laiguokun / LSTNet

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BUG #19

Open yaoslivy opened 2 years ago

yaoslivy commented 2 years ago

File "/media/yaoshuilin/common/run/LSTNet-master/models/", line 53, in forward s = s.view(batch_size, self.hidC,, self.skip); TypeError: view(): argument 'size' must be tuple of ints, but found element of type float at pos 3

ypwang61 commented 2 years ago

I meet the same problem as yours

shuqincao commented 2 years ago


Merisse commented 2 years ago

这个是说pt应该为int 而不是float 我的处理方式是float转化为int类型 ,但不知道这样处理对不对

tianyuzelin commented 2 years ago

you can see

RiekeZoe commented 1 year ago

you can see #16 Great, that solves it, thanks!