Student project in deep reinforcement learning with the OpenAI Gym. We evaluated and analyzed how different model architectures performed as agents in various games.
Box2D needs swig3.0 to properly compile.
Ubuntu 14.10 and above should behave correctly. 14.04 Trusty Tahr does not have swig3.0 in default repositories, therefore we need to make backport repos available
According to Greg Brockman (these commands remove any installed older versions of Swig):
Box2D needs swig3.0 to properly compile. Ubuntu 14.10 and above should behave correctly. 14.04 Trusty Tahr does not have swig3.0 in default repositories, therefore we need to make backport repos available According to Greg Brockman (these commands remove any installed older versions of Swig):
Additionally we can install a prebuilt binary of Box2D to eliminate another source of compile complications: