lacroixdesign / node-bourbon

A node-sass port of Bourbon.
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How using node-bourbon with gulp task with styles? #34

Open leotankilevich opened 8 years ago

leotankilevich commented 8 years ago

gulp.task('style:build', function () { gulp.src( .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(sass({

        includePaths: ['src/style/'],
        outputStyle: 'compressed',
        sourceMap: true,
        errLogToConsole: true
    .pipe(reload({stream: true}));


iamlacroix commented 8 years ago

Hi, are you asking how to include that src/style/ path along with the node-bourbon paths?

If so, you could use the with method (docs):

includePaths: require('node-bourbon').with('src/style/'),

Behind the scenes, it is simply calling concat on node-bourbon's includePaths array.