ladislas / Bare-Arduino-Project

Start your Arduino projects right out of the box
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Not working in Ubuntu 14 #35

Closed blasco closed 7 years ago

blasco commented 7 years ago

First of all thank you for the great work! I'm experiencing some problems setting the bare-bone project up in Ubuntu:

----------------------- 1st problem ------------------------ My avr-gcc version is 4.8.2, which in the makes it try avr-gcc-ar

ifeq ($(shell expr $(CC_VERNUM) '>' 482), 1)
    AR_NAME      = avr-gcc-ar
    AR_NAME      = avr-ar

which produces the following error when trying to build: 'sorry - this program has been built without plugin support'

I changed $(shell expr $(CC_VERNUM) '>' 482 for $(shell expr $(CC_VERNUM) '>' 483

to make it use avr-gcc, which compiles without errors

----------------------- 2nd problem ------------------------

Same version problem for avr dude

        ifndef AVRDUDE
            ifeq ($(shell expr $(ARDUINO_VERSION) '>' 157), 1)
                # 1.5.8 has different location than all prior versions!
                AVRDUDE = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/bin/avrdude
                AVRDUDE = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/../avrdude

        ifndef AVRDUDE_CONF
            ifeq ($(shell expr $(ARDUINO_VERSION) '>' 157), 1)
                AVRDUDE_CONF = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/etc/avrdude.conf
                AVRDUDE_CONF = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/../avrdude.conf

I have version 105 but the paths are just the other, so I changed ($(shell expr $(ARDUINO_VERSION) '>' 157) for ($(shell expr $(ARDUINO_VERSION) '>' 100)

I know is a dirty work around, and that's why I reported the issue so you guys can think for a better fix! Thank you again for the great work

ladislas commented 7 years ago

thanks for the feedback.

this is more of an upstream bug from what I see. I'll look into it and report it if it's the case.