Closed Abduoit closed 7 years ago
I figured out I installed properly the v-rep with ROS Kinetic
The problem was I put file CATKIN_IGNORE
in wrong location. It should be in the /path/to/catkin_ws/src/vrep_ros_bridge/quadrotor_tk_handler
Would you please @jokla edit README and make it more clear, since I didn't understand it directly.
I am using ROS kinetic on ubuntu 16.04, I cloned everything and I did first catkin_make properly
The path in file
as followBut when I run
catkin_make --pkg vrep_ros_bridge --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
I get the following error any help please ????I also did
source ~/.bashrc
and open new terminal. I also deleted devel and build and I did catkin_make again, but facing the same following error.