laika-labs / gitcoin-bounty

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[$1500] Exploring Laika Blockchain Lab #4

Closed nonkung51 closed 2 years ago

nonkung51 commented 2 years ago

Prize Title

Exploring Laika Blockchain Lab

Prize Bounty

$1,500: First 10: $30 each Next 20: $20 each Next 80: $10 for each submission.

Challenge Description


"Laika Blockchain Lab" - a request builder for Web 3.0 Laika is a Blockchain development tool that helps you request to smart contract without having the hassle to write a single line of code. As of now, Laika is in an early stage of development. And in need of feedback to further improve the application.


To participate in the challenge head to and perform this challenge [This Challenge is needed to be performed on Rinkeby Testnet] using Laika

  1. Calling to getApplicationForm() method from 0x1E82dB1E71F7Af2d76F5D1F7BdD27F8E6C337357 to get address of ApplicationForm contract [Hint: Don't forget to add one address field to return]

  2. Using address from (1) and call to register() method

  3. Calling to status() method and pass your address as a parameter

  4. Capture screenshots of the (3)

Leave some feedback at

Submission Requirements

Submission Deadline

21 Feb 2022 (Midnight EST)

Judging Criteria

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 1500.0 BUSD (1498.08 USD @ $1.0/BUSD) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 264 years, 8 months from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) franckro has started work.

As a developer, I would like to bring you some feedback to you.

Thanks for your work 2) 0xbirch has started work.

I have already gone through the steps in this ticket and have provided feedback at the URL listed 3) davidpius95 has started work.

Am a smart Contract Dev , I will explore the blockchain and give , detailed and technical feedback 4) nimapourjafar has started work.

Will give feedback and provide screenshots 5) divine572 has started work.

I would explore the laika codebase and olve the problems given with adequate feedback 6) liquid-glass has started work.

Explore Laika blockchain using the app 7) rshar95 has started work.

I would execute the steps mentioned in the solution and submit the delieverables. 8) unmesh28 has started work.

I am a beginner in Blockchain Development. Would love to explore what Laika is offering. 9) shr1ftyy has started work.

I will test the platform and provide feedback 10) orcx has started work.

I will complete all steps. I will explore all features in laikaapp. It seems like a RPC request tool. Just do it! 11) tchkvsky has started work.

I will explore the Laika Blockchain Lab and provide feeback. 12) omkarph has started work.

I've done all the steps and submitted feedback 13) soheil555 has started work.

I will go through the steps and will give feedback 14) edddevs has started work.


  1. Call getappicationForm
  2. Call register
  3. call status 15) harjaapdhillon16 has started work.

Exploring the laika blockchain 16) 321q has started work.

saya masuk ke github tadinya gak bisa, penasaran banget sampei akhirya bisa masuk, walaupun blum paham semuanya, trimakasih 17) stealzit has started work.

I'll do all the steps and provide good feedback 18) anhnt4288 has started work.

Exploring Laika Blockchain Lab and give feedback 19) ben-razor has started work.

Calling to getApplicationForm() method from 0x1E82dB1E71F7Af2d76F5D1F7BdD27F8E6C337357 to get address of ApplicationForm contract

Using address from (1) and call to register() method

Calling to status() method and pass your address as a parameter

Capture screenshots of the (3) 20) shashamousha has started work.

I would like to check the Laika Blockchain and fulfill the necessary steps of the description 21) deden86 has started work.

no need for initial steps, I will immediately explore the blockchain network laika 22) ankitzm has started work.

I would execute the given steps in the description and provide valuable feedback. 23) antony-ss has started work.

I will follow the instructions in the outline and provide some useful feedback as student who is just starting to get into blockchain development. 24) arsandov has started work.

The instructions to make are available at the bounty itself. 25) aegisaurora has started work.

I will follow the steps provided in the description. 26) snailthelazy has started work.

21/01/2022: get familiar with the interface. 22/01/2022: connect to the wallet and set the network to Rinkeby Testnet as specified, then follow the Solution section below to make screenshot and leave feedbacks. 27) drewhopkins has started work.

I will follow the instructions in the outline and provide some useful feedback as a beginner who is starting to get into blockchain development. 28) abaqai has started work.

I'm a student at UC Berkeley and have recently started diving deep into the blockchain. I'd love to explore Laika Blockchain Lab and get started on development. 29) zenithlel has started work.

I will complete as requested, i already finished the task 30) josephkoon has started work.

Laika looks rad - about to get started. 31) sksb2180 has started work.

Go through laila blockchain lab app and become familiar with it using snippets already provided and then complete the challenge 32) ardiferdiansah07 has started work.

try to test app with 3 function 33) cgewen has started work.

I will follow the challenge description 34) lolboysg has started work.

I am going to found out what os laika 35) chenbimo has started work.

I'll make the test and post the feedback. 36) zgayjjf has started work.

I will start to use Laika and submit the PR right now. 37) anchor198607 has started work.

I'll make the test and post the feedback. 38) ylona has started work.

Follow all steps specified in bounty 39) rohithandique has started work.

Testing out the app and following the required instructions thoroughly. 40) seikysh has started work.

I understand the task and can submit it already :) 41) efan006 has started work.

  1. open the link
  2. login in with my metamask on Rinkeby testnet
  3. run the steps of the challenge
  4. capture screenshots of every step
  5. submit my feedback 42) ali-akgul has started work.

My Work Plan

  1. Open
  2. Login in with my metamask on Rinkeby testnet
  3. Run the steps of the challenge
  4. Capture screenshots
  5. & Submit my feedback 43) lulworm has started work.

I'll follow the guidelines given in order not to deviate from task given 44) wp-lai has started work.

I'll use laika to finish this challenge 45) songpcnr has started work.

Try of Jupyter Notebook and capture screen result. 46) integer-underflow has started work. 47) pannavich has started work.

Follow the instructions and give feedback. I have played with Laika before. 48) sakuboyz has started work. 49) chatphongp has started work. 50) kinatoshi has started work.

Verygood very nice Verygood very nice Verygood very nice 51) greymatter2201 has started work.

Do the tasks provided listed under solution 52) electrone901 has started work.

I will try the app and provide helpful feedback~ 53) 4metaverse has started work.

I will go through the lab and submit my feedback 54) thnass has started work.

I'll begin by : Calling to getApplicationForm() method from 0x1E82dB1E71F7Af2d76F5D1F7BdD27F8E6C337357 to get address of ApplicationForm contract

Using address from (1) and call to register() method

Call status() method and pass my address as a parameter

I'll capture screenshots of the (3) steps

I'll Leave some feedback at 55) jemcash has started work.

With my experience in crypto development, i'll diligently execute the task given and provide feedback. 56) galekseev has started work.

I will follow the challenge description 57) october-9th has started work.

I will do it and provide feedback 58) siddharth-1698 has started work.

Hi there, I am a solidity developer. I am going to attend the given feedback program. My plan of action is 1:Go through 2:Call getApplicationForm method 3:copy the address from the response of the above method and use it in register and status method. 4:take screenshot and post the feedback 59) haasankrzn has started work.

I'll follow the steps given in the description and do the tasks accordingly 60) nelson-crouse has started work.

I'll try out the laika app and do the tasks given in bounty description and provide additional feedback on my experience. 61) ysjprojects has started work.

PR: hours worked: 1 62) bharathkinto has started work.

I will submit shortly. in this website, I will perform the suggested operations 63) pakistanecn1 has started work.

111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 64) ccya has started work.

To test the Laika tool to help provide better user experience 65) shijietopkek has started work.

I will explore Laika Blockchain Lab 66) chaitudapp has started work.

starting the work according to given instr. 67) midhun2002 has started work.

i am going to explore the lab and give the feedback at any places to improve as per my opinion 68) realcheapny has started work.

I will complete the Laika Blockchain Lab 69) coder4ever has started work.

I am determined to try this lab 70) nivedev has started work.

Signed up for Laika labs will be exploring the project as well as noting my feedback on notability 71) st4ng has started work.

I will take the steps provided in the description 72) junzhengca has started work.

I will follow the challenge instructions. 73) trickywinner has started work.

Review the site and share.

Make methods, test methods, screenshot, write. 74) vcidst has started work.

I've posted the feedback along with the required screenshot on this link, 75) 0xefrain has started work.

Sign up for Laika labs will be exploring the project test these and give me feedback 76) gitcoindev has started work.

I would like to perform the challenge and give feedback on Laika. 77) m3moli has started work.

I'll be reviewing the product mentioned in description and do the tasks necessary then submit my feedback 78) khushi24699 has started work.

Link : Hours : 1.5

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 1500.0 BUSD (1499.13 USD @ $1.0/BUSD) has been submitted by:

  1. @0xbirch
  2. @franckro
  3. @nimapourjafar
  4. @khafidprayoga
  5. @liquid-glass
  6. @shr1ftyy
  7. @rshar95
  8. @orcx
  9. @pondernick
  10. @omkarph
  11. @edddevs
  12. @soheil555
  13. @tchkvsky
  14. @321q
  15. @stealzit
  16. @jeremyzhang1
  17. @anhnt4288
  18. @ben-razor
  19. @shashamousha
  20. @caglarylmz
  21. @madu-rosh
  22. @antony-ss
  23. @arsandov
  24. @aegisaurora
  25. @drewhopkins
  26. @ankitzm
  27. @zenithlel
  28. @abaqai
  29. @josephkoon
  30. @sksb2180
  31. @paltryarrow7897
  32. @yafiabiyyu
  33. @ardiferdiansah07
  34. @cgewen
  35. @f-sidney
  36. @zgayjjf
  37. @anchor198607
  38. @ylona
  39. @lolboysg
  40. @rohithandique
  41. @seikysh
  42. @efan006
  43. @ali-akgul
  44. @lulworm
  45. @wp-lai
  46. @integer-underflow
  47. @sakuboyz
  48. @pannavich
  49. @chatphongp
  50. @greymatter2201
  51. @electrone901
  52. @4metaverse
  53. @thnass
  54. @jemcash
  55. @thor8636
  56. @galekseev
  57. @itssunny322
  58. @siddharth-1698
  59. @nshmadhani
  60. @haasankrzn
  61. @nelson-crouse
  62. @ysjprojects
  63. @bharathkinto
  64. @ccya
  65. @shijietopkek
  66. @ajansari95
  67. @zimengzhou1
  68. @ritikdhasmana
  69. @midhun2002
  70. @realcheapny
  71. @coder4ever
  72. @maxx6262
  73. @st4ng
  74. @junzhengca
  75. @trickywinner
  76. @vcidst
  77. @0xefrain
  78. @gitcoindev
  79. @m3moli
  80. @khushi24699

@nonkung51 please take a look at the submitted work:

OmkarPh commented 2 years ago

Hi @nonkung51 I've created a successful submission, but during that, I provided my BUSD for the BNB chain but later realised that it would have been better to provide BSC chain address. Please account for these details or ping me before sending any bounty amount :)

My BNB chain address (BEP2): bnb136ns6lfw4zs5hg4n85vdthaad7hq5m4gtkgf23
BNB memo: 410063489

My BSC chain address (BEP20): 0x0f20c3b03bac13b1a75c395eef6c2be5109e2234

Khushi24699 commented 2 years ago

Hi @nonkung51

Adding BEP2 address as well , do contact if you need clarification .


gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 1500.0 BUSD (1498.57 USD @ $1.0/BUSD) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @khushi24699.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 1500.0 BUSD (1498.57 USD @ $1.0/BUSD) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @khushi24699.