lagom / lagom-samples
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gRPC examples: Why are .proto in `impl` and not `api`? #145

Open ryanhanks opened 4 years ago

ryanhanks commented 4 years ago

Do the samples currently demonstrate best practices around where .proto files should live?

The examples currently don't share a schema definition between the client and the implementing service. Why is that? Is this not something that we would expect to see in the api package, and then used by both the service making the client call and the service providing the handler?

octonato commented 4 years ago

You are right about it. This should be added to the api module. I think this was just an oversight.

Thanks for reporting this.

I added this issue to the backlog, but it can take sometime before someone can find time to pick it.

Would you be interested in sending a PR?

ignasi35 commented 4 years ago

Actually, I don't think that's supported at the moment. I thought we had a specific inssue in either lagom/lagom or playframework/play-grpc` (which includes lagom support for grpc) but I could only find (and related issues).