lad1337 / XDM

XDM: eXtendable Download Manager. Plugin based media collection manager.
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Add more usable "home" view #163

Open pannal opened 10 years ago

pannal commented 10 years ago

When being on the "home" view of XDM you should be able to see all items for one category without having to switch between "Wanted" and "Completed".

I'd like to see a combined view with an ordered/orderable list of all the stuff per category, perhaps distinguished between wanted/completed visually. That'd improve the usability vastly.

Filtering instead of tabs would make this app ultimately usable in my opinion.

carze commented 10 years ago

I actually don't even understand what the different between "Wanted" and "Completed" is. Clicking on either one seems to do nothing on my XDM install.

I find that limiting the current home screen to one category seems a little cumbersome and agree that filtering would likely be a more clean approach. Perhaps we can allow either a "coverflow"-ish view of all items or a list view of all items depending on what the user would like too see on their home screen.

pannal commented 10 years ago

Well the difference is that the Completed view shows stuff that's been already downloaded (and thus tracked by XDM as such). Wanted shows everything not downloaded (thus wanted or snatched).

I find the current type of view pretty weird as that snatched/downloaded state could be distinguished from "wanted" way better from the UX-perspective than it currently is. The "wanted"-state gets its own tab, though its only a temporary state. That doesn't make too much sense compared to the "completed"-state. A more merged type of view with perhaps all "wanted" items on top, ordered by ordering preceeding all "downloaded/known/stored" items, ordered by ordering, with an optical differentiation would make much more sense.