ladybug-tools / honeybee-energy

🐝 :fire: Honeybee extension for energy simulation
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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“Failed to write in IDF to file” while runnning EnergyPlus #1004

Closed Clukay416 closed 5 months ago

Clukay416 commented 5 months ago

Modeling Platform: Rhino 7.36 LBT Version:1.4.0

I am running a sumulation for a mid-rise apartment. When running the energy plus simulation I encountered the following error: Failed to write in.idf to file: I would appreciate any sort of suggestion/help that you can give me.

01 01 02

JunfXiao commented 5 months ago

This is mainly caused by non-ascii characters, like characters in Chinese or "ä", "ö" etc. The related code is under repository ladybug-tools/ladybug:

A temporary solution for you is to check and rename all encountered non-ascii characters, and make sure everything is english letter, number or symbol.

The permanent solution is to specify encoding='UTF-8' when opening the file. Since it is a common utility for all other packages, it's hard to say if the change will break other things. To suggest the change, you can raise an issue there.

chriswmackey commented 5 months ago

Sorry for the late response but you are using a version of the software that is almost 3 years old and I am fairly certain that this is already fixed. I can't recreate it either by putting non-ASCII characters into the honeybee model. Nor can I recreate it by putting them into the EPW path:


So I am going to close this issue. If I'm wrong and you are able to recreate the error in the latest version of the plugin (LBT 1.8), then I recommend posting to the forum with a sample Grasshopper file that recreates the issue:

There, we can see if there is actually a bug and, if so, we can open an issue on GitHub.