lachjames / KotOR-Modding-Guide

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Argument Out of Range #1

Open PJR0101 opened 3 years ago

PJR0101 commented 3 years ago

I have installed the Module Editor, but when I click on Open Kotor, it spent half an hour loading, then left the following error message: 2021-02-16

Any help would be appreciated.

lachjames commented 3 years ago

That's quite strange, I've never seen that error. Could you please give the following information:

Thanks, and sorry you're having trouble. Making KLE easier to setup and work with for new users is a priority, but at the moment it can be a bit fiddly to get working right unfortunately.

PJR0101 commented 3 years ago

I have quite a few mods active, the biggest ones being the Gameplay Improvement Beta, Brotherhood of Shadow; Solomon's Revenge, and the Yavin IV planet and Exar Kun Temple. There was a function accessible to me that Unity said was only in developer mode, so I think I have it open, but I couldn't see for sure. I haven't used the Unpacker tool, I can't find it. Unity says I need to update my graphics driver, as it can't support the GPU Lightmapper; is it possible I just need to upgrade it to get things working?

Thanks for your reply.