ladybug-tools / dragonfly-legacy

:bug: Legacy dragonfly plugin for large-scale climate and urban heat island modeling.
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DF needs to add floor height parameter to BEM.building not BEM #46

Closed saeranv closed 6 years ago

saeranv commented 6 years ago


In the Run UWG component, the floorHeight parameter is being incorrectly assigned to the BEM object, it should be assigned to the building object.

i.e uwg_typology.building.floorHeight = df_typology.floor_to_floor

I vaguely feel like Anna found this mistake at some point, and we just never got around to correcting it. At any rate, noting it here so we make sure to address this.

chriswmackey commented 6 years ago

Thanks for finding this one @saeranv and @annasong20 !

I have fixed this both in the legacy plugin here:

... and in the core library: