Open OrHirshfeldFFR opened 6 years ago
When i send data and ask Hand2Eye Calibrator to compute it return just the first matrices Also i saw that the same happen when you use Client example
is calibrator is just an example? can i use as is for computing my eye2hand transfrom?
im conducting an expriment when i only move in Z direction and i p
I place an object on the end of the arm and i recodring with camera from the base
my data as wrriten in record file (Arm data acuired from encoders, Obj Data Aqcuired from Camera):
XArm YArm ZArm RXArm RYArm RZArm XObj YObj Zobj RXObj RYObj RObj 0 1 0.050 0 0 0 0.0219116 -0.00346060 0.183634 0.02077090 3.09210 -0.00843524 0 1 0.100 0 0 0 0.0223035 -0.00149662 0.233661 0.02169330 3.09055 -0.01862820 0 1 0.150 0 0 0 0.0228440 4.04948E-05 0.283102 0.02165850 3.06555 -0.02642330 0 1 0.200 0 0 0 0.0233103 0.001705890 0.333236 0.02033780 3.07090 -0.03269140 0 1 0.250 0 0 0 0.0239772 0.003746710 0.383682 0.02088440 3.07675 -0.03525030 0 1 0.300 0 0 0 0.0245928 0.005414250 0.433303 0.01893250 3.06094 -0.04659980 0 1 0.350 0 0 0 0.0254822 0.007065170 0.483543 0.01902080 3.06146 -0.02645310 0 1 0.400 0 0 0 0.0262967 0.008849140 0.534785 0.01721250 3.07937 -0.05460800 0 1 0.450 0 0 0 0.0267376 0.010349200 0.583546 0.01583760 3.04599 -0.05025220 0 1 0.500 0 0 0 0.0277891 0.012845000 0.633612 0.01212500 3.02253 -0.04751030 0 1 0.550 0 0 0 0.0283095 0.014789700 0.685370 0.00780469 3.06154 -0.02021860
I use ArUco to detect postion of the using ArUco_Test exectuable
In order to send data i modified client example to load data from file as following:
#include "client.h" #include <geometry_msgs/Transform.h> #include "visp_hand2eye_calibration/TransformArray.h" #include <visp_bridge/3dpose.h> #include "names.h" #include <visp/vpCalibration.h> #include <visp/vpExponentialMap.h> //read csv #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; namespace visp_hand2eye_calibration { Client::Client() { camera_object_publisher_ = n_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Transform> (visp_hand2eye_calibration::camera_object_topic, 1000); world_effector_publisher_ = n_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Transform> (visp_hand2eye_calibration::world_effector_topic, 1000); reset_service_ = n_.serviceClient<visp_hand2eye_calibration::reset> (visp_hand2eye_calibration::reset_service); compute_effector_camera_service_ = n_.serviceClient<visp_hand2eye_calibration::compute_effector_camera> ( visp_hand2eye_calibration::compute_effector_camera_service); compute_effector_camera_quick_service_ = n_.serviceClient<visp_hand2eye_calibration::compute_effector_camera_quick> ( visp_hand2eye_calibration::compute_effector_camera_quick_service); } void Client::initAndSimulate() { ROS_INFO("Waiting for topics..."); ros::Duration(1.).sleep(); while(!{ if(!ros::ok()) return; ros::Duration(1).sleep(); } // We want to calibrate the hand to eye extrinsic camera parameters from 6 couple of poses: cMo and wMe // Input: six couple of poses used as input in the calibration proces vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo; // eye (camera) to object transformation. The object frame is attached to the calibrartion grid vpHomogeneousMatrix wMe; // world to hand (end-effector) transformation // vpHomogeneousMatrix eMc; // hand (end-effector) to eye (camera) transformation // Initialize an eMc transformation used to produce the simulated input transformations cMo and wMe // vpTranslationVector etc(0.3, 0.06, 0.01); // vpThetaUVector erc; // erc[0] = vpMath::rad(30); // erc[1] = vpMath::rad(60); // erc[2] = vpMath::rad(90); // eMc.buildFrom(etc, erc); // ROS_INFO("1) GROUND TRUTH:"); // ROS_INFO_STREAM("hand to eye transformation: " <<std::endl<<visp_bridge::toGeometryMsgsTransform(eMc)<<std::endl); ifstream CalibFile("/home/calib_info.csv"); const int NumOfRow = 11; const int NumOfCol = 12; double CalibTextRow[NumOfCol]; string getcell; string::size_type sz; // needed for String to double conversion getline(CalibFile,getcell); // get rid of titles line //each line sent to processing for (int RowNum = 0; RowNum < NumOfRow; RowNum++) { for (int ColNum=0; ColNum < NumOfCol; ColNum++) { if (ColNum<NumOfCol-1){ getline(CalibFile, getcell, ' '); } else { getline(CalibFile, getcell, '\n'); //end of line } CalibTextRow[ColNum]= stod (getcell,&sz); // convert to double } //build poses matrix wMe.buildFrom(CalibTextRow[0], CalibTextRow[1], CalibTextRow[2], CalibTextRow[3], CalibTextRow[4], CalibTextRow[5]); cMo.buildFrom(CalibTextRow[6], CalibTextRow[7], CalibTextRow[8], CalibTextRow[9], CalibTextRow[10], CalibTextRow[11]); geometry_msgs::Transform pose_w_e; pose_w_e = visp_bridge::toGeometryMsgsTransform(wMe); ROS_INFO_STREAM(" world to hand transformation: " <<std::endl<<pose_w_e<<std::endl); geometry_msgs::Transform pose_c_o; pose_c_o = visp_bridge::toGeometryMsgsTransform(cMo); ROS_INFO_STREAM(" eye to object transformation: " <<std::endl<<pose_c_o<<std::endl); camera_object_publisher_.publish(pose_c_o); world_effector_publisher_.publish(pose_w_e); emc_quick_comm.request.camera_object.transforms.push_back(pose_c_o); emc_quick_comm.request.world_effector.transforms.push_back(pose_w_e); } ros::Duration(1.).sleep(); } void Client::computeUsingQuickService() { vpHomogeneousMatrix eMc; vpThetaUVector erc; ROS_INFO("2) QUICK SERVICE:"); if ( { ROS_INFO_STREAM("hand_camera: "<< std::endl << emc_quick_comm.response.effector_camera); } else { ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service"); } } void Client::computeFromTopicStream() { vpHomogeneousMatrix eMc; vpThetaUVector erc; ROS_INFO("3) TOPIC STREAM:"); if ( { ROS_INFO_STREAM("hand_camera: " << std::endl << emc_comm.response.effector_camera); } else { ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service"); } } } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * End: */ ` Or Hirshfeld Control SW Engineer
Sorry I miss identify the issue, now I notice that if I enter some info regarding the rotation of the arm I got back a matrix but it's seems completely off
When i send data and ask Hand2Eye Calibrator to compute it return just the first matrices Also i saw that the same happen when you use Client example
is calibrator is just an example? can i use as is for computing my eye2hand transfrom?
im conducting an expriment when i only move in Z direction and i p
I place an object on the end of the arm and i recodring with camera from the base
my data as wrriten in record file (Arm data acuired from encoders, Obj Data Aqcuired from Camera):
I use ArUco to detect postion of the using ArUco_Test exectuable
In order to send data i modified client example to load data from file as following: