Open github-actions[bot] opened 1 year ago
import { applyOTs } from './ot'; import { api as replitProtocol } from '@replit/protocol'; import type { ReplitCustomThemeValues, XLGovalChannel, UUID } from './types'; module.exports = {}; if (!(document.currentScript && 'src' in document.currentScript)) { throw new Error('Assertion failed'); } console.debug('[XL] Inject script loaded'); // Get the selected SID passed from content script const rawSid = document.currentScript.dataset.sid || '0'; delete document.currentScript.dataset.sid; // Get the index of the active SID const activeSid = parseInt(document.currentScript.dataset.activeSid!); delete document.currentScript.dataset.activeSid; // Get XL settings const rawSettings = document.currentScript.dataset.settings; const settings = rawSettings ? (() => { try { return JSON.parse(rawSettings); // TODO: validate settings } catch { return {}; } })() : {}; delete document.currentScript.dataset.settings; module.exports.settings = settings; // Check for SID? const hasSid = rawSid[0] == '1'; const sid = hasSid ? rawSid.substring(1) : null; // Get usernames (same order as SIDs) const usernames = document.currentScript.dataset .usernames!.split(',') .filter((u) => !!u); delete document.currentScript.dataset.usernames; // Current username const username = document .getElementsByClassName('username')[0] ?.textContent?.replace(/^@/, '') || globalThis.__NEXT_DATA__?.props?.apolloState?.CurrentUser?.username || null; module.exports.username = username; // Current user ID let userId = (__REPLIT_REDUX_STORE__?.getState() || __NEXT_DATA__?.props.reduxState)?.user ?.userInfo?.id || null; module.exports.userId = userId; console.debug('[XL] Got SID:', hasSid, '\n Got usernames:', usernames); const replUrlRegex = /^\/@(.+?)\/(.+?)(\?.*)?$/; // Consts const BACKEND = ''; const TOSDR_SERVICE_ID = 1676; const SET_FLAGS_HASH = 'xl-set-flags'; const REPLIT_GOVAL_URL_REGEX = /^wss?:\/\/.+?\/wsv2\/v2\.public\..+?$/; const XL_REPLIT_EXTENSION_URL = new URL(document.currentScript.src).origin; // URLs that don't use Next.js const noNextUrls = /^\/(graphql|is_authenticated|\?(__cf))$/; // Fire URL change events (() => { const oldPushState = history.pushState; history.pushState = function pushState(state, unused, url?) { const ret = oldPushState.apply(this, [state, unused, url]); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('pushstate')); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')); return ret; }; const oldReplaceState = history.replaceState; history.replaceState = function replaceState(state, unused, url?) { const ret = oldReplaceState.apply(this, [state, unused, url]); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('replacestate')); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')); return ret; }; window.addEventListener('popstate', () => { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')); }); })(); // Has loaded RequireJS let hasLoadedRequireJS = false; // Overwrite global WebSocket class const _WebSocket = WebSocket; let govalWebSocket: WebSocket | null = null; let govalWebSocketOnMessage: ((e: MessageEvent) => void) | null = null; let govalWebSocketConns = 0; const govalWebSocketRefHandlers: { [ref: string]: (data: any) => void; } = {}; WebSocket = class WebSocket extends _WebSocket { _isGovalWebSocket: boolean = false; constructor(url: string | URL, protocols: string | string[] = []) { super(url, protocols); if (!govalWebSocket && REPLIT_GOVAL_URL_REGEX.test(url.toString())) { govalWebSocketConns++; console.debug('[XL] Intercepted Replit Goval WebSocket'); govalWebSocket = this; this._isGovalWebSocket = true; govalWebSocket.addEventListener('close', () => { govalWebSocket = null; govalWebSocketOnMessage = null; }); } } set onmessage(v) { if (this._isGovalWebSocket) { if (v) { govalWebSocketOnMessage = v; super.onmessage = (e) => { if (replitProtocol) { const data = decodeGovalMessage(; // Debug logs if (data?.ref?.startsWith('xlreplit')) { console.debug('[XL] Got Replit Goval message:', data); } if (govalWebSocketRefHandlers[data?.ref]) { govalWebSocketRefHandlers[data.ref](data); delete govalWebSocketRefHandlers[data.ref]; return; } if (xlGovalChannels[data?.channel]) { if (xlGovalChannels[].handler instanceof Function) { xlGovalChannels[].handler!(data); } return; } } return govalWebSocket && govalWebSocketOnMessage ?, e) : null; }; } } else { super.onmessage = v; } } get onmessage() { return super.onmessage; } }; // Export Goval WebSocket Object.defineProperties(module.exports, { govalWebSocket: { get() { return govalWebSocket; }, }, govalWebSocketConns: { get() { return govalWebSocketConns; }, }, }); // XL Replit errors class XLReplitError extends Error { data: any; constructor(message: string, data: any = null) { super(message); = 'XLReplitError'; if (data) { = data; } } } module.exports.XLReplitError = XLReplitError; // XL Replit Goval channels let xlGovalChannels: { [channel: number]: XLGovalChannel; } = {}; // XL Monaco Editors by IDs const xlMonacoEditors: { [id: string]: { filePath: string; otChannel?: number; version?: number; }; } = {}; module.exports.xlMonacoEditors = xlMonacoEditors; // Function to get user's editor preferences function getEditorPreferences() { return ( (__REPLIT_REDUX_STORE__?.getState() || __NEXT_DATA__?.props.reduxState) ?.user?.userInfo?.editorPreferences || null ); } module.exports.getEditorPreferences = getEditorPreferences; async function graphQl( path: string, variables: { [key: string]: string; } = {} ) { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(variables)) { urlParams.set(k, v); } return await ( await fetch(`${BACKEND}/${path}?${urlParams}`, { method: 'POST', body: sid, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }, }) ).json(); } async function getProfileUser(lookup: string, byUsername = false) { return ( await graphQl('getProfileUser', { lookup, byUsername: byUsername.toString(), }) ).data[byUsername ? 'userByUsername' : 'user']; } async function getXLUserData(id: string) { return await (await fetch(`${BACKEND}/user/${encodeURI(id)}`)).json(); } async function inviteReadOnlyUserToRepl(replId: UUID, username: string) { return await graphQl('inviteReadOnly', { replId, username, }); } async function getReplByURL(url: string) { return await graphQl('getReplData', { url, }); } async function getReadOnlyReplByURL(url: string) { return await graphQl('getReplDataReadOnly', { url, }); } async function tipCycles( amount: string | number, id: string | number, isTheme = false ) { id = id.toString(); // TODO: make id type UUID return await graphQl('tipCycles', { amount: amount.toString(), ...(isTheme ? { themeId: id, } : { replId: id }), }); } function capitalize(str: string) { const arr = str.split(''); for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (i == 0 || /[^\w']/.test(str[i - 1])) { arr[i] = str[i].toUpperCase(); } } return arr.join(''); } // Replit flags exports module.exports.flags = {}; function getFlags() { return ( __REPLIT_REDUX_STORE__?.getState()?.user?.userInfo?.gating || __NEXT_DATA__?.props.flags || [] ); } module.exports.flags.getAll = getFlags; function getFlag(flag: string) { return getFlags().find((f) => f.controlName == flag); } module.exports.flags.get = getFlag; function setFlag(flag: string, value: any) { const flagObj = getFlag(flag); if (flagObj) { flagObj.value = value; return true; } return false; } module.exports.flags.set = setFlag; function getXlFlagsElm(): HTMLElement { return document.querySelector('div#__next > div') || document.body; } function xlFlagToDataset(flag: string) { return `xlReplit${flag[0].toUpperCase()}${flag.substring(1)}`; } function getXlFlag(flag: string) { return getXlFlagsElm().dataset[xlFlagToDataset(flag)]; } function setXlFlag(flag: string, value: string) { getXlFlagsElm().dataset[xlFlagToDataset(flag)] = value; } function deleteXlFlag(flag: string) { delete getXlFlagsElm().dataset[xlFlagToDataset(flag)]; } function loadScript(src: string) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = src; s.onload = resolve; s.onerror = reject; document.head.appendChild(s); }); } function requirePromise(module: string[]) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { require(module, resolve); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); } function sendGovalMessage( channel: number, message: {}, response = false ): Promise<replitProtocol.Command | null> { if (!(govalWebSocket instanceof WebSocket && replitProtocol)) { throw new XLReplitError('Assertion failed', { govalWebSocketInstanceOfWebSocket: govalWebSocket instanceof WebSocket, replitProtocol: !!replitProtocol, }); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (govalWebSocket?.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) { const ref = 'xlreplit' + crypto.randomUUID().replace(/-/g, '').substring(0, 8); if (response) { govalWebSocketRefHandlers[ref] = (data) => { resolve(data); }; } govalWebSocket.send( replitProtocol.Command.encode( replitProtocol.Command.create({ channel, ref, ...message, }) ).finish() ); if (!response) { resolve(null); } } else { reject('Goval WebSocket not open'); } }); } function decodeGovalMessage(message: Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer) { if (message instanceof ArrayBuffer) { message = new Uint8Array(message); } if (!replitProtocol) { throw new XLReplitError('Assertion failed', { replitProtocol: !!replitProtocol, }); } return replitProtocol.Command.decode(message as Uint8Array); } async function openGovalChannel(service: string, name = '', action = 0) { const res = await sendGovalMessage( 0, { openChan: { service, name, action, }, }, true ); if (!res) { throw new XLReplitError('No response', res); } if (!res?.openChanRes) { throw new XLReplitError('No open channel response', res); } if (res?.openChanRes?.error) { throw new XLReplitError(res.openChanRes.error, res); } if (!res?.openChanRes?.id) { throw new XLReplitError('Open channel response with no ID', res); } xlGovalChannels[] = { openChanRes: res, }; return res as replitProtocol.Command & { openChanRes: replitProtocol.OpenChannelRes; }; } async function closeGovalChannel(id: number, action = 0) { const res = await sendGovalMessage( 0, { closeChan: { id, action, }, }, true ); if (!res?.closeChanRes) { throw new XLReplitError('No close channel response', res); } if ('error' in res?.closeChanRes) { throw new XLReplitError(res.closeChanRes.error as string, res); } delete xlGovalChannels[id]; return res; } function injectCustomTips(replId: UUID | number, isTheme = false) { const tipsCont = document.querySelector('div#tips'); const tipButtonsCont = tipsCont?.querySelector('div > div:nth-child(3)')?.parentElement || null; // If Repl can't be tipped if (!tipsCont || !tipButtonsCont || !tipButtonsCont.parentElement) { return false; } // Add classes for CSS tipButtonsCont.classList.add('xl-replit-tip-buttons-cont'); tipButtonsCont.parentElement.children[1].classList.add( 'xl-replit-tip-data-cont' ); // Add custom tip button const customTipBtn = document.createElement('button'); const customTipBtnEmoji = document.createElement('span'); const customTipBtnText = document.createElement('span'); customTipBtnEmoji.textContent = '\u{1F300}'; customTipBtnText.textContent = 'Custom'; = 'xl-replit-custom-tip-btn'; customTipBtn.appendChild(customTipBtnEmoji); customTipBtn.appendChild(customTipBtnText); tipButtonsCont.appendChild(customTipBtn); // Add custom tip popup const customTipPopupCont = document.createElement('div'); const customTipPopup = document.createElement('form'); const customTipPopupTitle = document.createElement('h2'); const customTipPopupInp = document.createElement('input'); const customTipPopupBtnsCont = document.createElement('div'); const customTipPopupCancel = document.createElement('button'); const customTipPopupSubmit = document.createElement('button'); = 'xl-replit-custom-tip-popup-cont'; = 'xl-replit-custom-tip-popup'; customTipPopupTitle.textContent = 'Custom Tip'; customTipPopupInp.placeholder = 'Amount of cycles...'; customTipPopupInp.type = 'number'; customTipPopupInp.min = '10'; // TODO: Implement tip splitting on server. See #43 customTipPopupInp.max = '1000'; customTipPopupInp.value = '10'; customTipPopupInp.required = true; customTipPopupCancel.textContent = 'Cancel'; customTipPopupCancel.type = 'button'; customTipPopupSubmit.textContent = 'Tip!'; customTipPopupSubmit.className = 'primary'; customTipPopupSubmit.type = 'submit'; customTipPopupBtnsCont.appendChild(customTipPopupCancel); customTipPopupBtnsCont.appendChild(customTipPopupSubmit); customTipPopup.appendChild(customTipPopupTitle); customTipPopup.appendChild(customTipPopupInp); customTipPopup.appendChild(customTipPopupBtnsCont); customTipPopupCont.appendChild(customTipPopup); document.body.appendChild(customTipPopupCont); // When custom tip is clicked customTipBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => { // Show custom tip popup customTipPopupCont.classList.add('show'); }); // When cancel button is clicked customTipPopupCancel.addEventListener('click', (e) => { // Close the popup customTipPopupCont.classList.remove('show'); }); // When the tip button is clicked customTipPopup.addEventListener('submit', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); // Disable buttons customTipPopupCancel.disabled = true; customTipPopupSubmit.disabled = true; // Send tip tipCycles(customTipPopupInp.valueAsNumber, replId, isTheme).then( (result) => { // Enable buttons customTipPopupCancel.disabled = false; customTipPopupSubmit.disabled = false; // Hide popup customTipPopupCont.classList.remove('show'); // Reload to update tip data next?.router.reload(); } ); }); return true; } function injectAccountSwitcher() { if (getXlFlag('accountSwitcher')) { return true; } if (!settings['account-switcher']) { return false; } setXlFlag('accountSwitcher', '1'); const themeSwitcherCont = document.querySelector( 'div:has(> :nth-child(2)) > :has(> div[data-cy="preferences-theme-dropdown"])' )?.parentElement; // TODO: Firefox doesn't support :has() yet if (themeSwitcherCont) { // Build account switcher const accountSwitcherIcon = document .querySelector('ul li a[href^="/teams"] svg') ?.cloneNode(true) as SVGElement | undefined; if (!accountSwitcherIcon) { return false; } const themeSwitcher = themeSwitcherCont.children[0]; const themeSwitcherBtnCont = themeSwitcher.children[0]; const themeSwitcherBtn = themeSwitcherBtnCont.querySelector('button')!; const accountSwitcherCont = document.createElement('div'); accountSwitcherCont.className = themeSwitcher.className; = 'xl-replit-account-switcher-cont'; const accountSwitcherBtnCont = document.createElement('div'); accountSwitcherBtnCont.className = themeSwitcherBtnCont.className; = 'xl-replit-account-switcher-icon'; const accountSwitcherBtn = document.createElement('select'); accountSwitcherBtn.className = themeSwitcherBtn.className; = 'xl-replit-account-switcher'; if (!usernames.length) { accountSwitcherBtn.disabled = true; } const accountSwitcherUsernames = usernames.length ? usernames : [username]; for (let i = 0; i < accountSwitcherUsernames.length; i++) { const accountOpt = document.createElement('option'); accountOpt.textContent = accountSwitcherUsernames[i]; accountOpt.value = i.toString(); accountOpt.selected = i == activeSid; accountSwitcherBtn.appendChild(accountOpt); } const accountSwitcherArrow = themeSwitcherBtnCont .querySelector('svg:nth-of-type(2)') ?.cloneNode(true) as SVGElement | undefined; accountSwitcherBtnCont.appendChild(accountSwitcherIcon); accountSwitcherBtnCont.appendChild(accountSwitcherBtn); if (accountSwitcherArrow) { = 'xl-replit-account-switcher-arrow'; accountSwitcherBtnCont.appendChild(accountSwitcherArrow); } accountSwitcherCont.appendChild(accountSwitcherBtnCont); themeSwitcherCont.insertBefore( accountSwitcherCont, themeSwitcher.nextSibling ); accountSwitcherBtn.addEventListener('input', () => { window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('xl-replit-change-active-sid', { detail: parseInt(accountSwitcherBtn.value), }) ); }); return true; } else { deleteXlFlag('accountSwitcher'); return false; } } function injectMonacoEditors() { if (!settings['monaco']) { return false; } if (typeof monaco == 'undefined') { throw new Error('Monaco is not defined'); } registerMonacoReplitTheme(); const cmEditors = document.getElementsByClassName( 'cm-editor' ) as HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLDivElement>; for (const cmEditor of Array.from(cmEditors)) { // Ignore if already injected if (cmEditor.dataset.xlMonacoInjected) { continue; } if (!cmEditor.parentElement?.parentElement) { continue; } // Get file path const filePath = /^workspace-cm-editor-(.+)$/i )?.[1] || null; // If no file path, ignore if (!filePath) { continue; } // If file is loading, wait for it to load if (filePath == 'loading') { if (cmEditor.dataset.xlMonacoObserved) { continue; } console.debug('[XL] Waiting for CodeMirror pane to load'); const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { for (const mutation of mutations) { if ( mutation.type == 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName == 'data-cy' && instanceof HTMLElement && != 'workspace-cm-editor-loading' ) { injectMonacoEditors(); mutationObserver.disconnect(); delete cmEditor.dataset.xlMonacoObserved; return; } } }); mutationObserver.observe(cmEditor.parentElement.parentElement, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['data-cy'], }); // Prevent more observers from being created cmEditor.dataset.xlMonacoObserved = '1'; continue; } // Editor value const value = `Loading ${filePath} ...`; // Monaco model let monacoModel = null; try { monacoModel = monaco.editor.createModel( value, undefined, monaco.Uri.file(filePath) ); } catch (e) { console.warn(`[XL] Failed to create Monaco model for ${filePath}:`, e); continue; } // Remove CodeMirror editor cmEditor.textContent = ''; // Inject Monaco editor const monacoEditor = monaco.editor.create(cmEditor, { value, automaticLayout: true, }); monacoEditor.setModel(monacoModel); // Monaco Editor ID const editorId = monacoEditor.getId(); // Save editor file path xlMonacoEditors[editorId] = { filePath }; // Is .setValue() being called? let isSetValue = false; // Flush OTs timeout let flushOtsTimeout: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null = null; // Create OT channel openGovalChannel('ot', `ot-xl:${filePath}`, 2).then((res) => { xlMonacoEditors[editorId].otChannel =; // Link file sendGovalMessage(, { otLinkFile: { file: { path: filePath, }, }, }, true ).then((otLinkFileRes) => { if (!otLinkFileRes) { throw new XLReplitError('Failed to link file', editorId); } const contentsBin = otLinkFileRes?.otLinkFileResponse?.linkedFile?.content || null; const contentsStr = contentsBin ? new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(contentsBin) : null; if (contentsBin) { isSetValue = true; monacoEditor.setValue(contentsStr); isSetValue = false; } if (typeof otLinkFileRes?.otLinkFileResponse?.version == 'number') { xlMonacoEditors[editorId].version = otLinkFileRes.otLinkFileResponse.version; } }); // Listen to channel messages xlGovalChannels[].handler = (msg) => { console.debug('[XL] OT message received', msg); if (msg?.otstatus?.contents) { // monacoEditor.setValue(msg.otstatus.contents); } if (msg?.ot) { if (msg.ot.version) { xlMonacoEditors[editorId].version = msg.ot.version; } if (msg.ot.op instanceof Array) { if (msg.ot.userId != userId) { const { file: newVal } = applyOTs( monacoEditor.getValue(), msg.ot.op ); isSetValue = true; monacoEditor.setValue(newVal); isSetValue = false; } } } }; }); // On change monacoEditor.onDidChangeModelContent((e: any) => { // TODO: fix e type if (isSetValue) { return; } console.debug('[XL] Monaco editor changed', e); const ots = []; let cursor = 0; // Generate OTs from changes for (const change of e.changes) { if (change.rangeOffset != cursor) { ots.push({ skip: change.rangeOffset - cursor, }); } if (change.rangeLength) { ots.push({ delete: change.rangeLength, }); } if (change.text) { ots.push({ insert: change.text, }); } } console.debug('[XL] Monaco editor OTs:', ots); // Send OTs sendGovalMessage( // TODO: debounce this xlMonacoEditors[editorId].otChannel!, { ot: { spookyVersion: xlMonacoEditors[editorId].version, op: ots, }, }, true ).then((res) => { console.debug('[XL] Send OTs:', res); // Flush OTs if (flushOtsTimeout) { clearTimeout(flushOtsTimeout); } flushOtsTimeout = setTimeout(() => { console.debug('[XL] Flushing OTs'); sendGovalMessage(xlMonacoEditors[editorId].otChannel!, { flush: {}, }); }, 1000); }); }); // Add attribute to skip this in the future cmEditor.dataset.xlMonacoInjected = '1'; cmEditor.dataset.xlMonacoId = editorId; } // When WS disconnects, kill all editors govalWebSocket?.addEventListener('close', () => { const cmEditors = document.getElementsByClassName( 'cm-editor' ) as HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLDivElement>; for (const cmEditor of Array.from(cmEditors)) { delete cmEditor.dataset.xlMonacoInjected; } for (const editor of monaco?.editor.getEditors()) { editor.getModel().dispose(); editor.dispose(); } }); } module.exports.injectMonacoEditors = injectMonacoEditors; function registerMonacoReplitTheme() { if (typeof monaco == 'undefined') { throw new Error('Monaco is not defined'); } if (getXlFlag('monacoThemeRegistered')) { return; } const themeValues = findApolloState('ThemeVersion') as { values?: ReplitCustomThemeValues; } | null; const base = getCurrentThemeType() == 'light' ? 'vs' : 'vs-dark'; if (themeValues?.values) { const rules = => ({ token: rule.tags![0].name, ...Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(rule.values!).map(([k, v]) => { k = { color: 'foreground', }[k] || k; v = cssVarToValue(v as string) || v; if (k.endsWith('ground') && k.length == 10) { if ((v as string)[0] == '#') { v = (v as string).substring(1); } } return [k, v]; }) ), })); monaco.editor.defineTheme('replit', { base, rules, colors: { // text foreground 'editor.foreground':, // text background 'editor.background':, // text selection background // add 55 at the end for transparency 'editor.selectionBackground': `${}55`, }, }); monaco.editor.setTheme('replit'); } else { monaco.editor.setTheme(base); } setXlFlag('monacoThemeRegistered', '1'); } function cssVarToValue(css: string, elm: Element | null = null) { const m = css.trim().match(/^var\((.+?)\)$/); if (!m) { return null; } if (!elm) { elm = document.body || document.documentElement; } return getComputedStyle(elm).getPropertyValue(m[1]).trim(); } function getCurrentThemeType(): 'light' | 'dark' | null { const customTheme = findApolloState('CustomTheme'); if (customTheme) { return customTheme.colorScheme; } const backgroundRoot = parseInt( getComputedStyle(document.body) .getPropertyValue('--background-root') .substring(1), 16 ); if (typeof backgroundRoot != 'number' || isNaN(backgroundRoot)) { return null; } const threshold = 0xffffff / 2; if (backgroundRoot > threshold) { return 'light'; } return 'dark'; } function findApolloState(query: string | ((key: string) => boolean)) { if (!__NEXT_DATA__?.props?.apolloState) { return null; } if (typeof query == 'string') { const origQuery = query; query = (key) => { return key.startsWith(origQuery); }; } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(__NEXT_DATA__.props.apolloState)) { if (query(key)) { return value; } } return null; } module.exports.findApolloState = findApolloState; async function profilesPathFunction() { const profileUsername = next?.router?.state?.query?.username as string; // Prevent this from running twice const xlReplitPage = `profiles/${profileUsername}`; if (getXlFlag('page') == xlReplitPage) { return console.log( '[XL] XL Replit Profiles are already setup for this profile, ignoring call' ); } setXlFlag('page', xlReplitPage); console.log('[XL] Loading XL Replit profile for user', profileUsername); // Get profile user's data const profileUser = await getProfileUser(profileUsername, true); // Get XL data const xlUser = await getXLUserData(; // Get main account data const mainUserProfile = xlUser.main ? xlUser.main == ? profileUser : await getProfileUser(xlUser.main) : null; // Get alt accounts data const altUsersProfiles = xlUser.alts ? await (async () => { let arr = []; for (const altId of xlUser.alts) { arr.push(await getProfileUser(altId)); } return arr; })() : null; // Make sure user didn't navigate elsewhere while loading data if (next?.router?.state?.route != '/profile') { return; } // Delete old injections document .querySelectorAll('#xl-replit-profile') .forEach((elm) => elm.remove()); // Load DOM const pfpUrl = ( document.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]') as HTMLMetaElement ).content; const pfpCont = document.querySelector('main div img[src^="data:image"]')! .parentElement!; // TODO: don't use !, use an if const cont = document.querySelector( 'main > div:last-of-type > div' ) as HTMLDivElement; const socialMediasDiv = cont.children[2] as HTMLElement; // Inject HTML '--replit-profile-size', `${cont.clientWidth}px` ); const pfpSaveBtn = document.createElement('a'); = 'xl-replit-profile-pfp-save'; pfpSaveBtn.textContent = 'Download'; pfpSaveBtn.role = 'button'; pfpSaveBtn.tabIndex = 0; pfpSaveBtn.href = pfpUrl; = `${profileUsername}-pfp.png`; = '_blank'; pfpCont.appendChild(pfpSaveBtn); const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'xl-replit-profile'; div.className = socialMediasDiv?.className || ''; if (socialMediasDiv) = '0px'; const items: { [key: string]: { link?: string | null; value?: string | boolean | null; icon?: string; capitalize?: boolean; flag?: boolean; }; } = { Discord: { value: xlUser.discord?.join(', '), icon: 'discord.png', }, Email: { link: xlUser.emails?.length ? `mailto:${xlUser.emails[0]}` : null, value: xlUser.emails?.join(', '), icon: 'email.png', }, ID: { value:, icon: 'id.png', }, 'Favorite food': { value: xlUser.favoriteFood, capitalize: true, icon: 'favoriteFood.png', }, Birthday: { value: xlUser.bday, icon: 'cake.png', }, IP: { link: `http://${xlUser.ip}`, value: xlUser.ip, icon: 'ip.png', }, Browser: { value: xlUser.browser, icon: 'firefox.png', capitalize: true, }, OS: { value: xlUser.os, icon: 'macos.png', capitalize: true, }, 'Alt account': { flag: true, value: !!mainUserProfile, }, 'Main account': { link: mainUserProfile ? `${mainUserProfile.url}` : 'javascript:;', value: mainUserProfile ? mainUserProfile.username : profileUser.username, }, 'Alt accounts': { value: altUsersProfiles?.map((p) => p.username).join(', ') || null, }, }; for (const item of Object.entries(items)) { // Ignore empty values if (!item[1].value) { continue; } // Ignore false flags if (item[1].flag && !item[1].value) { continue; } const a = document.createElement(item[1].link ? 'a' : 'button'); let img = null; // Capitalize if (item[1].capitalize && typeof item[1].value == 'string') { item[1].value = capitalize(item[1].value); } a.dataset.value = item[1].value.toString(); if (item[1].icon) { // Add icon img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = `${XL_REPLIT_EXTENSION_URL}/public/assets/${item[1].icon}`; img.className = 'xl-replit-profile-item-icon'; a.appendChild(img); // Add value const textNode = document.createTextNode(item[1].value.toString()); a.appendChild(textNode); } else if (item[1].flag && item[1].value) { a.textContent = item[0]; } else { a.textContent = `${item[0]}: ${item[1].value}`; } a.className = 'xl-replit-profile-item'; if (item[1].link && a instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) { a.href = item[1].link; } else if (!item[1].flag) { a.classList.add('xl-replit-profile-item-copy'); } div.appendChild(a); } cont.appendChild(div); } async function replsPathFunction() { const m = (next?.router?.state?.query?.replUrl as string | undefined)?.match( replUrlRegex ) || null; let replSlug = m?.[2] || null; // Prevent this from running twice const xlReplitPage = `repls/${replSlug}`; if (getXlFlag('page') == xlReplitPage) { return console.log( '[XL] XL Replit Repl already ran on this Repl, ignoring call' ); } setXlFlag('page', xlReplitPage); console.log('[XL] Loading XL Replit data for Repl', replSlug); // Enable debug if (settings['auto-debug'] && next?.router?.state?.query) { next.router.state.query.debug = true; } // Large cursor if (settings['large-cursor']) { setXlFlag('largeCursor', '1'); } // Load libs require.config({ paths: { vs: `${XL_REPLIT_EXTENSION_URL}/public/vs`, }, }); // Load OT utils await loadScript(`${XL_REPLIT_EXTENSION_URL}/ot.js`); // Layout container const layoutContainer = document.querySelector('main header ~ div'); // Monaco Editor if (settings['monaco']) { console.debug('[XL] Loading Monaco Editor'); await requirePromise(['vs/editor/editor.main']); console.debug('[XL] Monaco Editor loaded'); injectMonacoEditors(); // Dispose editors when a pane is closed if (layoutContainer) { const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { let shouldCheckUnusedEditors = false; for (const mutation of mutations) { if (mutation.removedNodes.length) { shouldCheckUnusedEditors = true; break; } } if (shouldCheckUnusedEditors) { for (const editor of monaco?.editor.getEditors()) { const editorId = editor.getId(); // Search for the editor ID in the DOM const editorElm = layoutContainer.querySelector( `[data-xl-monaco-id="${editorId}"] .monaco-editor` ) || null; if (!editorElm) { console.debug( `[XL] Disposing unused Monaco Editor for file`, xlMonacoEditors[editorId].filePath ); editor.getModel().dispose(); editor.dispose(); delete xlMonacoEditors[editorId]; } } } }); mutationObserver.observe(layoutContainer, { childList: true, }); } } // Load Repl data const repl = await getReplByURL(window.location.pathname); const replId: UUID =; replSlug =; const runBtn = document.querySelector( 'main#main-content header [data-cy="ws-run-btn"] button' ); const inviteBtnSelector = 'main#main-content header > div:last-of-type div button'; let inviteForm: HTMLFormElement | null = null; let inviteFormInp: HTMLInputElement | null = null; let inviteFormBtn: HTMLDivElement | null = null; let inviteFormCloseBtn: HTMLButtonElement | null = null; // Tools container const toolsCont = document.querySelector('div[role=toolbar] button[draggable]') ?.parentElement || null; if (toolsCont) { toolsCont.addEventListener( 'click', ( e: MouseEvent & { target?: EventTarget | HTMLElement | null; } ) => { console.log(; if (!( instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } if ( == 'BUTTON') { const toolName =; if (toolName) { console.debug('[XL] Clicked on tool:', toolName); } } } ); } else { console.warn('[XL] Could not find tools container'); } document.addEventListener( 'click', ( e: MouseEvent & { target?: EventTarget | HTMLElement | null; } ) => { // Reinject Monaco editors, Justin Case injectMonacoEditors(); // Inject read-only invite option when invite form is opened if (!( && 'matches' in return; if (!`${inviteBtnSelector}, ${inviteBtnSelector} *`)) return; setTimeout(() => { console.log('[XL] Injecting read-only invite option'); inviteForm = document.querySelector('form'); if (!inviteForm) { return; } inviteFormInp = inviteForm.querySelector('input') || null; inviteFormBtn = (inviteForm.querySelector('div > button[type=submit]') ?.parentElement as HTMLDivElement | null) || null; inviteFormCloseBtn = document.querySelector( 'div[class*=Modal] div[class*=Modal] div.close-control button' ); = '1fr auto auto'; const readOnlySelect = document.createElement('select'); const readOnlySelectReadWriteOpt = document.createElement('option'); const readOnlySelectReadOnlyOpt = document.createElement('option'); = 'xl-replit-invite-mode-select'; readOnlySelectReadWriteOpt.textContent = 'Read and write'; readOnlySelectReadWriteOpt.value = 'rw'; readOnlySelectReadOnlyOpt.textContent = 'Read only'; readOnlySelectReadOnlyOpt.value = 'r'; readOnlySelect.appendChild(readOnlySelectReadWriteOpt); readOnlySelect.appendChild(readOnlySelectReadOnlyOpt); inviteForm.insertBefore(readOnlySelect, inviteFormBtn); // Disable read-only if no SID provided if (!hasSid) { readOnlySelectReadOnlyOpt.disabled = true; readOnlySelect.title = 'Read only is disabled as you have not provided your Replit SID to the extension. To use this feature, open the extension popup and paste your Replit SID in there.'; } // Prevent default invite action if read-only inviteFormBtn?.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const mode = readOnlySelect.value; // Handle read-only invites ourselves if (mode == 'r' && inviteFormInp?.value) { e.preventDefault(); inviteReadOnlyUserToRepl(replId, inviteFormInp.value).then( (data) => { console.debug('[XL] Invited user as read-only to Repl:', data); } ); } }); }, 1000); } ); injectMonacoEditors(); } async function replSpotlightPathFunction() { const m = (next?.router?.state?.query?.replUrl as string).match(replUrlRegex); if (!m) { return; } let replSlug = m[2]; // Prevent this from running twice const xlReplitPage = `replSpotlight/${replSlug}`; if (getXlFlag('page') == xlReplitPage) { return console.log( '[XL] XL Replit Repl Spotlight already ran on this Repl, ignoring call' ); } setXlFlag('page', xlReplitPage); // Load read-only Repl data const repl = (await getReadOnlyReplByURL(m[0])).data.repl; replSlug = repl.slug; injectCustomTips(; } async function themePathFunction() { const themeId = next?.router?.state?.query?.themeId as number; // Prevent this from running twice const xlReplitPage = `theme/${themeId}`; if (getXlFlag('page') == xlReplitPage) { return console.log( '[XL] XL Replit theme already ran on this Repl, ignoring call' ); } setXlFlag('page', xlReplitPage); injectCustomTips(themeId, true); } async function termsPathFunction() { // Prevent this from running twice const xlReplitPage = 'terms'; if (getXlFlag('page') == xlReplitPage) { return console.log( '[XL] XL Replit Terms of Service already ran, ignoring call' ); } setXlFlag('page', xlReplitPage); // Get main content container const cont = document.querySelector('main .content'); if (!cont) { return; } // Inject ToS;DR badge const tosdrBadgeImg = new Image(); tosdrBadgeImg.src = `${TOSDR_SERVICE_ID}.svg`; tosdrBadgeImg.alt = "Terms of Service; Didn't Read"; tosdrBadgeImg.title = "Terms of Service; Didn't Read"; const tosdrBadgeLink = document.createElement('a'); tosdrBadgeLink.href = `${TOSDR_SERVICE_ID}`; = '_blank'; tosdrBadgeLink.rel = 'noopener noreferrer'; = 'xl-tosdr-badge'; tosdrBadgeLink.appendChild(tosdrBadgeImg); cont.prepend(tosdrBadgeLink); } async function main() { const path = window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash; console.debug('[XL] Running main'); // Get current user ID userId = findApolloState('CurrentUser')?.id || userId; module.exports.userId = userId; // Load RequireJS if (!hasLoadedRequireJS) { await loadScript(`${XL_REPLIT_EXTENSION_URL}/public/require.js`); hasLoadedRequireJS = true; } // Inject account switcher injectAccountSwitcher(); switch (next?.router?.state?.route) { case '/profile': return profilesPathFunction(); case '/replEnvironmentDesktop': return replsPathFunction(); case '/replView': return replSpotlightPathFunction(); case '/themes/theme': return themePathFunction(); case '/terms': case '/site/terms': return termsPathFunction(); } } window.addEventListener('load', (e) => { console.debug('[XL] Load fired'); main(); }); window.addEventListener('locationchange', (e) => { console.debug('[XL] LocationChange fired'); main(); }); // When item is clicked document.addEventListener( 'click', ( e: MouseEvent & { target?: EventTarget | HTMLElement | null; } ) => { if ( && 'classList' in { if ('xl-replit-profile-item-copy') && ) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(; } } } ); // Modify flags (async () => { // If no Next, ignore if (noNextUrls.test(window.location.pathname + { console.debug("[XL] This page doesn't use Next"); return; } // Wait for Next to load while (!('next' in globalThis)) {} // Set flags next!.router.push(`#${SET_FLAGS_HASH}`); if (settings['old-cover-page']) { setFlag('flag-new-cover-page', false); } if (settings['nix-modules-tool']) { setFlag('flag-nix-modules-tool', true); } if (settings['extensions-beta']) { setFlag('flag-extensions', true); setFlag('flag-extension-creator', true); setFlag('flag-iframe-extensions', true); setFlag('flag-user-extensions', true); // Note that this no longer works. To use // extension DevTools, use the .replit file setFlag('flag-extension-devtools', true); } if (settings['ssh-tool']) { setFlag('flag-series-of-tubes', true); } if (settings['disable-github-import']) { setFlag('flag-disable-github-import', true); } next!.router.back(); // Listen for location changes // TODO: handle client-side router onLoad const nextRouterPush = next!.router.push; next!.router.push = function () { const realUrlToNavigate = arguments[arguments.length - 1]?.pathname || arguments[1] || null; // TODO: don't use last argument, find argument index console.debug( '[XL] Intercepted Next Router push:', this.state, realUrlToNavigate ); if (settings['force-ssr']) { window.location.assign(realUrlToNavigate); return {}; } else { const val = nextRouterPush.bind(this)(...arguments); main(); return val; } }; })().then(() => { console.debug('[XL] Set flags'); });