 (0.01ms, 73303.03/s)
write buffers: 76ms / 2419 (0.03ms, 31828.95/s)
read results: 68965ms / 2419 (28.51ms, 35.08/s)
check results: 245260ms / 2419 (101.39ms, 9.86/s)

128.89 million hashes per second

If I run

PS C:\Users\-\scallion-v1.0> .\scallion.exe -d 1 4444


Cooking up some delicions scallions...
Putting 1 patterns into 1 buckets.
Using kernel optimized from file (Optimized4_9)
Using work group size 1
Compiling kernel... done.
LoopIteration:1  HashCount:16.78MH  Speed:7.9MH/s  Runtime:00:00:02  Predicted:00:00:00     CPU checking hash: 4444no22cthjjjkn

Ding!! Delicions scallions for you!!

Exponent: 653966957
Address/Hash: 4444no22cthjjjkn.onion


init: 419ms / 1 (419ms, 2.39/s)
generate key: 1282ms / 310 (4.14ms, 241.81/s)
cpu precompute: 11ms / 5 (2.2ms, 454.55/s)
total without init: 2167ms / 1 (2167ms, 0.46/s)
set buffers: 0ms / 1 (0ms, 0/s)
write buffers: 0ms / 1 (0ms, 0/s)
read results: 2131ms / 1 (2131ms, 0.47/s)
check results: 22ms / 1 (22ms, 45.45/s)

When I run a seven digit prefix with -d 0, the hash speed boost up to 580MH/s. However, the program would run for hours with no result.

When running a seven digit prefix with -d 1, the program returns with a results with average of 14 minutes.

freethenation commented 11 years ago

Did you use the prebuilt binaries or build it yourself? Does the command "scallion.exe -n -d 0 4444" run faster?

davidtopeer commented 11 years ago

So I have been experiencing the same problem word for word as the original poster using my Radeon HD5830 using both Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and Ubuntu 12.10 64bit (mostly Ubuntu but windows to troubleshoot to no avail).

To find an 8 character prefix it tells me about 13 minutes at 670MH/s but it just runs indefinitely so far... Last night I tried to run the command "mono scallion.exe -d 0 .......abcdefghi" and it predicted 7:20:00 however when I came back it was running for 9:54:00 so I ended it as it seemed it would go on infinitely.


Here is the output of mono scallion.exe -l

/scallion-master$ mono scallion/bin/Debug/scallion.exe -l Id:0 Name:Cypress PreferredGroupSizeMultiple:64 ComputeUnits:14 ClockFrequency:800 MaxConstantBufferSize:65536 MaxConstantArgs:8 MaxMemAllocSize:134217728

Id:1 Name:Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7200 @ 2.53GHz PreferredGroupSizeMultiple:1 ComputeUnits:2 ClockFrequency:1603 MaxConstantBufferSize:65536 MaxConstantArgs:8 MaxMemAllocSize:2147483648

Here is the output of mono scallion.exe -n -d 1 4444 which performed faster but theoretically should be slower:

/scallion-master$ mono scallion/bin/Debug/scallion.exe -n -d 1 4444 Cooking up some delicions scallions... Putting 1 patterns into 1 buckets. Using kernel normal from file (Normal) Using work group size 1 Compiling kernel... done. LoopIteration:1 HashCount:16.78MH Speed:6.9MH/s Runtime:00:00:02 Predicted:00:00:00 CPU checking hash: 4444wlnw6hfkasoa

Ding!! Delicions scallions for you!!

Exponent: 50185735 Address/Hash: 4444wlnw6hfkasoa.onion

-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXQIBAAKBgQCpX0/ACUnYVYh9Abw/mhOcVLJjfAjC1clIGOORJUN/Q1D+Lag6 D/f/GR2OGrlFPt4689ycQDzcK87Gd2UYc1Wdc0nN1pzv4QhKCA9r1PQIg36CKS7t MkwC4Ysz0Vycc6inwAZO9qUQVEK+WyZXEZq2ghmu81gdstkstPxmVUw50QIEAv3G BwKBgDQpGepINzaDqPIMFrg1V8bgUWkmca66WNOrAEUXHeUHQQHCfl10uT5IoR/U Fk85dB+O1+hwlOHGe8YLhj7yurw0HeM8uZFoKVTwI0l+wUYJ6qZLpljasmKykjVQ XYX541s+g1WppLcYyf+qGG0KS4JDWBDAs3R4kbhlatt7FXHjAkEA0YuRtC7JvD+5 nxnj7Auf7c+whXMcRrVmhLmKsZXgnArjgnqLnsC4YaMg4cPPT7tWFDAMXY71wKkX qo9qakD7EwJBAM7rygxrLEAIVx/ethP4bExwOEQtlsdq5oEMGenOAIJDhSLFArMd 6JbsDRhcp+P8vVVx1D6mehaushcdX8O20AsCQFNbdRXFXoSwszxjtwqre/I+aa/1 2TTG8WuYnv6ZgJ9OkWTptGgwZ7z3+rXLNb08M4x9DBBCFuL6Va0IrzL+xIcCQEOO hopp1IyKs/qrJ3u+jx6iODwRkn4IF9njQonmzvxtYhiWzIPMlrA5k/xeHrECRC4p QIfJsSqT8jJOzDCwCyECQQCHI1bDpCDBSivYsQA9px/DC4wExIuOdSYhhQ3eUkfA vdAD0qAVsKNLw4n32wYrnwaKm0GybteyRbq5LdLitEUJ -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

init: 300ms / 1 (300ms, 3.33/s) generate key: 108ms / 310 (0.35ms, 2870.37/s) cpu precompute: 9ms / 5 (1.8ms, 555.56/s) total without init: 2462ms / 1 (2462ms, 0.41/s) set buffers: 0ms / 1 (0ms, 0/s) write buffers: 0ms / 1 (0ms, 0/s) read results: 2440ms / 1 (2440ms, 0.41/s) check results: 13ms / 1 (13ms, 76.92/s)

6.81 million hashes per second

Here is the output of mono scallion.exe -n -d 0 4444 which performs slower but theoretically should be faster:

/scallion-master$ mono scallion/bin/Debug/scallion.exe -n -d 0 4444 Cooking up some delicions scallions... Putting 1 patterns into 1 buckets. Using kernel normal from file (Normal) Using work group size 64 Compiling kernel... done. LoopIteration:1 HashCount:16.78MH Speed:119.0MH/s Runtime:00:00:00 Predicted:00:00:00 CPU checking hash: hnpzapvntkwbrpkr CPU checking hash: kddzm5yozvtrrdma CPU checking hash: bxswnsvwoiqdhkag CPU checking hash: fcrvhbgqmzxwmtfz CPU checking hash: d5hl42wahgcginfv CPU checking hash: 4b4gzestxb7erte4 CPU checking hash: e7qzbdidwqn45i6g LoopIteration:2 HashCount:33.55MH Speed:111.8MH/s Runtime:00:00:00 Predicted:00:00:00 CPU checking hash: ccjdphptip7winjh CPU checking hash: n3ysegu5ahrympgh CPU checking hash: h7gjd43oisusv3rs CPU checking hash: nmgfpngvrtpm7iru . . . ~Make some coffee~ . . . CPU checking hash: k37o2dybfjbqlg6z CPU checking hash: mqhozgpwihnpn52p CPU checking hash: heobrhsqktiw3i7g CPU checking hash: 2ucan7q5kagh4gtr CPU checking hash: v4myh4vsk2m37add LoopIteration:6000 HashCount:100663.30MH Speed:103.1MH/s Runtime:00:16:16 Predicted:00:00:00 CPU checking hash: jni4nzxi6nwlrobw CPU checking hash: trcmtbt7fwiqyx3v CPU checking hash: p2xqln3ksmbvnu6u CPU checking hash: amtuwj3j5mhhybxa CPU checking hash: kqphddltf2lepuhz CPU checking hash: kofufcjm673vxx4w CPU checking hash: 4rb4srefvypn3r23 CPU checking hash: 6twy4m5iowxeb4gh CPU checking hash: glmxk2hjsgy3brvm CPU checking hash: s6um5ohunzudx5es LoopIteration:6001 HashCount:100680.07MH Speed:103.1MH/s Runtime:00:16:16 Predicted:00:00:00 CPU checking hash: 7cicrsxypw77p76u CPU checking hash: gwfv6ybmcnnnniu4 CPU checking hash: 7ghd5cumqoqcu6e3 CPU checking hash: 65dnbb5d4lifk7ms CPU checking hash: qn4zpion3d72linn CPU checking hash: 7wacc3rc3vfagz2j CPU checking hash: gwzqzxv4wgktpplc CPU checking hash: 56wj43j2xoeigj42 CPU checking hash: l4jestbyxj7s22dw CPU checking hash: vznndcciblxuh3ut CPU checking hash: avbhlaeqla3k2qq4 CPU checking hash: c2m7n2nwdq2bltko CPU checking hash: wr4ie5teqr55o4lo CPU checking hash: n4nxnxh2nbxesygj CPU checking hash: xvribdvomuiosj6f CPU checking hash: fwq4ji2zk4s24ujg LoopIteration:6002 HashCount:100696.85MH Speed:103.1MH/s Runtime:00:16:16 Predicted:00:00:00
No delicions scallions for you!! Stopping the GPU and shutting down...

CPU checking hash: 2sbwn5kvfqtsicog CPU checking hash: vff4lvdrgyyhqx5a CPU checking hash: kol27soooxu2umnf CPU checking hash: wilqhtt2nvdbtwdq CPU checking hash: fplrw7nwsdiensu4 CPU checking hash: lfnraldcqan5llex CPU checking hash: 4ujx27adk2g4cfos CPU checking hash: xrpzp32rstmwlqhn CPU checking hash: nxv7nycfvjt24bln CPU checking hash: 7o57btgx32na3bhe CPU checking hash: ifn75qsjsd7mp6ag CPU checking hash: owldgvj4dcwsiwgg CPU checking hash: balg7hfnygq56xbg CPU checking hash: 7jvztqq2eiwppjug CPU checking hash: bvwqabmhp34jn73g init: 600ms / 1 (600ms, 1.67/s) generate key: 3656ms / 6324 (0.58ms, 1729.76/s) cpu precompute: 21ms / 102 (0.21ms, 4857.14/s) total without init: 976783ms / 1 (976783ms, 0/s) set buffers: 60ms / 6002 (0.01ms, 100033.33/s) write buffers: 633ms / 6002 (0.11ms, 9481.83/s) read results: 717271ms / 6002 (119.51ms, 8.37/s) check results: 257836ms / 6002 (42.96ms, 23.28/s)

103.09 million hashes per second

So after many days of trying to install scallion and get it to run without errors, alas a few of us appear to still be getting stuck. Any help from the community is appreciated and I have enjoyed learning from all of you - Thank you!

David July 18, 2013

lachesis commented 11 years ago

I've been having trouble getting Scallion to compile the kernel on my current dev machine. I'll spin up one of my old Bitcoin 5870s this evening and give it another go there. It looks like, for some reason, weird hashes are passing the tests on the GPU and getting back to the CPU to be verified. I'll have more information, and maybe a debug build, later tonight.

Thanks, Eric

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 3:44 PM, davidtopeer notifications@github.comwrote:

So I have been experiencing the same problem word for word as the original poster using my Radeon HD5830 using both Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and Ubuntu 12.10 64bit (mostly Ubuntu but windows to troubleshoot to no avail).

To find an 8 character prefix it tells me about 13 minutes at 670MH/s but it just runs indefinitely so far... Last night I tried to run the command "mono scallion.exe -d 0 .......abcdefghi" and it predicted 7:20:00 however when


Here is the output of mono scallion.exe -l

/scallion-master$ mono scallion/bin/Debug/scallion.exe -l Id:0 Name:Cypress PreferredGroupSizeMultiple:64 ComputeUnits:14 ClockFrequency:800 MaxConstantBufferSize:65536 MaxConstantArgs:8 MaxMemAllocSize:134217728

Id:1 Name:Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7200 @ 2.53GHz PreferredGroupSizeMultiple:1 ComputeUnits:2 ClockFrequency:1603 MaxConstantBufferSize:65536 MaxConstantArgs:8 MaxMemAllocSize:2147483648

Here is the output of mono scallion.exe -n -d 1 4444 which performed faster but theoretically should be slower:

/scallion-master$ mono scallion/bin/Debug/scallion.exe -n -d 1 4444 Cooking up some delicions scallions... Putting 1 patterns into 1 buckets. Using kernel normal from file (Normal) Using work group size 1 Compiling kernel... done. LoopIteration:1 HashCount:16.78MH Speed:6.9MH/s Runtime:00:00:02 Predicted:00:00:00 CPU checking hash: 4444wlnw6hfkasoa

Ding!! Delicions scallions for you!!

Exponent: 50185735 Address/Hash: 4444wlnw6hfkasoa.onion

-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXQIBAAKBgQCpX0/ACUnYVYh9Abw/mhOcVLJjfAjC1clIGOORJUN/Q1D+Lag6 D/f/GR2OGrlFPt4689ycQDzcK87Gd2UYc1Wdc0nN1pzv4QhKCA9r1PQIg36CKS7t MkwC4Ysz0Vycc6inwAZO9qUQVEK+WyZXEZq2ghmu81gdstkstPxmVUw50QIEAv3G BwKBgDQpGepINzaDqPIMFrg1V8bgUWkmca66WNOrAEUXHeUHQQHCfl10uT5IoR/U Fk85dB+O1+hwlOHGe8YLhj7yurw0HeM8uZFoKVTwI0l+wUYJ6qZLpljasmKykjVQ XYX541s+g1WppLcYyf+qGG0KS4JDWBDAs3R4kbhlatt7FXHjAkEA0YuRtC7JvD+5 nxnj7Auf7c+whXMcRrVmhLmKsZXgnArjgnqLnsC4YaMg4cPPT7tWFDAMXY71wKkX qo9qakD7EwJBAM7rygxrLEAIVx/ethP4bExwOEQtlsdq5oEMGenOAIJDhSLFArMd 6JbsDRhcp+P8vVVx1D6mehaushcdX8O20AsCQFNbdRXFXoSwszxjtwqre/I+aa/1 2TTG8WuYnv6ZgJ9OkWTptGgwZ7z3+rXLNb08M4x9DBBCFuL6Va0IrzL+xIcCQEOO hopp1IyKs/qrJ3u+jx6iODwRkn4IF9njQonmzvxtYhiWzIPMlrA5k/xeHrECRC4p QIfJsSqT8jJOzDCwCyECQQCHI1bDpCDBSivYsQA9px/DC4wExIuOdSYhhQ3eUkfA vdAD0qAVsKNLw4n32wYrnwaKm0GybteyRbq5LdLitEUJ -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

init: 300ms / 1 (300ms, 3.33/s) generate key: 108ms / 310 (0.35ms, 2870.37/s) cpu precompute: 9ms / 5 (1.8ms, 555.56/s) total without init: 2462ms / 1 (2462ms, 0.41/s) set buffers: 0ms / 1 (0ms, 0/s) write buffers: 0ms / 1 (0ms, 0/s) read results: 2440ms / 1 (2440ms, 0.41/s) check results: 13ms / 1 (13ms, 76.92/s)

6.81 million hashes per second

Here is the output of mono scallion.exe -n -d 0 4444 which performs slower but theoretically should be faster:

/scallion-master$ mono scallion/bin/Debug/scallion.exe -n -d 0 4444 Cooking up some delicions scallions... Putting 1 patterns into 1 buckets. Using kernel normal from file (Normal) Using work group size 64 Compiling kernel... done. LoopIteration:1 HashCount:16.78MH Speed:119.0MH/s Runtime:00:00:00 Predicted:00:00:00 CPU checking hash: hnpzapvntkwbrpkr CPU checking hash: kddzm5yozvtrrdma CPU checking hash: bxswnsvwoiqdhkag CPU checking hash: fcrvhbgqmzxwmtfz CPU checking hash: d5hl42wahgcginfv CPU checking hash: 4b4gzestxb7erte4 CPU checking hash: e7qzbdidwqn45i6g LoopIteration:2 HashCount:33.55MH Speed:111.8MH/s Runtime:00:00:00 Predicted:00:00:00 CPU checking hash: ccjdphptip7winjh CPU checking hash: n3ysegu5ahrympgh CPU checking hash: h7gjd43oisusv3rs CPU checking hash: nmgfpngvrtpm7iru . . . ~Make some coffee~ . . . CPU checking hash: k37o2dybfjbqlg6z CPU checking hash: mqhozgpwihnpn52p CPU checking hash: heobrhsqktiw3i7g CPU checking hash: 2ucan7q5kagh4gtr CPU checking hash: v4myh4vsk2m37add LoopIteration:6000 HashCount:100663.30MH Speed:103.1MH/s Runtime:00:16:16 Predicted:00:00:00 CPU checking hash: jni4nzxi6nwlrobw CPU checking hash: trcmtbt7fwiqyx3v CPU checking hash: p2xqln3ksmbvnu6u CPU checking hash: amtuwj3j5mhhybxa CPU checking hash: kqphddltf2lepuhz CPU checking hash: kofufcjm673vxx4w CPU checking hash: 4rb4srefvypn3r23 CPU checking hash: 6twy4m5iowxeb4gh CPU checking hash: glmxk2hjsgy3brvm CPU checking hash: s6um5ohunzudx5es LoopIteration:6001 HashCount:100680.07MH Speed:103.1MH/s Runtime:00:16:16 Predicted:00:00:00 CPU checking hash: 7cicrsxypw77p76u CPU checking hash: gwfv6ybmcnnnniu4 CPU checking hash: 7ghd5cumqoqcu6e3 CPU checking hash: 65dnbb5d4lifk7ms CPU checking hash: qn4zpion3d72linn CPU checking hash: 7wacc3rc3vfagz2j CPU checking hash: gwzqzxv4wgktpplc CPU checking hash: 56wj43j2xoeigj42 CPU checking hash: l4jestbyxj7s22dw CPU checking hash: vznndcciblxuh3ut CPU checking hash: avbhlaeqla3k2qq4 CPU checking hash: c2m7n2nwdq2bltko CPU checking hash: wr4ie5teqr55o4lo CPU checking hash: n4nxnxh2nbxesygj CPU checking hash: xvribdvomuiosj6f CPU checking hash: fwq4ji2zk4s24ujg LoopIteration:6002 HashCount:100696.85MH Speed:103.1MH/s Runtime:00:16:16 Predicted:00:00:00

No delicions scallions for you!! Stopping the GPU and shutting down...

CPU checking hash: 2sbwn5kvfqtsicog CPU checking hash: vff4lvdrgyyhqx5a CPU checking hash: kol27soooxu2umnf CPU checking hash: wilqhtt2nvdbtwdq CPU checking hash: fplrw7nwsdiensu4 CPU checking hash: lfnraldcqan5llex CPU checking hash: 4ujx27adk2g4cfos CPU checking hash: xrpzp32rstmwlqhn CPU checking hash: nxv7nycfvjt24bln CPU checking hash: 7o57btgx32na3bhe CPU checking hash: ifn75qsjsd7mp6ag CPU checking hash: owldgvj4dcwsiwgg CPU checking hash: balg7hfnygq56xbg CPU checking hash: 7jvztqq2eiwppjug CPU checking hash: bvwqabmhp34jn73g init: 600ms / 1 (600ms, 1.67/s) generate key: 3656ms / 6324 (0.58ms, 1729.76/s) cpu precompute: 21ms / 102 (0.21ms, 4857.14/s) total without init: 976783ms / 1 (976783ms, 0/s) set buffers: 60ms / 6002 (0.01ms, 100033.33/s) write buffers: 633ms / 6002 (0.11ms, 9481.83/s) read results: 717271ms / 6002 (119.51ms, 8.37/s) check results: 257836ms / 6002 (42.96ms, 23.28/s)

103.09 million hashes per second

So after many days of trying to install scallion and get it to run without errors, alas a few of us appear to still be getting stuck. Any help from the community is appreciated and I have enjoyed learning from all of you - Thank you!

David July 18, 2013

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Eric Swanson

lachesis commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately, I won't be able to work on this tonight. My second dev machine is off-site and refused to power on with Wake On LAN, so I'll have to troubleshoot that this weekend before I can test anything myself.

Sorry for the false hope, and I'll get back to you all after the weekend.

On 06/29/2013 02:52 PM, intelselk wrote:

Program runs as expected, had success at finding 4 character prefix. However it takes much longer than expected. No success at finding 5 character address after 2+ hours on a HD6850 running at 590MH/s. Windows 8.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Eric Swanson

davidtopeer commented 11 years ago

Thanks for looking into this with us. I will give it another go here mid week and see if I can't tweak something to get it working better. (totally novice when it comes to this stuff but its worth a go)

anonamouse commented 11 years ago

Thanks for scallion. Using the prebuild on Windows 7 64bit, I did eventually get a result, but saw symptoms similar to OP and David, but with a slight difference. Checking for an 8 char prefix, let's call it 'xxxxxxxx', scallion would cpu check matching 7 char prefixes.

At first I was seeing a newline for each iteration, with the odd CPU check interjected. for example:

scallion.exe -k 4096 -d 0 xxxxxxxx

LoopIteration:18241  HashCount:306033.20MH  Speed:40.3MH/s  Runtime:02:06:26  Pr
LoopIteration:18242  HashCount:306049.97MH  Speed:40.3MH/s  Runtime:02:06:27  Pr
edicted:03:47:08  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxitwrxab77
LoopIteration:18243  HashCount:306066.75MH  Speed:40.3MH/s  Runtime:02:06:28  Pr
LoopIteration:18244  HashCount:306083.53MH  Speed:40.3MH/s  Runtime:02:06:28  Pr

At iteration 18286 it switched to updating the line in place (iteration, hashcount, speed, runtime), and only starting a new line for a CPU check:

LoopIteration:18285  HashCount:306771.39MH  Speed:40.3MH/s  Runtime:02:06:45  Pr
LoopIteration:18286  HashCount:306788.17MH  Speed:40.3MH/s  Runtime:02:06:46  Pr
LoopIteration:19889  HashCount:333682.05MH  Speed:40.3MH/s  Runtime:02:17:52  Predicted:03:47:09  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxikwainqfiv
LoopIteration:24945  HashCount:418507.65MH  Speed:39.9MH/s  Runtime:02:54:57  Predicted:03:49:49  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxrilryi4hl
LoopIteration:27801  HashCount:466423.38MH  Speed:39.9MH/s  Runtime:03:14:44  Predicted:03:49:32  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxjooya5qn5

There were 38 CPU checks from iteration 19889 (above) to 115574 (below) inclusive, until finally:

LoopIteration:112227  HashCount:1882856.62MH  Speed:39.9MH/s  Runtime:13:06:59  Predicted:03:49:47  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxbgvkely47
LoopIteration:114256  HashCount:1916897.59MH  Speed:39.9MH/s  Runtime:13:21:02  Predicted:03:49:43  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxigiwv74rfp
LoopIteration:115574  HashCount:1939009.96MH  Speed:39.9MH/s  Runtime:13:30:09  Predicted:03:49:42  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxxy3are7ib

Ding!! Delicions scallions for you!!

Exponent: 779457387
Address/Hash: xxxxxxxxy3are7ib.onion

[...4096 bit key...]

init: 146ms / 1 (146ms, 6.85/s)
generate key: 20074027ms / 115878 (173.23ms, 5.77/s)
total without init: 48609921ms / 1 (48609921ms, 0/s)
cpu precompute: 261ms / 1869 (0.14ms, 7160.92/s)
set buffers: 2452ms / 115574 (0.02ms, 47134.58/s)
write buffers: 10523ms / 115574 (0.09ms, 10982.99/s)
read results: 48317603ms / 115574 (418.07ms, 2.39/s)
check results: 17545ms / 115574 (0.15ms, 6587.29/s)

39.89 million hashes per second

For completeness:

scallion.exe -l
Id:0 Name:Quadro FX 880M
    PreferredGroupSizeMultiple:32 ComputeUnits:6 ClockFrequency:1210
    MaxConstantBufferSize:65536 MaxConstantArgs:9 MaxMemAllocSize:268435456

I will also try with -n and report back.

Edit: Lower hash rate with -n (and didn't output a line per iteration this time, just per CPU check):

scallion.exe -k 4096 -n -d 0 xxxxxxxx
Cooking up some delicions scallions...
Putting 1 patterns into 1 buckets.
Using kernel normal from file (Normal)
Using work group size 32
Compiling kernel... done.
LoopIteration:3344  HashCount:56103.01MH  Speed:27.8MH/s  Runtime:00:33:38  Predicted:05:29:42  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxnynlg32wc
LoopIteration:3600  HashCount:60397.98MH  Speed:27.8MH/s  Runtime:00:36:13  Predicted:05:29:45  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxkqczbhqaa
LoopIteration:3623  HashCount:60783.85MH  Speed:27.8MH/s  Runtime:00:36:27  Predicted:05:29:46  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxruthqqkqz
LoopIteration:6562  HashCount:110092.09MH  Speed:27.8MH/s  Runtime:01:06:02  Predicted:05:29:46  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxyabcj4oym
LoopIteration:9240  HashCount:155021.48MH  Speed:27.8MH/s  Runtime:01:32:59  Predicted:05:29:46  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxifhgz3krs2
LoopIteration:11025  HashCount:184968.81MH  Speed:27.8MH/s  Runtime:01:50:57  Predicted:05:29:47  CPU checking hash: xxxxxxxtvebdtxy5
LoopIteration:11645  HashCount:195370.68MH  Speed:27.5MH/s  Runtime:01:58:33  Predicted:05:33:37
No delicions scallions for you!!
Stopping the GPU and shutting down...

LoopIteration:11646  HashCount:195387.46MH  Speed:27.5MH/s  Runtime:01:58:34  Predicted:05:33:37  init: 1536ms / 1 (1536ms, 0.65/s)
generate key: 1952105ms / 11966 (163.14ms, 6.13/s)
cpu precompute: 38ms / 193 (0.2ms, 5078.95/s)
total without init: 7114461ms / 1 (7114461ms, 0/s)
set buffers: 256ms / 11646 (0.02ms, 45492.19/s)
write buffers: 1101ms / 11646 (0.09ms, 10577.66/s)
read results: 7022039ms / 11646 (602.96ms, 1.66/s)
check results: 2345ms / 11646 (0.2ms, 4966.31/s)

27.46 million hashes per second
anonamouse commented 11 years ago

Maybe I was just unlucky the first time. For a second run (without -n): Runtime:04:11:05 Predicted:03:46:47, so pretty close. Only newlined when CPU checking (so don't know what that was the first time). It's still CPU checking 7 char matches, but in some ways it's actually encouraging to see it making progress!

davidtopeer commented 11 years ago

Hmm I still seem to be stuck > 24 hours for anything more than 6 characters, running at 600Mh/s or greater.

freethenation commented 11 years ago

I just got access to a Ubuntu box with a Radeon HD 5450 (low end card). I was unable to replicate the issue. I am going to install windows and see if I can replicate. Anyway, this is just an update to let ya know the issue is being worked on.

I take it you both have the newest drivers?

dazoe commented 11 years ago

I have this problem also, on windows 8 and linux with catalyst 13. Seems like the gpu is hashing incorrectly. I see the same issue with oclvanitygen.

smokeyrd commented 10 years ago

I am having a similar issue. I've got a machine running a 4770k with onboard GPU as well as 2x7950's. Hashing seems to work great (albeit slower) on the onboard nvidia gpu but when hashing to the ATI's I am unable to get the ati's to produce results in line with expectations. Noticed 2 variables: 1) 4 or less characters seem to (eventually) produce results but takes significantly longer than the nvidia onboard and results in the above-mentioned not resulting in a prefix but rather "somewhere in there". 2) 5 or more I have not been able to get any results. Below is the GPU/driver/firmware specs

OnBoard: HW: Intel HD Graphics 4600 Driver: FW: N/A MH/s: 70.3 MH/s

PCI-e: HW: Dual ATI Radeon HD 7950 (using x-fire) Driver: BIOS: MH/s: 1650-1900 (depending on if OC'ed or not)

Using pre-compiled Scallion-v1.0. I can post the scallion output if youd like.

Lachesis/Eric- If there's any value to having access to a box with higher-end hardware for testing purposes, I can give you access to a box with your choice of windows/debian some time in the next week. I would just need to find a box that i can drop the cards into for you to play with.

As a matter of curiosity, is there any method by which this hashing algorithm could be applied to a BFL asic? I've got a jalapeno that was delivered as part of a "thank you" from one of my customers and I have limited interest in running it as a BTC miner but would like to use it on other projects. It seems like offering a "service" that would hash .onion domains would be something nice for the community. That being said, I have no idea if the 2 alg's are similar at all so I may be totally off base with this.

Edit: tested with latest beta driver ( and seems to have the same issue as before.

lachesis commented 10 years ago

I've fixed it! At least on my configuration, which is a Radeon HD5770 on Ubuntu 13.10 using I had to downgrade to the 2.7 SDK. Also, I kept having bugs with fglrx, but I got that squared away too.

I got the fix from

Steps: 1) Get fglrx installed correctly grab the latest beta driver from $ unzip $ chmod +x $ mount -o remount,exec /tmp # only needed if your /tmp is mounted noexec :) $ sudo ./ --buildpkg Ubuntu/saucy $ sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb $ sudo amdconfig --initial -f $ sudo nano /etc/default/grub


$ sudo update-grub $ sudo reboot

2) Download the AMD APP SDK 2.7 $ tar xf AMD-APP-SDK-v2.7-lnx64.tar $ sudo ./

3) Make sure your environment variables are set right You might have to copy AMDAPPSDKROOT and LD_LIBRARY_PATH out of /etc/profile

4) Run scallion!

Please let me know if this fixes your problems.

AreYouLoco commented 10 years ago

I am using latests Amd drivers 13.35 beta with SDK 2.9 and I have this 'hash doesn't match problem' too.

I will give a try if the 2.7 solves the problem.

wywin commented 10 years ago

Since @AreYouLoco didn't follow up, It looks like 13.35 beta with SDK 2.7 is the winning combination, at least on Saucy. Thanks for the great tool!

AreYouLoco commented 10 years ago

Since @wywin is making wrong conclusions:D I tried with SKD 2.7 and the error remains. Even tried different versions of scallion. Latests git, version 0.9 and 1.2. Still same problem but version 0.9 is just making output with wrong addresses.

So the problem is not related to version. I think that it is driver related. I will check with some older driver version and put result. Fyah!

P.S. I am using Debian Wheezy (Crunchbang #!).

alexandrvicente commented 10 years ago

It is also happening with the built-in OS X OpenCL on Mavericks.

jeffreyroberts commented 10 years ago

Im +1 with @alexandrvicente

vlad259 commented 9 years ago

I get it on Windows too with v2

freethenation commented 9 years ago

@vlad259 Do you get it with version 1.2 ( )? Trying to figure out if its a regression in v2?

vlad259 commented 9 years ago

Hi, yeah same deal with 1.2. Thanks for taking a look at it.

freethenation commented 9 years ago

@vlad259 Unfortunately I think its a driver bug :( Read lachesis last comment above. Try downgrading or upgrading drivers. If you just need a short address you can do it on the CPU.

I am currently traveling and very far from my windows dev box (OpenCL does not work over remote desktop). If you find a working combination please post it here to help others.

AreYouLoco commented 9 years ago

Richard Klafter:

Unfortunately I think its a driver bug :( Try downgrading or upgrading drivers. Updating doesn't work I tried last 2 official proprietary versions from ATI. I remember that I used to generate a working key using one of driver versions i should have somewhere archives with old drivers versions on drive so I will try to downgrade my driver version to the one that is still working with scallion.

Richard Klafter:

If you just need a short address you can do it on the CPU. :D

Then maybe generating a diff file with the current driver will save a lot of time looking for a change in the code that is causing the trouble.

Please give me some time to do that because I have a-lat-a other stuff to do. And my system is not fully stable I need to fix other stuff. And then I will let ya'all know what is the latest version that is working without bug #11.
