lagadic / demo_pioneer

A set of demos using a Pioneer robot and based on ViSP
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Vrep demo not working #2

Closed xepost closed 8 years ago

xepost commented 10 years ago

Hi, I installed vrep_ros_bridge,using this link. and installed demo_pioneer. When I try to run it with Vrep I receive by using this command

roslaunch demo_pioneer demo-visual-servo-pioneer-simulation.launch

I get and error saying that demo-visual-servo-pioneer-simulation.launch does not exist. That file does not exist in both on my folder location and the github rep.

I am able to run real pioneer using roslaunch demo_pioneer pioneer-teleop.launch and vrep_ros_bridge installation loads and initializes successfully at vrep startup.

I can load Pioneer_p3dxMOD2.ttt file but the camera model does not render. I would be glad if you can help me on running this demo on vrep.

Are you planning to publish codes for "Control of Robots in V-REP via Matlab/Simulink and ROS" ?

My system is Ubuntu 12.04.03x64 using Ros Hydro and V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_1_2_64. Thanks for the helping out.

jokla commented 10 years ago


Thanks for your post. Yes, it is true. I didn't merge the last changes in the main repository. If you pull the repository now you should find the file demo-visual-servo-pioneer-simulation.launch (and the demo_pioneer will receive the camera parameters generate by V-REP automatically ).

About the camera: Just to be sure, remember to launch roscore before starting V-REP.

1) When you launch V-REP do you see in the console the CameraHandler?

Available ObjectHandlers: CameraHandler ....

2) Run the simulation, open a terminal, digit $ rostopic list

You should see:

/cmd_vel /rosout /rosout_agg /tf /vrep/Pioneer_p3dx/jointCommand /vrep/Pioneer_p3dx/jointStatus /vrep/camera_info /vrep/image_rect /vrep/image_rect/Camerainfo /vrep/image_rect/compressed /vrep/image_rect/compressed/parameter_descriptions /vrep/image_rect/compressed/parameter_updates /vrep/image_rect/compressedDepth /vrep/image_rect/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions /vrep/image_rect/compressedDepth/parameter_updates /vrep/image_rect/theora /vrep/image_rect/theora/parameter_descriptions /vrep/image_rect/theora/parameter_updates /vrep/info

You can check if the camera is working launching:

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/vrep/image_rect

About the bridge Matlab/Simulink we would like to publish the code. I will let you know when it will be available.

Let me know if your problem is solved,

Best Regards,


inkyusa commented 9 years ago

Hello, thank you for the excellent works. I tried to run the visual servoing demo simulation program (demo-visual-servo-pioneer-simulation.launch), but the pioneer in VREP keeps turning right after approaching the QR code.

I did the followings and ViSP installation.

All other things such as vrep_ros_bridge, ViSP, and VREP look working since I can see the QR code tracking window with the title "visp_auto_tracker debug display" and image streaming from VREP using image_view.

I did the following steps:

  1. run roscore
  2. start VREP (All handlers are loaded)
  3. load Pioneer_p3dxMOD2.ttt into VREP.
  4. launch script "demo-visual-servo-pioneer-simulation.launch"
  5. run VREP and my little red guy always turns right.

Here are my versions of software packages. ROS: Indigo (roscpp version: 1.11.10) VREP: 3.2.0(rev.6) 64bit demo_pioneers: git clone (branch: master) vrep_ros_bridge: (branch: indigo-devel)

If you need more information, please let me know. Cheers,

jokla commented 9 years ago

Hi enddl22,

Thank you for the feedback and the detailed explanation.

We changed the orientation of the camera frame in the plugin but the scene Pioneer_p3dxMOD2.ttt was not updated. I pushed the new good version of the scene some minutes ago in vrep_ros_bridge. Basically I just rotated the camera around the z axes about 180 degree.

Now it should works, let me know,



inkyusa commented 9 years ago

Awesome, it works like charm. Thanks.