glai - GGUF LLAMA AI - Package for simplified model handling and text generation with Llama models quantized to GGUF format. APIs for downloading and loading models automatically, includes a db with models of various scale and quantizations. With this high level API you need one line to load the model and one to generate text completions.
Curretly similarity scores for name_search, quantization_search, keyword_search in ModelDB are weighted evenly.
Model name match should be prioritized over quantization and both of these over keywords
Done and
GGUF ModelDB has been moved to a dedicated package gguf_modeldb availablen on github and pypi install gguf_modeldb>=0.0.1a3
Curretly similarity scores for name_search, quantization_search, keyword_search in ModelDB are weighted evenly. Model name match should be prioritized over quantization and both of these over keywords