ladybug-tools / spider-2020

Your 2020 3D happy place for online browsing of building data files
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Update: Spider IDF Viewer v-2020-06-07 #10

Open theo-armour opened 4 years ago

theo-armour commented 4 years ago



Spider IDF Viewer

The script enables you to open EnergyPlus Input Data Files (IDF) from ypur computer or via a URL. Ths script locates all surfaces and windows data and displays the data in 3D in your browser.


To Do


On 2020-06-06 in issue #7 Mostapha said " since you have an importer for idf and OSM all the EnergyPlus users will be able to take advantage of this viewer even if they are not going to use honeybee schema. That is huge!"

This was a wonderful boost. The only problem was that yesterday Spider had an OSM file viewer but no IDF viewer. And we love huge and that was yesterday.

Here is the timeline for 2020-06-07:

12:27 ~
In this GitHub issue, Mostapha mentioned that we could view IDF files. In actual fact, the Spider team has a lot of 3D viewers but not one for IDF. So let's make one.

The core files are prepared. The Read Me is started.

It is worth considering that, as far as I know, I have never "seen" an IDF file. I do not know what IDF stands for. I have no clue as to what one should look like and how it should behave. I know 3D but I an a BEM newb.


We have Spider IDF Viewer! In two and a half hours. In 2015 it took me weeks to read OSM files and display in 3D. In 2017 it took me days to read gbXML files. Ditto RAD files.

And now it's like "Pff"

As of now it's lines for walls, door and window borders. Let's get some surfaces in here.

16:43 ~

Now we have meshes - but only in beige. Let's see if we can get some color.

19:19 ~

Now we have colors. And an "open all" button that opens and displays all the sample files in 3D.

And we have what are getting to be the usual features:



Just discovered and added link to all 701 EnergyPlus testfiles . Started testing. None worked at first. ;-( Did a bunch of fixes. Now they seem to work mostly

theo-armour commented 4 years ago

Updates 2020-06-08

michaldengusiak commented 4 years ago

@theo-armour like always -- this is great. :) I really like show all samples..

  1. how can we turn off fog? image

  2. which version do you support i tried to import my file... .IDF but I could not see .. maybe is somewhere outside view? Test File image

theo-armour commented 4 years ago


Thank you for the good thoughts.

  1. Fog. Yes, fog is having issue. it needs careful adjusting each time a new file is loaded. I am still learning about it. I will be adding a button to the rotation toggle buttun in the footer soon.
  2. I have tried to open a.idf and also saw nothing. Two reasons. 1. today I discovered the Shade thing in IDF. Tomorrow I add. 2. In the IDF files I have sourced there is always a number of vertices provided. In the file you sent I see:

, !- Number of Vertices

And, oops, the file open is broken in the OSM viewer. Will fix.