The main application of the plugin is to provide a communication interface between V-Rep and (ROS). The aim is to control the V-Rep simulation externally using ROS messages and ROS services.
I just installed V-REP 3.2.1 and have the following warning that appears in a window when I try to test the plugin with vrep_ros_bridge/SceneVrep/Test.ttt
Compatibility issue with MAIN SCRIPT
Since V-REP 3.1.3, the functions simHandleChildScript and simHandleSensingChildScripts
were replaced with simHandleChildScripts (i.e. with an additional 's'), which
operates slightly differently. In addition to this, a new function was introduced that
handles threaded child scripts: simLaunchThreadedChildScripts. For that reason, V-REP
has automatically adjusted the customized main script. Make sure that everything
still works as expected.
Since simHandleChildScript and simHandleSensingChildScripts are not used in vrep_ros_bridge it sounds to me that this message could be ignored.
Yes you can ignore that. It is about the main script in LUA (You can find there the function simHandleChildScripts). In the new version they changed it.
I just installed V-REP 3.2.1 and have the following warning that appears in a window when I try to test the plugin with vrep_ros_bridge/SceneVrep/Test.ttt
Compatibility issue with MAIN SCRIPT Since V-REP 3.1.3, the functions simHandleChildScript and simHandleSensingChildScripts were replaced with simHandleChildScripts (i.e. with an additional 's'), which operates slightly differently. In addition to this, a new function was introduced that handles threaded child scripts: simLaunchThreadedChildScripts. For that reason, V-REP has automatically adjusted the customized main script. Make sure that everything still works as expected.
Since simHandleChildScript and simHandleSensingChildScripts are not used in vrep_ros_bridge it sounds to me that this message could be ignored.
Can you confirm ?