lad1337 / XDM

XDM: eXtendable Download Manager. Plugin based media collection manager.
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Newznab plugin does not parse categories properly from SpotWeb Newznab API #83

Open forkless opened 10 years ago

forkless commented 10 years ago


Error during _gatherCategories of Newznab(Default) Error: No JSON object could be decoded

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/XDM/source/xdm/web/", line 70, in pluginCall status, data, msg = p_function(_fn_args) File "/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/XDM/source/plugins/Indexer/Newznab-de_lad1337_newznab-0_6/", line 142, in _gatherCategories for cat in r.json()['categories']['category']: File "/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/XDM/source/lib/requests/", line 629, in json return json.loads(self.text or self.content, *_kwargs) File "/opt/lib/python2.7/json/", line 326, in loads return _default_decoder.decode(s) File "/opt/lib/python2.7/json/", line 366, in decode obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end()) File "/opt/lib/python2.7/json/", line 384, in raw_decode raise ValueError("No JSON object could be decoded") ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded


<server version="0.1" title="Spotweb" strapline="Spotweb API Index" email=" (test admin)" url="" image=""/>
<limits max="500" default="100"/>
<registration available="no" open="no"/>
<search available="yes"/>
<tv-search available="yes"/>
<movie-search available="yes"/>
<audio-search available="yes"/>
<category id="1000" name="Console">
<subcat id="1010" name="NDS"/>
<subcat id="1020" name="PSP"/>
<subcat id="1030" name="Wii"/>
<subcat id="1040" name="Xbox"/>
<subcat id="1050" name="Xbox 360"/>
<subcat id="1080" name="PS3"/>
<category id="2000" name="Movies">
<subcat id="2030" name="SD"/>
<subcat id="2040" name="HD"/>
<subcat id="2060" name="Sport"/>
<category id="3000" name="Audio">
<subcat id="3010" name="MP3"/>
<subcat id="3020" name="Video"/>
<subcat id="3040" name="Lossless"/>
<category id="4000" name="PC">
<subcat id="4030" name="Mac"/>
<subcat id="4040" name="Phone"/>
<subcat id="4050" name="Games"/>
<category id="5000" name="TV">
<subcat id="5020" name="Foreign"/>
<subcat id="5030" name="SD"/>
<subcat id="5040" name="HD"/>
<subcat id="5050" name="Other"/>
<subcat id="5060" name="Sport"/>
<category id="6000" name="XXX">
<subcat id="6010" name="DVD"/>
<subcat id="6020" name="WMV"/>
<subcat id="6030" name="XviD"/>
<subcat id="6040" name="x264"/>
<category id="7000" name="Other">
<subcat id="7020" name="Ebook"/>
lad1337 commented 10 years ago

the newznab plugin only supports the output as json ... it seams the api syntax is different for SpotWeb or maybe you need to do this ? i cant find a documentation for the api

forkless commented 10 years ago

I've done that already. I use spotweb as an alternative newznab provider for CouchPotato, Sickbeard et al. which works fine.

Eg. works. One dfifference I do notice with the same api call to my newznab provider on it will give slightly different XML (it adds groups & genre taxonomies).

lad1337 commented 10 years ago

the issue is that the newznab plugin only supports json output newznab can do that apperently SpotWeb can't so either a newznab plugin for xml has to be made that will work with SpotWeb or the existing one has to take xml output into consideration ... but honestly xml is a pain

forkless commented 10 years ago

Spotweb supports JSON output it just defaults to XML as far as I know, it should listen to the o=JSON URI parameter

Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned XML in the issue comment/title, the only thing I intended to point out is that the newznab API is working when you call it with api?t=c (Which indeed produces XML, by the way it does this by default on Newznab itself as well).

Like I mentioned before CP and SB parse the content from the API. Could it be there is a bug in your JSON parser/the way you handle your stream?

EDIT: Never mind, I think I've found a bug in the Spotweb API

forkless commented 10 years ago

[{"ID":"","name":"Kerio Connect 8.2.0 Linux 64","size":"519432948","adddate":"2013-10-28 23:55:10","guid":"","fromname":"whizkidz","completion":100,"comments":"0","category_name":"Applications: TUX","category_ids":[],"_totalrows":57},{"ID":"","name":"Kerio Connect 8.2.0 Linux 32","size":"535704523","adddate":"2013-10-28 23:54:32","guid":"","fromname":"whizkidz","completion":100,"comments":"0","category_name":"Applications: TUX","category_ids":[]},{"ID":"","name":"Kerio Connect 8.1.3 Linux 64","size":"261317540","adddate":"2013-10-28 00:02:10","guid":"","fromname":"whizkidz","completion":100,"comments":"0","category_name":"Applications: TUX","category_ids":[]},{"ID":"","name":"Kerio Connect linux 32","size":"267924996","adddate":"2013-10-27 23:59:55","guid":"","fromname":"whizkidz","completion":100,"comments":"0","category_name":"Applications: TUX","category_ids":[]},

Here's some sample JSON output from Spotweb, hope this will help

domaximus commented 10 years ago

any progress on this issue? I'm experiencing exactly the same.

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

I am trying to get it to work in a new Spotweb plugin with XML parsing.

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

I have parsing the nzb and category with XML working it only needs an extra lib. xmltodict i will put everything together and will do a pull request later this evening.

lad1337 commented 10 years ago

@avdstelt did you upgrade the default Nezwnab plugin or make a new one ? because if its a new one you could host it yourself

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

It's a new one maybe you can help me how to host it i am pretty new to git :)

lad1337 commented 10 years ago

i suspect is what you are using as a start there are two ways either you delte every other plugin except your own (locally) then commit the changes and push that way only your plugin / version is available there. when you did this you might want to change the name of the repo like "my xdm plugins"

or you could create a new repo on github (the make that part quite easy) and move the modified plugin to the local copy of the new repo

now to make your git(hub) repo into a XDM repo you have to modify the meta.json (the name is irrelevant) how you do that is up to you

please give the a chance and i can help you with the rest besides if you have any question feel free to ask either here @ or on irc on #xdm

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

Ok i will try it this evening i am also having some problems with the pluginRootLibarys is there a good documentation how to use this?

lad1337 commented 10 years ago

this is all i have written down

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

I saw that, but at some point it doesn't work for me i created a directory pluginRootLibarys/xmltodict and put the file in that directory.

When i write import xmltodict.xmltodict i am getting module xmltodict not found.

lad1337 commented 10 years ago

The xmltodict folder does it have an if not add one Otherwise the folder is not a module It might also work to just add the to the pluginRootLibarys folder (without the extra folder)

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

You are right there isn't one i will add one and see what happens then.

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

Having some problems with the download.type and downloader.types

In the Spotweb plugin type and types are both de.lad1337.nzb but when i print them in the they are not the same?

I did changed them to nl.avdstelt.nzb in the new plugin when i started to build it.

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

Fixed it by deleting the entries in the database.

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

Ok check for Spotweb plugin.

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

You can add my repos with the following url

avdstelt commented 10 years ago

I think that this issue can be closed.