ladiesofcode / london

A space for the London LOC community, including past presentations
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Ideas for meetup topics #26

Open RabeaGleissner opened 8 years ago

RabeaGleissner commented 8 years ago

Just some ideas of topics for future meetups...

Amazing projects that someone worked on but that for some reason never went live

Presentations on cool projects that you've worked on but that for some reason never came to fruition (client pulled it, you never found the time to deploy it or to finish it, etc)

Agile - pros and cons

Could be a panel with agile proponents and opponents

Biggest failure or most embarrassing moment of your career - and how you saved the moment

Could start of with a couple of presentations or lightning talks of people talking about something that went very wrong and how they handled the situation. Then could open up to the audience and everyone can tell a funny story about when they deleted their company's website, accidentally published test data, deleted common folders of Dropbox etc.

RabeaGleissner commented 8 years ago

Algorithms - 20 minute presentations to explain how different algorithms work (e.g. search, sorting, gaming algorithms)

RabeaGleissner commented 8 years ago

Two more:

RabeaGleissner commented 7 years ago

Tools (vim, emacs, test frameworks...)

inespons commented 7 years ago

Package Managers

RabeaGleissner commented 7 years ago

Intro to Elm? Or Elixir? It seems that both are kind of trendy now...

inespons commented 7 years ago

Monitoring Tools. Grafana, InfluxDB, StatsD, etc