Open tomfanxiaojun opened 8 years ago
Hi @tomfanxiaojun 這個閃動的問題是效能的關係,我目前還不知道如何處理這個問題,但是我已經在研究了
Hi @tomfanxiaojun , The problem of fixed cell flash, is problem of performance, I don't know how to fix this now, but I'm studing to solve that.
So sorry
Thanks for your reply.i find a temp solution,i use the setTimeout to set the position value,
The freeze columns will show by animation.
Hi @tomfanxiaojun , Thanks for providing this workaround solution. Can you provide further information about how to modified the existing tableHeadFixer.js to fix column vibration problem? I cannot locate which line I need to modify by using animate as keyword to do search in tableHeadFixer.js Thank you.
@xqs121 , I don't think the issue is not fixed, but the solution which @tomfanxiaojun mentioned could be a awesome workaround for it.
奇怪的是,台式机、老式苹果笔记本在 chrome 上都不会出现这个问题,但是新款的笔记本会出现这个问题
@junyuo ,请问你得到解决办法了吗,我试了上面的方法并没有什么用啊
@lai32290 請問這個問題現在解決沒
@hithto 目前沒辦法,就我所知,目前的CSS無法支援這種效果,所以是用Javascript去運算的,導致會有一些效能問題
原因好像是因为高性能的机器上 scroll 事件触发的太频繁,不知道有没有办法解决
Hi,前辈, 我用了你这个插件来固定左侧列,但是IE和Mobile上滚动的时候,左侧列会闪动,前辈能帮忙看看是什么问题么?