When entering invalid string for a built in function, no Exception is raised. Instead the following error is obtained:
544 def update_line(self, new_data, plot_channel):
545 # only plot data that are within xlim (applies only for normal plot, not ch vs. ch)
546 t_span_samples = int(self.vis.subplot_options[plot_channel['pos']]['t_span'] * self.vis.acquisition.sample_rate)
--> 548 nth = plot_channel['nth']
550 xlim = self.vis.subplot_options[plot_channel['pos']]['xlim']
552 if len(plot_channel['channels']) == 1:
553 # plot a single channel
When entering invalid string for a built in function, no Exception is raised. Instead the following error is obtained:
544 def update_line(self, new_data, plot_channel): 545 # only plot data that are within xlim (applies only for normal plot, not ch vs. ch) 546 t_span_samples = int(self.vis.subplot_options[plot_channel['pos']]['t_span'] * self.vis.acquisition.sample_rate) --> 548 nth = plot_channel['nth'] 550 xlim = self.vis.subplot_options[plot_channel['pos']]['xlim'] 552 if len(plot_channel['channels']) == 1: 553 # plot a single channel
KeyError: 'nth'