laiguokun / LSTNet

MIT License
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Can those .sh run without gpu? #1

Closed waldstein1983 closed 5 years ago

waldstein1983 commented 6 years ago

Dear authors, I want to run it on cpu and remove "--gpu 3" from the .sh, but having following error: 16619.36172750017 number of parameters: 325871 begin training TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an index method, on File "/Users/baohuaw/PycharmProjects/LSTNet/models/", line 52, in forward s = c[:,:, self.skip:].contiguous(); Can you please help? Thx.

laiguokun commented 5 years ago

You can check this issue #2. I am not sure whether it is runnable or not on CPU. I never did that.
