lad1337 / XDM

XDM: eXtendable Download Manager. Plugin based media collection manager.
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Searching Newznab, no results #175

Open Justleen opened 10 years ago

Justleen commented 10 years ago

Hello All..I'm feeling quite silly since I can't seem te get the searching to work. I configured oznzb as a newznab provider, tested the connection (which works), gotten the categories from oznzb and ticked the "Run for.. " boxes.

Yet, anything I search, gives a blue search bar that disappears quickly again and no results. In the logging I only get the next lines added (when searching):

{"msg": "Init search on TV ( for test", "lvl": "INFO", "caller": {"line": 983, "fn": "search", "file": "/opt/xdm/xdm/plugins/"}, "data": {}, "time": "2014-05-12 21:57:27.963625"}
{"msg": "init paint on default root TV([9] ", "lvl": "DEBUG", "caller": {"line": 972, "fn": "paint", "file": "/opt/xdm/xdm/plugins/"}, "data": {}, "time": "2014-05-12 21:57:27.973903"}

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm sure I'm doing it wrong but can't figure out what's wrong.

lad1337 commented 10 years ago

first thing i assume would be that the categories a not correct as the "get categories" is ... dumb i assume that because it does not return an error ... just an empty result set

does it work with other indexer sites ?

Justleen commented 10 years ago

To be honest, I don't have another indexer. I was fed up with not finding a free one, so I paid for oznzb. No, I get no errors what so ever. The logging seems fine to, no errors when searching, just them two lines extra when I tail the log.

I've just checked the cat. ID on oznzb (by checking the rss feed) and changed the TV id accordingly (from 5020 to 5000... it was quite close;), but I get the same result in XDM. Leaving them blank doesn't help either.

Justleen commented 10 years ago

Just registered with, getting the same result. Should I manually find the catorgories and adjust accordingly? Or just leave them blank?

I'm quite impressed with the easy of use of XDM, but this really got mu stumped..

lad1337 commented 10 years ago

Blank categories will result in nothing ... They should be some kind of numbers

If start XDM with --debug in the console you might see more infos including the search URL it's calling

Justleen commented 10 years ago

I see exactly the same output with --debug.. Apart from seeing the search string in the logs, nothing seems to happen. I got the suspicion it not actually polling oznzb / fastnzb at all. Is there a way to manually kick off the newsnab plugin?

Therealkam commented 9 years ago

Testing 0.5.19 ... Well actually it's not even launching searchForElement(self, element) of Class Newznab.