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:spider_web: 3D interactive analysis in your browser mostly written around the Three.js JavaScript library
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Update 2018-03-11~ gbXML Viewer R11.12.4 ~ Stable Release #87

Closed theo-armour closed 6 years ago

theo-armour commented 6 years ago



full screen: gbXML Viewer R11

gbXML Viewer Features

The following is a copy of the text in the main Read Me. This list of features - like the app itself - is a work-in-progress. There's still quite a few more items to be added.

Open, view and investigate gbXML files in 3D in your browser with free, open source entry-level JavaScript.

User experience

SET Module ~ Settings and Viewing Menu

REP Module ~ Reports / Data Menu

REP Module ~ Reports / Issue tracking Menu

Note these REP menu items will evolve into their own ISS issues module in a future release

HUD Module ~ Heads-up Display / Editing

SAV ~ Save Changes

CAM Module ~ First person camera Menu

ANA Module ~ Sun Path / Analemmas Menu

GAL Module / Sample gbXML File galleries

Behind the scenes:

APP / THR / COD / GBX ~ the engines that make it all work

Many thanks to Michal for pushing for all this to happen. May editing gbXML files- one day - be fast and easy.

mdengusiak commented 6 years ago

@theo-armour absolutely excellent!

theo-armour commented 6 years ago

Full screen stable release (fingers-crossed) R11.12.5:

Full screen stable release R11.12.4:

Full screen development very pre-release R12:

mdengusiak commented 6 years ago

Ver 11 is stable and released...we close this now as new R12 is on the way