lad1337 / XDM

XDM: eXtendable Download Manager. Plugin based media collection manager.
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Captcha in plugin config #90

Open Torf opened 10 years ago

Torf commented 10 years ago


I want to create an Indexer Plugin that requires :

Do you have any idea of how to do this please ?

lad1337 commented 10 years ago

oh okay its a like a "do you want to give this thing permission to your account" thing ?

there is a function that lets you inject javascript/html into the settings page getConfigHtml

technically you can do whatever you want with this... like if the cookie data is not set

  1. create some html and js with the image from the other server (maybe encode the image into bas64)
  2. return that html
  3. call a ajax function on your plugin with the user input
  4. save the response / cookie in a config value OR save it in a hidden config value

hidden config fields are defined with _hidden_config and accesed with e.g. self.hc.cookie

or open an iframe and get the data with javascript

but i noticed that the html you send is hidden ... either unhide it with javascript for now or wait until i make is visible by default :P

                 <div style="display: none;">

also note that you can have multiple instances of your plugin and you dont want to set it on the wrong instance what i did was the function is a specific function only for that instance ->

function newsznab_""" + self.instance + """_spreadCategories(data){`

and to get the correct fields

$('#""" + helper.idSafe( + """ input[name$="'+k+'"]').val(i)

the helper.idSafe( used during rendering on the plugin settings pane

also interesting to know is that you can define a function that should be called if an ajax function was called

your whole procedure might just work like the gather categories (in the newsnab plugin) with the exception of getting an image first .. displaying that and then sending the captcha text with ajax to the plugin and then calling some hide function on the image and populating the values in the fields (e.g. cookie_info)

as i said you could generate this html with the image dynamically meaning only if the cookie info is not given or does not work making it a one time thing

how you can use this cookie information i have no idea ...

edit: sometimes i am surprised what is implemented ... i need a documentation :/

Torf commented 10 years ago

Whoah, it's so great ! Yes, a few documentation could help :P

Thanks you for your answer, it will help me a lot :)

I think I can use a .js file with getConfigHtml ?

def getConfigHtml(self):
    with open("config.js", "r") as f:
        js =
    return js

edit: Oops, it's a HTML file, not a JS one.

edit2: oh no i can't, cause' I need python functions as idSafe :/

lad1337 commented 10 years ago

sure you can but keep in mind that this is not plain javascript but rather html(@edit1) and you can embed javascript you could inject a script tag with an url ... you know you can access the files

you could also use a jinja template i use this in the TV plugin but i expect to get a teplate string there you would need to render it

something like this

from jinja2.environment import Environment
from jinja2.loaders import FileSystemLoader, DictLoader

def getConfigHtml(self):
    with open("config.ji2", "r") as f: # the filename does not matter
        tpl =
    env = Environment(loader=DictLoader({'this': tpl}), extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n'])
    env.install_gettext_callables(_, ngettext, newstyle=True) # might not need this
    env.filters['relativeTime'] = helper.reltime # might not need this
    env.filters['idSafe'] = helper.idSafe  # this looks good
    env.filters['derefMe'] = helper.dereferMe # might want this for external links
    env.filters['derefMeText'] = helper.dereferMeText # or this for external links that are in a bunch of text
    elementTemplate = env.get_template('this') # now you have the template

    return elementTemplate.render(, # pass some variables
                                                 plugin=self # or why not the whole plugin instance

as you can see that is a lot ... well its just creating a jinja2 enviroment and rending the template string its also a bit fish since you read the file and but that contens into a dict and use the dict loader to get the current template ... might be easier to use the FileSystemLoader

fyi this code is used in the render method of each element (the core data structure in XDM) edit: removed unneeded code